CalPhotos reviewer profile for Steve Boyd:
Curator of herbarium, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (21 years); 30 years experience studying flora of southern California (and Baja CA); described several new SoCal (and Baja CA) plants (Ceanothus ophiochilus; Sibaropsis hammittii; Arabis hirshbergiae [now in Boechera]; Boechera yorkii; others in press) |
Affiliation: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden |
Special interests/expertise: Flora of southern California, especially cismontane regions (e.g., Santa Ana Mountains, Liebre Mountains, San Gabriel Mountains); flora of Death Valley region; Brassicaceae; Ceanothus. |
Email address for Steve Boyd: |
Photos reviewed by Steve Boyd: 7 [See photos reviewed] |