CalPhotos Plants: Common Names [E]   

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Last updated: Jul 25 2024

See also: Browse Thumbnail Photos of Plants

Eagel-claw - El

Eagel-claw Cactus (1)
Eagle Claws Cactus (2)
Eagle's Claw Cactus (2)
Eagle-claw Cactus (1)
Eagleclaw Cactus (4)
Ear Drops (8)
Ear-leaf Brickellbush (3)
Ear-shaped Wild-buckwheat (1)
Ear-shaped Wild-buckwheat) (1)
Eared Senna (4)
Earl's Chickweed (1)
Earle's Wooly Locoweed (barneby) (5)
Earleaf Fanpetals (2)
Earlimart Orach (4)
Earlimart Orache (15)
Early Anemone (3)
Early Azalea (1)
Early Blue (2)
Early Blue Violet (3)
Early Blueberry (4)
Early Bluetop Fleabane (2)
Early Buttercup (10)
Early Cinquefoil (5)
Early Dog-violet (5)
Early Figwort (7)
Early Golden Rod (4)
Early Goldenrod (3)
Early Harvest Brodiaea (6)
Early Horse-gentian (18)
Early Lousewort (2)
Early Low Blueberry (10)
Early Marsh Orchid (7)
Early Marsh-orchid (15)
Early Meadow Rue (3)
Early Meadow-rue (16)
Early Onion (32)
Early Purple Orchid (17)
Early Purple Vienna Kohlrabi (1)
Early Saxifrage (1)
Early Sedge (9)
Early Shaggytuft (11)
Early Spider Orchid (14)
Early Spider-orchid (8)
Early White Vienna Kohlrabi (1)
Early White-top Fleabane (3)
Early Wild Rose (9)
Early Winter Cress (1)
Early Wood-buttercup (7)
Early Woodbuttercup (2)
Early X Broad-leaved Marsh Orchid (1)
Early Yellowrocket (2)
Early-purple Orchid (8)
Earth Bodiaea (1)
Earth Brodiaea (6)
earth brodiaea (6)
Earth Loosestrife (7)
Earthsmoke Fumitory (2)
East African Yellowwood (1)
East Coast Dune Sunflower (3)
East Himalayan Fir (1)
East Indian Holly Fern (1)
East Indian Hygrophila (2)
Easter Bonnets (7)
Easter Daisy (2)
Easter Lily Cactus (8)
Easter Lily Vine (5)
Easter Orchid (3)
Eastern Arbovitae (2)
Eastern Baccharis (1)
Eastern Bastard Toadflax (4)
Eastern Bewildering Bushmallow (117)
Eastern Black Currant (9)
Eastern Black Raspberry (11)
Eastern Black Walnut (4)
Eastern Black-cap (11)
Eastern Bladdernut (1)
Eastern Bluestar (3)
Eastern Bottle-brush Grass (5)
Eastern Bottlebrush Grass (5)
Eastern Buttercup (7)
Eastern Cape Blue Cycad (3)
Eastern Cape Cycad (2)
Eastern Capy Cycad (1)
Eastern Choke-cherry (7)
Eastern Cinquefoil (2)
Eastern Columbine (4)
Eastern Cottonwood (4)
Eastern Daisy Fleabane (12)
Eastern Dogwood (4)
Eastern False Solomon's Seal (6)
Eastern False-rue-anemone (19)
Eastern Glandular Threadplant (2)
Eastern Hemlock (6)
Eastern Hop-hornbeam (13)
Eastern Hophornbeam (3)
Eastern Joe-pye Weed (1)
Eastern Joshua Tree (1)
Eastern Juniper (1)
Eastern Larch (25)
Eastern Leatherwood (9)
Eastern Marsh Fern (10)
Eastern Marsh Helleborine (2)
Eastern Mohave Buckwheat (1)
Eastern Mojave Buckwheat (66)
Eastern Mountain Maple (5)
Eastern Pasqueflower (2)
