Twan Leenders   
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CalPhotos photographer and reviewer profile for Twan Leenders:

Twan Leenders is the Ecological Restoration Manager of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy ( and Senior Advisor for Conservation at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History in Jamestown, NY ( He previously was the conservation biologist for the Connecticut Audubon Society. Twan is a Curatorial Affiliate in Vertebrate Zoology at Yale University's Peabody Museum of Natural History. He is a professional herpetologist and enthusiastic wildlife photographer, with over twenty years of field experience in Central America. Twan recently authored 'Amphibians of Costa Rica - A Field Guide' and the companion volume 'Reptiles of Costa Rica - A Field Guide', both published by Cornell University Press.
Affiliation: Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
Special interests/expertise: Central American amphibians and reptiles, Connecticut wildlife, birds, orchids, rainforest canopy
Total Photos Contributed: 1492  [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos]
Collection:  Private
Email address for Twan Leenders:  twanleenders[AT]   (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.)
Photos reviewed by Twan Leenders: 6 [See photos reviewed]
Usage information: To obtain permission to use photos taken by Twan Leenders, or to inquire about reprints, fees, and licensing, follow the notification instructions that appear with the photos. Also please request permission before using or storing text from photos taken by Twan Leenders, such as scientific and common names, locations, dates, and notes. If you obtain permission for using a photo, you must include the copyright that appears with the photo you want to use.

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