photo of Germano Woehl Jr. Germano Woehl Jr.
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CalPhotos photographer profile for Germano Woehl Jr.:

Germano Woehl Jr. is a researcher on laser application and optical fibers in the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Aerospace Technical Center, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil. He received his PhD in Physics from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP. He is interested in protecting the rich biodiversity of the Brazilian anuran fauna. He is project coordinator for environmental education in the Atlantic rain forest, northern Santa Catarina State, Brazil, which is supported by grants from Fundacao O Boticario de Protecao a Natureza (a Brazilian non-governmental foundation for nature preservation). His project focuses on preservation of amphibians and their Atlantic rain forest habitat. Germano contributed life history information and photos of 70 anurans of Atlantic rain forest, including 5 possibly new species. The most remarkable result was to show to thousands of Brazilian school students how important amphibians are to our environment--for this reason they must be protected and preserved.
Special interests/expertise: Amphibians.
Total Photos Contributed: 346  [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos]
Collection:  AmphibiaWeb
Email address for Germano Woehl Jr.:  germano[AT]   (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.)
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