Eastern Poison Ivy (9)
Eastern Poison-ivy (1)
Eastern Prickly Gooseberry (11)
Eastern Prickly Pear (2)
Eastern Pricklypear (1)
Eastern Purple Coneflower (20)
Eastern Rabbit-tobacco (19)
Eastern Red Baneberry (14)
Eastern Red Bud (4)
Eastern Red Columbine (4)
Eastern Red-cedar (11)
Eastern Redbud (10)
Eastern Redbud Tree (2)
Eastern Redcedar (11)
Eastern Rocket (2)
Eastern Rosemallow (1)
Eastern Saxifrage (5)
Eastern Shooting-star (11)
Eastern Sierra Pennyroyal (3)
Eastern Skunk Cabbage (15)
Eastern Starflower (3)
Eastern Swamp Saxifrage (7)
Eastern Sweetshrub (2)
Eastern Teaberry (8)
Eastern Threadplant (10)
Eastern U.s. Arrowhead (2)
Eastern White Beardtongue (14)
Eastern White Cedar (3)
Eastern White Oak (7)
Eastern White Pine (36)
Eastern Whorled Milkweed (18)
Eastern Willow-herb (10)
Eastern Wintergreen (8)
Eastern Yellow Star-grass (10)
Eastwood Fescue (2)
Eastwood Manzanita (37)
Eastwood's Aricameria (3)
Eastwood's Baby Blue Eyes (9)
Eastwood's Baby Blue-eyes (1)
Eastwood's Baby-blue-eyes (2)
Eastwood's Bellflower (18)
Eastwood's Buckwheat (7)
Eastwood's Fiddleneck (38)
Eastwood's Fritillary (2)
Eastwood's Goldenbush (5)
Eastwood's Heathgoldenrod (3)
Eastwood's Larkspur (3)
Eastwood's Manzanita (16)
Eastwood's Monkey-flower (1)
Eastwood's Monkeyflower (1)
Eastwood's Nemophila (1)
Eastwood's Seaside Agoseris (8)
Eastwood's Willow (2)
Eastwood's Yellow Mock Aster (3)
Eastwood's yellow mock aster (1)
Eastwoodia (3)
Eaton Aster (3)
Eaton Firecracker (9)
Eaton Penstemon (5)
Eaton's Aster (25)
Eaton's Fleabane (15)
Eaton's Penstemon (29)
Eaton's Thistle (2)
Eaton’s Penstemon (2)
Ebolo (4)
Echeveria (1)
Echeveria 'fancy Ruffles' (2)
Echinacea (1)
Edelweiss (34)
Edemame (4)
Edging Lobelia (4)
Edible Banana (6)
Edible Fig (13)
Edible Pinyon Pine (1)
Edible Soy Beans (3)
Edible Thistle (6)
Edible Valerian (3)
Edible Walnut (2)
Edraianthus (11)
Edward's Nicollet (9)
Edwards Hole-in-the-sand Plant (3)
Edwards' Nicolletia (2)
Eel Grass (2)
Eel-grass (2)
Eelgrass (2)
Egeria (1)
Egg And Bacon Plant (2)
Egg Lake Monkey Flower (11)
Egg Lake Monkeyflower (27)
Egg Milkvetch (14)
Egg Plant (1)
Egg White Triphysaria (2)
Egg-leaf Fiddleleaf (2)
Eggbract Sedge (6)
Eggleaf Fiddleleaf (10)
Eggleaf Monkeyflower (6)
Eggleaf Spurge (48)
Eggleaf Twayblade (6)
Eggplant (17)
Eggs & Bacon (1)
Egyptian Autumn Crocus (1)
Egyptian Clover (5)
Egyptian Cotton (2)
Egyptian Grass (1)
Egyptian Kidney Bean (1)
Egyptian Rue (1)
Ehrharta (1)
Eightpetal Mountain-avens (6)
Einsele's Columbine (12)
Eisen's Phacelia (25)
Eisen's Scorpionweed (1)
Ejoton (11)
El Dorado Bedstraw (17)
El Dorado County Mule Ears (31)
El Dorado Morningglory (7)
El Dorado Mule Ears (2)
El Dorado Mule-ears (6)
El Paso Gilia (7)
El Perrito (2)

