Carex Working Group consists of three Oregon botanists fascinated by sedges and other difficult-to-identify plant groups: Richard Brainerd MS Botany, wetland delineation, forest ecology Nick Otting MS Riparian ecology, intermountain flora Barbara Wilson PhD Taxonomy of grasses and sedges, plant genetics We came together in 1993 to map the distribution of Oregon's sedges and incorporated in 2002. After years of gathering data in the field and herbarium, we published The Atlas of Oregon Carex in 1999. We conduct surveys and assessments for land management agencies and private industry. We apply our botanical skills by: - Surveying for challenging plants such as sedges, willows, and rushes
- Teaching plant identification workshops for professional botanists
- Developing and applying methods to use vegetation to assess habitat (e.g., for sage grouse)
- Evaluating weed impacts on rare plant species
- Monitoring rare plant populations
- Developing ecosystem management plans
- Preparing plant lists for the Oregon Flora Project
- Monitoring invasive weeds
- Assessing riparian conditions
Photographers: Barbara Wilson Richard Brainerd Nick Otting Caitlin Coberly Contact us at: 1377 NW Alta Vista Drive Corvallis OR 97330 T: 541.760.2419 Email: |