CalPhotos photographer profile for Asa Spade:
| Asa Spade is the co-owner of Spade Natural Resources Consulting in Fort Bragg, CA, along with his wife Teresa Spade, who is also a talented photographer, biologist, and AICP certified planner. Mr. Spade has a bachelors in Environmental Science with a concentration in Landscape Ecosystems as well as a minor in Botany from Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA. He conducts biological scoping, botanical, ESHA analysis, wetland delineation, Point Arena mountain beaver, Northern spotted owl, California red-legged frog, Behren's silverspot butterfly, Sonoma tree vole, and other special status species surveys on the Mendocino coast. | Special interests/expertise: Special status species, invasive species. | Total Photos Contributed: 93 [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos] |
Private |
Email address for Asa Spade:
asabspade[AT]hotmail.com (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.) |
Web Page:
https://www.facebook.com/mendocoast/ |
Usage information:
To obtain permission to use photos taken by Asa Spade, or to inquire about reprints, fees, and licensing, follow the notification instructions that appear with the photos. Also please request permission before using or storing text from photos taken by Asa Spade, such as scientific and common names, locations, dates, and notes. If you obtain permission for using a photo, you must include the copyright that appears with the photo you want to use. For more information about usage, see Using the Photos in CalPhotos.