Elands - Epiphytic

Elands Sourfig (1)
Elbowbush (5)
Elcampane (3)
Elder (56)
Elder-flowered Orchid (58)
Elderberry (74)
Eldorado Larkspur (32)
Eldorado Manzanita (10)
Eldorado Wyethia (5)
Elecampane (3)
Elecampane Inula (7)
Elegant Bindweed (2)
Elegant Blazing Star (3)
Elegant Brodiaea (21)
Elegant Buckwheat (9)
Elegant C. (2)
Elegant Calicoflower (3)
Elegant Cat's Ear (3)
Elegant Clarkia (120)
Elegant Cluster-lily (2)
Elegant Clusterlily (17)
Elegant Downingia (3)
Elegant Fairy Fan (3)
Elegant Fairyfan (16)
Elegant Gayfeather (3)
Elegant Indian Paintbrush (3)
Elegant Jacobs Ladder (1)
Elegant Lupine (28)
Elegant Madia (35)
Elegant Mariposa (4)
Elegant Mariposa Lily (10)
Elegant Mexican Verbena (8)
Elegant Paintbrush (1)
Elegant Penstemon (1)
Elegant Piperia (22)
Elegant piperia (2)
Elegant Rein Orchid (19)
Elegant Rock Cress (15)
Elegant Rock-cress (4)
Elegant Rockcress (21)
Elegant Rockress (1)
Elegant Silverpuffs (5)
Elegant Star Tulip (2)
Elegant Tarweed (5)
Elegant Verbena (2)
Elegant Wild Buckwheat (8)
Elegant Witchweed (2)
Elegant Witchwood (1)
Elephant Bush (8)
Elephant Ear (11)
Elephant Fern (1)
Elephant Grass (7)
Elephant Head (9)
Elephant Head Amaranthus (1)
Elephant Head Lousewort (3)
Elephant Heads (39)
Elephant Snout (1)
Elephant Tree (132)
Elephant's Ear Fern (1)
Elephant's Food (3)
Elephant's Foot (5)
Elephant's foot (3)
Elephant's Foot Tree (1)
Elephant's Head (24)
Elephant's Heads (3)
Elephant's-Head (4)
Elephant-head Lousewort (9)
Elephant-head Lousewort. (1)
Elephant-root (4)
Elephanthead Lousewort (23)
Elephanttree (9)
Eleplant Tree (4)
Elfin Thyme (1)
Elk Clover (43)
Elk Sedge (27)
Elk Thistle (59)
Elk's Clover (4)
Elk-grass (2)
Elkclover (7)
Elkgrass (1)
Elkhorn Fern (3)
Elkhorns Clarkia (1)
Elko Rockcress (1)
Elks Clover / Spikenard (1)
Elkslip Marshmarigold (4)
Elkweed (77)
Ellington Curse (3)
Elliott Aster (4)
Elliptic Shinleaf (6)
Elliptical Buttercup (2)
Elm (1)
Elm-leaved Goldenrod (16)
Elmer Fescue (1)
Elmer's Blue-eyed Grass (2)
Elmer's Blue-eyed-grass (1)
Elmer's Cinquefoil (13)
Elmer's Clover (17)
Elmer's Dwarf Milk-vetch (1)
Elmer's Golden-eyed Grass (12)
Elmer's Goldeneyed Grass (3)
Elmer's Lupine (14)
Elmer's Yellow-eyed Grass (2)
Elmleaf Blackberry (5)
Elmleaf Goldenrod (16)
Elongated Valerian (8)
Embrert (1)
Emerald Unicorn Bushmallow (61)
Emersed Bur-reed (9)
Emory Crucifixion-thorn (1)
Emory Dalea (4)
Emory Indigobush (17)
Emory Milkvetch (10)
Emory Oak (1)
Emory Rock Daisy (1)
Emory Rock-daisy (3)
Emory Rockdaisy (17)
