CalPhotos Plants: Common Names [O]   

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Last updated: Apr 24 2024

See also: Browse Thumbnail Photos of Plants

Oak - One-leaf

Oak (13)
Oak Creek Ragwort (4)
Oak Goosberry (13)
Oak Gooseberry (19)
Oak Leaved Nemophila (15)
Oak Mistletoe (42)
Oak Tree (1)
Oak Violet (29)
Oak Weed Algae (1)
Oak Woodland Sanicle (1)
Oak-leaved Goosefoot (1)
Oak-leaved Nemophila (1)
Oakland Hills Manzanita (8)
Oakland Mariposa Lily (28)
Oakland Star Tulip (10)
Oakland Star-tulip (28)
Oakland star-tulip (1)
Oakleaf Fleabane (1)
Oakleaf Hydrangea (11)
Oaks Toothwort (10)
Oakwood Prairie Clover (4)
Oakwoods Gooseberry (13)
Oakwoods Prairie Clover (2)
Oakwoods Violet (13)
Oar Weed (1)
Oatgrass (5)
Oats (5)
Oaxaca Passionflower (1)
Obedience (10)
Obedient Plant (12)
Obispo Indian Paintbrush (9)
Oblong Bluecurls (7)
Oblong-leaved Buckwheat (10)
Oblong-leaved Sundew (10)
Oblongleaf Bluebells (2)
Oblongleaf Stonecrop (15)
Obovate-leaved Sundew (3)
Obscure Morning Glory (1)
Obscure Paintbrush (1)
Observe Diaheliotropism. (1)
Observe Phototaxis (1)
Obtuse Buckthorn (1)
Obtuse Starwart (2)
Obtuse Starwort (5)
Obtuse Stellaria (5)
Oca (2)
Ocatillo (5)
Ocean Bluff Blue Grass (1)
Ocean Bluff Bluegrass (12)
Ocean Bluff Milk-vetch (2)
Ocean Bluff Milkvetch (17)
Ocean Milkvetch (7)
Ocean Spray (45)
Ocean-spray (5)
Oceanblue Larkspur (16)
Oceanblue morning-glory (1)
Oceanspray (61)
Ocellated Humboldt Lilly (13)
Ocellated Humboldt Lily (15)
Ocellated Lily (1)
Ockow (1)
Oconee Bells (1)
Ocora (1)
Ocotillo (306)
Ocotillo Macho (5)
Octopus Agave (9)
Octopus Bush (1)
Octopus Cactus (1)
Octopus Tree (3)
Odontostomum (2)
Odora (47)
Odorous Pig-salad (3)
Oeder's Lousewort (1)
Oettinger's Trillium (1)
Ogre Ear (5)
Oha (9)
Oha Kepau (12)
Oha Wai (11)
Ohai (15)
Ohe Mauka (3)
Ohe Naupaka (3)
Ohelo (8)
Ohelo 'ai (20)
Ohelo Ai (3)
Ohelo Kau Laau (8)
Ohi'a Lehua (21)
Ohia (1)
Ohia Lehua (12)
Ohio Buckeye (8)
Ohio Spiderwort (24)
Ohlone Manzanita (12)
Oil Mallee (1)
Oil Nestraw (8)
Ojai Bushmallow (63)
Ojai bushmallow (2)
Ojai Fritillary (31)
Ojai Missionbells (1)
Ojai Navarretia (3)
Ojo de Libre (3)
Ojo de Liebra (5)
Ojo de Liebre (22)
Ojo de Venado (1)
Ojo de Vibrora (1)
Ojo de Zanate (9)
Okie Bean (1)
Okinawa Pine (3)
Okra (21)
Old Han Schismus (10)
Old Man (1)
Old Man Banksia (4)
Old Man Cactus (16)
Old Man Flower (1)
Old Man In The Spring (6)
Old Man Of Spring (1)
Old Man of Spring (8)
Old Man of The Andes (1)
Old Man of The Mountain (3)
Old Man Prickly Pear (7)
Old Man Sage (3)
Old Man Saltbush (1)
Old Man Whiskers (2)
Old Man's Beard (48)
Old Man's Night Cap (7)
Old Man's Whiskers (63)
Old Man's Wiskers (13)
Old Man’s Beard (10)
Old World Forked-fern (1)
Old-field Cinquefoil (3)
Old-field Clover (6)
Old-field Cudweed (19)
Old-field Five-fingers (3)
Old-field Goldenrod (35)
Old-field Pine (5)
Old-field Three-awn (2)
Old-field Toadflax (12)
Old-field-balsam (19)
Old-man Cactus (1)
Old-man Prickly Pear (1)
Old-Man's Whiskers (5)
Old-man-in-the-Spring (2)
Old-man-in-the-spring (8)
Old-man-of-spring (3)
Old-man-of-the-mountain (6)
Old-stem Idahoa (3)
Oldfashioned Weigela (4)
Oldfield Clover (7)
Oldfield Foxgolve (1)
Oldfield Three-awn (7)
Oldfield Toadflax (6)
Oldfield's Starflower (1)
Oldfield-toadflax (6)
Oldplainsman (4)
Oldstem Idahoa (2)
Oldwoman (5)
Oldwood (4)
Oleander (31)
Oleander (seeds) (1)
Oleanderleaf Protea (3)
Oleaster (8)
Oligomeris (3)
Olive (35)
Olive Clover (3)
Olive Tree (18)
Olive-leaved Germander (7)
Olivillo (15)
Olmo de Montaña (2)
Olney's Hairy Sedge (10)
Olney's Three-square Bulrush (5)
Olomea (10)
Olopua (5)
Olotillo (13)
Olympic Bellflower (1)
Olympic Harebell (1)
Olympic Larkspur (8)
Olympic Mountain Larkspur (1)
Olympic Mountain Paintbrush (3)
Olympic Mountains Bluebell (1)
Olympic Mountains Paintbrush (1)
Olympic Onion (11)
Olympic onion (2)
Ombu (7)
Ombu Tree (1)
Omumbara (3)
Oncidium Cuerno-de-cabra (1)
Oncidium Trigrinum Orchid (1)
Oncostemon (2)
One Flowered Fringed Gentian (4)
One Flowered Wintergreen (3)
One Leaf Onion (8)
One Leaf Pinyon (1)
One Seed Juniper (1)
One Seeded Pussy Paws (2)
One Seeded Pussypaws (49)
One Sided Jewelflower (5)
One Sided Penstemon (4)
One Sided Wintergreen (6)
One-awn Spineflower (3)
One-awned Spineflower (6)
One-cone Club-moss (13)
One-cone Clubmoss (13)
One-flower Broom-rape (1)
One-flower Fringed Gentian (4)
One-flower Indian-pipe (8)
One-flowered Broomrape (27)
one-flowered clover (5)
One-flowered Fleabane (3)
One-flowered Fringed Gentian (13)
One-flowered Fringed-gentian (4)
One-flowered Gentian (3)
One-flowered Indian-pipe (22)
One-flowered Monotropa (1)
One-flowered Pyrola (9)
One-flowered Sclerolepis (1)
One-flowered Shinleaf (3)
One-flowered Wintergreen (11)
One-flowered/Hiker's Gentian (1)
One-glumed Hardgrass (1)
One-leaf Cape Tulip (3)