Emory's Baccharis (4)
Emory's Dalea (11)
Emory's Desert Mallow (32)
Emory's Desert-mallow (1)
Emory's Globemallow (34)
Emory's Indigo Bush (27)
Emory's Indigo-bush (2)
Emory's Indigobush (2)
Emory's Mimosa (6)
Emory's Oak (3)
Emory's Rock Daisy (6)
Emory's Rock-daisy (6)
Emory's Rockdaisy (24)
Emory's Rocklily (17)
Emperor's Candlesticks (1)
Empress Tree (5)
Encelia (5)
Enchanter's Nightshade (17)
Enchanter's-nightshade (4)
Encina (14)
Encina Live Oak (3)
Encinilla (4)
Encinitas Baccharis (69)
Encino (9)
Encino Arroyero (15)
Encino Colorado (4)
Encino Prieto (3)
Encino Roble (3)
Encyclia Orchid (1)
Endbeak Pencilflower (10)
Endive Daisy (10)
Endive Pellia (5)
Endlich's Globemallow (2)
Enebro de Sombra (3)
Enebro Triste (19)
Engelman Aster (4)
Engelman Oak (2)
Engelmann Daisy (3)
Engelmann Fleabane (3)
Engelmann Hedgehog (24)
Engelmann Hedgehog Cactus (12)
Engelmann Oak (38)
Engelmann Prickly Pear (7)
Engelmann Pricklypear (8)
Engelmann Spruce (39)
Engelmann's Aster (4)
Engelmann's Cactus (2)
Engelmann's Daisy (4)
Engelmann's Desertparsley (2)
Engelmann's Hedgehog (1)
Engelmann's Hedgehog Cactus (94)
Engelmann's Hedgehogs (16)
Engelmann's Lomatium (9)
Engelmann's Pine (3)
Engelmann's Prickly Pear (2)
Engelmann's Pricklypear (3)
Engelmann's Spruce (7)
Engelmann’s Hedgehog Cactus (1)
Englemann Spruce (5)
Englemann's Cactus (1)
Englemann's Prickly Pear Cactus (4)
Englemann's Spruce (1)
English Bluebell (1)
English Cinquefoil (2)
English Cowslip 'sunset Shades' (1)
English Daisy (49)
English Elm (2)
English Ivy (29)
English Laurel (14)
English Lavender (4)
English Lawn Daisy (5)
English Oak (4)
English Peak Greenbriar (16)
English Peak Greenbrier (15)
English Plantain (73)
English Primrose (8)
English Rye-grass (4)
English Stonecrop (1)
English Sundew (43)
English Violet (5)
English Wallflower (9)
English Walnut (15)
English Wintergreen (1)
English Yew (5)
Enigmatic Bushmallow (64)
Ensenada Bushmallow (39)
Ensenada Rose (1)
Entire Marshwort (2)
Entire-leaved Aster (4)
Entire-leaved Banksia (7)
Entire-leaved Cotoneaster (1)
Entireleaf Mountain-avens (1)
Entireleaf Paintbrush (7)
Entireleaved Thelypody (9)
Epaulette Tree (8)
Epazote de Zorrillo (5)
Ephedra (8)
Ephemeral Monkeyflower (1)
Ephemerum Moss (2)
Epi Tele Ann Orchid Cactus (4)
Epi Tele Ann Orchid Cactus (in Bud) (2)
Epidendrum De Los Caminos (2)
Epimedium (14)
Epine-vinette (3)
Epine-vinette Commune (3)
Epiphyllum Blazon Orchid Cactus (12)
Epiphyllum Coral Geisha (9)
Epiphyllum Cultivar (9)
Epiphytic Orchid Cactus (2)