One-leaf - Oregon

One-leaf Foamflower (6)
One-leaf Onion (1)
One-leaf Pine (31)
One-leaved Foam-flower (2)
One-leaved Foamflower (2)
One-leaved Mariposa (1)
One-leaved Onion (2)
one-seed hawthorn (3)
One-seed Juniper (2)
One-seed Pussypaws (16)
One-seeded Pussy Paws (1)
One-seeded Pussypaws (8)
One-sided Aster (22)
One-sided Blue Grass (1)
One-sided Bluegrass (2)
One-sided Bottlebrush (1)
One-sided Jewelflower (19)
One-sided Penstemon (22)
One-sided Pyrola (3)
One-sided Threadplant (3)
One-sided Wintergreen (49)
One-sided-shinleaf (6)
One-Spiked Oatgrass (2)
One-spiked Oatgrass (7)
One-spot Violet (1)
Oneawn Spineflower (1)
Oneflower Broomrape (5)
Oneflower Fleabane (1)
Oneflower Fringed Gentian (18)
Oneflower Fringedgentian (2)
Oneflower Gentian (8)
Oneflower Helianthella (9)
Oneflower Honeycombhead (6)
Oneflower Wintergreen (3)
Oneflowered Broomrape (10)
Oneleaf Foamflower (15)
Oneleaf Onion (10)
Oneneedle Pinyon Pine (14)
Oneseed Juniper (4)
Oneseed Pussypaws (11)
Oneside Penstemon (4)
Oneside Wintergreen (4)
Onespike Danthonia (2)
Onespike Oatgrass (2)
Onion (19)
Onion Blanketflower (10)
Onion Garlic (12)
Onion Grass (2)
Onion Weed (17)
Oniongrass (1)
Onions (3)
Onionweed (25)
Ontario Aster (24)
Ontario Lobelia (5)
Onyx Flower (26)
Onyx Peak Bedstraw (9)
Onyxflower (18)
Ookow (17)
Open Lupine (1)
Operculum Visible (1)
Ophiocephala (4)
Ophrys (unknown Hybrid?) (3)
Opium Lettuce (3)
Opium Poppy (16)
Opo Long Gourd (8)
Opposite Leaved Tarweed (2)
Opposite-leaf Bahia (3)
Opposite-leaved Lewisia (9)
Opposite-leaved Tarweed (4)
Oppositeleaf Bitterroot (1)
Oppositeleaf Lewisia (22)
Oppositeleaf Russian Thistle (4)
Oppositeleaf Spotflower (7)
Oppositeleaved Tarweed (3)
Opuntia Cactus (5)
Opuntia Whipplei (5)
or Johnny-Tuck (1)
Orach (5)
Orache (1)
Oracle Oak (50)
Orange (7)
Orange Agoseris (54)
Orange Arnica (2)
Orange Ball Tree (3)
Orange Balsam (2)
Orange Bells (2)
Orange Bitters (1)
Orange Bush Monkeyflower (64)
Orange Caltrop (1)
Orange Clivia (2)
Orange Clock Vine (5)
Orange Clockvine (4)
Orange Collar Palm (1)
Orange Coneflower (4)
Orange Cotoneaster (3)
Orange Crustose Lichen (3)
Orange Day-lily (9)
Orange Daylily (10)
Orange Dwarf-dandelion (11)
Orange Flax (7)
Orange Flowered Menzies' Fiddleneck (10)
Orange Gingerlily (1)
Orange Gladiolus (3)
Orange Globemallow (1)
Orange Hawkweed (15)
Orange Honeysuckle (27)
Orange Iceplant (1)
Orange Jassamine (2)
Orange Jessamine (1)
Orange Jewelweed (14)
Orange Larkspur (4)
Orange Lily (11)
Orange Lupine (27)
Orange Milkweed (3)
Orange Milkwort (5)
Orange Mountain Dandelion (1)
Orange Mountain-dandelion (3)
Orange Mountaintrumpet (15)
Orange Paintbrush (1)
Orange Peel Fungus (1)
Orange Shrimp Plant (6)
Orange Sneeze Weed (2)
Orange Sneezeweed (12)
Orange Star (3)
Orange Star Flower (1)
Orange Stonecrop (1)
Orange Stringbean (7)
Orange Tree (2)
Orange Trumpet Vine (1)
Orange Wattle (5)
Orange Wedelia (4)
Orange Zexmenia (4)
Orange) (1)
Orange-flowered Agoseris (5)
Orange-flowered Menzies' Fiddleneck (3)
Orange-flowered Pea (1)
Orange-fruit Horse-gentian (18)
Orangeberry Nightshade (5)
Orangeflower Lupine (15)
Orchard Grass (36)
orchard grass (3)
Orchard Morning-glory (3)
Orchard Morningglory (1)
Orchard-grass (3)
Orchardgrass (20)
Orchid (226)
Orchid Cactus (29)
Orchid Cactus 'debra Courtright' (1)
Orchid Cactus 'gene Lund' (2)
Orchid Palm Grass (1)
Orchid Rockrose (3)
Orchid Tree (2)
Orchidaceae (4)
Orcut Aster (3)
Orcutt's Aster (41)
Orcutt's Bird's Beak (3)
Orcutt's Bird's-beak (2)
Orcutt's Bristleweed (3)
Orcutt's Brodiaea (34)
Orcutt's Deserttrumpets (1)
Orcutt's Dudleya (9)
Orcutt's Foxtail Cactus (4)
Orcutt's Indigo-bush (2)
Orcutt's Linanthus (7)
Orcutt's Liveforever (1)
Orcutt's Pincushion (4)
Orcutt's Quillwort (15)
Orcutt's Spineflower (36)
Orcutt's Woody Aster (4)
Orcutt's Woody-aster (15)
Orcutt's Woodyaster (6)
Orcutt's Yellow Pincushion (56)
Orcutt's Yellow Pincushion Intergrade (15)
Orcutts Bird's Beak (7)
Orcutts Woody-aster (2)
Orcutt’s Aster (3)
Orcutt’s Bristleweed (16)
Ord's Prairie Clover (8)
Ord's Prairieclover (4)
Oreganillo (4)
Oregano (11)
Oregano Cimmaron (6)
Oregnillo (1)
Oregon Alder (3)
Oregon Anemone (28)
Oregon Ash (40)
Oregon Aster (6)
Oregon beak moss (1)
Oregon Beaked Moss (3)
Oregon Bedstraw (8)
Oregon Bensoniella (3)
Oregon Bitter-root (14)
Oregon Bitterroot (68)
Oregon Bleeding Heart (10)
Oregon Boxleaf (2)
Oregon Boxwood (17)
Oregon Campion (1)
Oregon Catchfly (2)
Oregon Cedar (20)
Oregon Checker Mallow (6)
Oregon Checkerbloom (15)
Oregon Checkermallow (27)
Oregon Cliff Fern (30)
Oregon Clover (5)
Oregon coast ind.paintbrush (1)
Oregon Coast Paintbrush (16)
Oregon Coltsfoot (9)
Oregon Crab Apple (5)
Oregon Crab-apple (2)
Oregon Crabapple (4)
Oregon Crane’s-bill (5)
Oregon Eurhynchium Moss (4)
Oregon False Goldenaster (10)
Oregon Fawn Lily (13)
Oregon Fawn-lily (9)
Oregon Fetid Adder's Tongue (27)
Oregon Fetid Adders Tongue (3)
Oregon Fetid Adderx92s-tongue (6)