Epipterygium - Ezo

Epipterygium Moss (2)
Equal-leaved Knotgrass (2)
érable Noir (3)
Erdbeer-fingerkraut. (5)
Erect Chickweed (2)
Erect Dayflower (4)
Erect Dwarf-cudweed (1)
Erect Evax (28)
Erect Goldenaster (3)
Erect Peperomia (2)
Erect Plantain (1)
Erect Tropical Daisy (8)
Erect Veldt Grass (4)
Erect Veldtgrass (1)
Erect Wood-sorrel (4)
Erectpod Wintercress (1)
Eria Orchid (1)
Ericaceae (2)
Ericameria (2)
Eriogonum (1)
Eriophyllum (1)
Eritrichium (2)
Erizo Gris (14)
Erman's Birch (2)
Erodium (1)
Erva de Passerinho (1)
Eryngo (2)
Escallonia (5)
Escarpment Beechwood (7)
Eschscholtz False Hellebore (1)
Eschscholtz's Buttercup (35)
Escobilla (22)
Escobilla Butterflybush (20)
Escobita (3)
escobita (1)
Escosionero (6)
Esperanza (12)
Espinillo (2)
Espino (26)
Espinosilla (4)
Esplanta Vaquero (16)
Esporao de Galo (2)
Espuela de Caballero (4)
Espuelo del Diablo (4)
Esteve Pincushion (4)
Estrella de La Manana (4)
Estrella de La Mañana (12)
Estrella del Mar (3)
Estrellita (3)
Estrellita (in Spanish) (3)
Estrellita Amarilla (6)
Estrellita de Las Vegas (3)
Estuary Seablite (35)
Et. Al. (5)
Etcho (6)
Ethiopian Balsam (4)
Ethiopian Banana (1)
Ethiopian Kale (3)
Etruscan Honeysuckle (4)
Eucalyptus (6)
Eucrypta (2)
Eulalia (3)
Eupatoire Chanvrine (1)
Eupatory (4)
Euphorbia (2)
Euphorbia Tree (2)
Eurasian Aspen (1)
Eurasian Baneberry (6)
Eurasian Collared Dove (1)
Eurasian Milfoil (5)
Eurasian Mountain Ash (6)
Eurasian Mountain-ash (5)
Eurasian Smoke Tree (6)
Eurasian Solomon's Seal (2)
Eureka Dunegrass (5)
Eureka Dunes Evening Primrose (10)
Eureka Dunes Evening-primrose (6)
Eureka Evening-primrose (2)
Eureka Lemon (1)
Eureka Lily (22)
Eureka Milk-Vetch (3)
Eureka Valley Dune Grass (18)
Eureka Valley Dune Grass (rare) (2)
Eureka Valley Evening Primrose (11)
Eurela Dunes Evening-primrose (3)
Europaean Bird Cherry (1)
European Alder Buckthorn (9)
European Barberry (3)
European Beach (1)
European Beach Grass (5)
European Beachgrass (11)
European Beech (13)
European Beech Tree (12)
European Bindweed (9)
European Bird Cherry (1)
European Bittersweet (10)
European Black Currant (2)
European Black Pine (10)
European Blackberry (3)
European Buckthorn (12)
European Bur-reed (2)
European Centaury (9)
European Chain Fern (1)
European Chestnut (1)
European Columbine (10)
European Cranberry Bush (3)
European Daisy (4)
European Fan Palm (7)
European Feather Grass (2)
European Field Pansy (10)
European Frostweed (1)
European Globeflower (4)
European Goldenrod (1)
European Gooseberry (3)
European Heliotrope (8)
European Honeysuckle (2)
European Hop (7)
European Hornbeam (3)
European Larch (23)
European Lily of The Valley (7)
European Linden (8)
European Marsh Thistle (4)
European Michaelmas Daisy (6)
European Milkwort (7)
European Mistletoe (6)
European Monkshood (5)
European Mountain-ash (5)
European Olive (6)
European Pasqueflower (12)
European Pear (4)
European Plum (10)
European Red Elder (19)
European Redwood (8)
European Rock Rose (3)
European Rowan (11)
European Sage (10)
European Sea Heath (15)
European Sea Rocket (9)
European Sea-lavender (2)
European Searocket (68)
European self-heal (2)
European Silver Fir (11)
European Smoketree (9)
European Spindletree (2)
European Swamp Thistle (1)
European Thimbleweed (9)
European Umbrella Milkwort (7)
European Umbrella-milkwort (1)
European Vetch (3)
European Water Milfoil (1)
European White Birch (12)
European White Elm (2)
European White Water Lily (2)
European White Waterlily (2)
European Wild Ginger (1)
European Yellow Lady's Slipper (1)
European Yew (1)
Europian Mountain Pine (23)
Eve's necklacepod (1)
Eve's Needle (7)
Eve's Pin Cactus (4)
Evegreen Magnolia (14)
Even Scalewort (10)
Evening Glow (2)
Evening Lychnis (1)
Evening Primrose (55)
Evening Rainlily (2)
Evening Snow (55)
Evening Star (6)
Evening Starflower (3)
Evening-primrose (6)
evening-primrose (1)
Eveningk-star Rain-lily (3)
Eveningsnow (17)
Everblooming Acacia (1)
Everglades Daisy (2)
Everglades False Buttonweed (1)
Everglades Squarestem (1)
Evergreen Ash (7)
Evergreen Beech (1)
Evergreen Blackberry (1)
Evergreen Blueberry (6)
Evergreen Buckthorn (4)
Evergreen Clematis (7)
Evergreen Dogwood (16)
Evergreen Everlasting (5)
Evergreen Grape (1)
Evergreen Huckleberry (28)
Evergreen Maple (3)
Evergreen Pear (13)
Evergreen Perfume Currant (1)
Evergreen Pussytoes (6)
Evergreen Sumac (4)
Evergreen Violet (33)
Everlasitng Net-straw (2)
Everlasting (6)
Everlasting Cudweed (3)
Everlasting Nest Straw (8)
Everlasting Nest-straw (24)
Everlasting Neststraw (1)
Everlasting Pea (18)
Everlasting Peavine (8)
Everlasting Stylocline (8)
Everlasting-pea (13)
Ewan's Cinquefoil (10)
Ewan's Larkspur (11)
Exalted Cape Widowpea (2)
Excavated (1)
Excrescence (1)
Exotic Bur-reed (3)
Expanded Lobsterclaw (1)
Explorer (1)
Explorer's Gentian (30)
Explorers Gentian (4)
Explorers' Gentian (6)
Exserted Idian Paintbrush (2)
Exserted Indian Paintbrush (88)
Exserted Indianpaintbrush (2)
Eyebane (1)
Eyebright (12)
Eyelash Begonia (1)
Eyelash Cup Fungi (2)
Eyelash Tarweed (3)
Eyewort (7)
Ezo Spruce (1)

CalPhotos is a project of BNHM   University of California, Berkeley

Questions and Comments
this page last updated: Jul 25, 2024