Oregon - Oyster

Oregon Fireweed (22)
Oregon Flag (3)
Oregon Gentian (9)
Oregon Geranium (14)
Oregon Golden-aster (3)
Oregon Goldenaster (3)
Oregon Goldthread (12)
Oregon Grape (45)
Oregon Gumplant (5)
Oregon Gumweed (42)
Oregon gumweed (1)
Oregon Indian Pink (1)
Oregon Iris (3)
Oregon Lily (36)
Oregon Lungwort (1)
Oregon Man-root (1)
Oregon Maple (5)
Oregon Morning Glory (1)
Oregon Myrtle (12)
Oregon Oak (32)
Oregon Oxalis (20)
Oregon Pea (1)
Oregon Pine (5)
Oregon Rock Cress (3)
Oregon Rockcress (11)
Oregon Saxifrage (28)
Oregon Sedge (7)
Oregon Sidalcea (1)
Oregon Silene (3)
Oregon Sorrel (2)
Oregon Spicy Wintergreen (2)
Oregon Spike-moss (8)
Oregon Spikemoss (4)
Oregon Stonecrop (3)
Oregon Sunshine (35)
Oregon Timwort (11)
Oregon Trout-lily (9)
Oregon Violet (20)
Oregon Western Rosinweed (10)
Oregon White Oak (25)
Oregon White-top Aster (8)
Oregon White-topped Aster (19)
Oregon Whitetop Aster (32)
Oregon Willowherb (1)
Oregon Windflower (3)
Oregon Wood-sorrel (2)
Oregon Woodsia (26)
Oregon Woolly Marbles (3)
Oregon Woollyheads (3)
Oregon Yampah (10)
Oregon's Sidalcea (8)
Oregon-grape (13)
Oregon-myrtle (3)
Oregongrape (15)
Oreja De Liebre (1)
Oreja de Liebre (5)
Oreja de Perro (2)
Oreopolo (6)
Organ Mountain Blazingstar (1)
Organ Mountain Larkspur (15)
Organ Mountain Rockdaisy (5)
Organ Pipe (1)
Organ Pipe Cactus (17)
Organ-pipe cactus (2)
Organillo Viejo (3)
Organo (3)
Órgano Aterciopelado (1)
Órgano-pequeño Copa De Vino (12)
Órgano-pequeño Copa de Vino (8)
Órgano-pequeño de Espinas Escarlatas (2)
Órgano-pequeño de Nuevo México (2)
Órgano-pequeño Fresa (24)
Órgano-pequeño Sanjuanero (1)
Organpipe Cactus (20)
Organpipe cactus (1)
Oriental Arborvitae (6)
Oriental Beach (1)
Oriental False Hawkbeard (2)
Oriental False Hawksbeard (5)
Oriental Mustard (3)
Oriental Ostrich Fern (3)
Oriental paperbush (1)
Oriental Poppy (10)
Oriental Salsify (5)
Oriental Spruce (11)
Orizaba Piñon (5)
Orleans Iris (7)
Ornamental Crabapple Tree (4)
Ornamental Jewelweed (4)
Ornamental Kale (1)
Ornate Dalea (4)
Ornduff's Meadowfoam (23)
Orobanchaceae (2)
Orobus-seed Liverwort (34)
Orocopia Mountains Spurge (25)
Orocopia Sage (27)
Orogenia (5)
Orthocarpus (1)
Ortiga (5)
Ortiga Caballuna Blanca (4)
Osage Orange (28)
Osage Orange (fruit) (1)
Osage-Orange (3)
Osage-orange (4)
Osageorange (1)
Osha (5)
Oshima Cherry (6)
Osier (2)
Osmadenia (17)
Oso Berry (55)
Oso Berry (fruit) (1)
Oso Berry/indian Plum (1)
Oso Manzanita (28)
Osoberry (10)
Osterhout's Beardtongue (3)
Ostrich Fern (31)
Ostrich-plume Feather-moss (11)
Ostrichneck (2)
Oswego Tea (2)
Oswego-tea (23)
Ösztörüs Veronika (in Hungarian) (1)
Otatave (4)
Otay Ceanothus (4)
Otay Manzanita (17)
Otay Mesa Mint (8)
Otay Mesamint (5)
Otay Mountain Ceanothus (10)
Otay Mountain Hosackia (36)
Otay Mountain Lotus (37)
Otay Mtn. Deervetch (1)
Otay Mtn. Lotus (1)
Otay Tarplant (16)
Otay Tarweed (3)
Oteniqua Yellowwood (2)
Othake (21)
Ottley's Bird's-foot Trefoil (3)
Ottley's Lotus (6)
Our Lord's Candle (104)
Our Lord's Candle (seeds) (1)
Ouse Suto (5)
Outeniqua Yellowwood (19)
Outeniqua-yellowwood (1)
Outeniqwa Yellowwood (2)
Oval Leaf Billberry (4)
Oval Leaf Blueberry (4)
Oval Leaved Blueberry (4)
Oval Leaved Erigonium (2)
Oval-leaf Dwarf Evolvulus (2)
Oval-leaf Dwarf Morning-glory (7)
Oval-leaf Knotweed (2)
Oval-leaf Milkweed (5)
Oval-leaf Miterwort (7)
Oval-leaf Mitrewort (4)
Oval-leaf Salt Bush (2)
Oval-leaf Sedge (5)
Oval-leaved Bedstraw (1)
Oval-leaved Buckwheat (4)
Oval-leaved Creeping Buttercup (1)
Oval-leaved Eriogonum (1)
Oval-leaved Milkweed (5)
Oval-leaved Miterwort (4)
Oval-leaved Mitrewort (4)
Oval-leaved Snapdragon (14)
Oval-leaved Viburnum (23)
Ovaleaf Blueberry (3)
Ovalhead Sedge (5)
Ovalleaf Eriogonum (6)
Ovalleaf Knotweed (3)
Ovalleaf Sedge (5)
Ovateleaf Cacalia (5)
Ovateleaf Cliffbrake Fern (4)
Ovens Acacia (2)
Ovens Wattle (5)
Overberg Pincushion (2)
Overcup Oak (6)
Overleaf Pellia (7)
Overlooked Narrow-leaved Helleborine (7)
Owen's Peak Parsley (4)
Owens Peak Desertparsley (4)
Owens Valley Beardtongue (20)
Owens Valley Checkerbloom (11)
Owens Valley Mallow (4)
Owens Valley Mariposa Lily (11)
Owens Valley Morph (9)
Owens Valley Penstemon (24)
Owens Valley Sidalcea (17)
Owl Clover (31)
Owl's Claw (7)
Owl's Claws (8)
Owl's Clover (85)
Owl's-claws (18)
Owl's-clover (5)
Owlfruit Sedge (7)
Owls Clover (3)
Owlsclaws (22)
Owyhee Ivesia (1)
Owyhee Mudwort (25)
Ox Eye Daisy (2)
Ox-eye (20)
Ox-eye Daisy (53)
Ox-eye Sunflower (1)
Ox-tongue (3)
Oxalidaceae (1)
Oxalis (2)
Oxalis Rubra (2)
Oxe-eye Daisy (21)
Oxeye (14)
Oxeye Daisy (28)
Oxeye Sunflower (3)
Oxeye-daisy (10)
Oxeyedaisy (10)
Oxford Ragwort (5)
Oxlip (14)
Oxtongue Broomrape (2)
Oxytrope (1)
Oyama Magnolia (3)
Oyamel (3)
Oyster Plant (18)

Oysterleaf - Ozark

Oysterleaf (3)
Ozallaik (10)
Ozark Spiderwort (3)
Ozark Wakerobin (2)

CalPhotos is a project of BNHM   University of California, Berkeley

Questions and Comments
this page last updated: Apr 24, 2024