CalPhotos photographer and reviewer profile for Jean Pawek:
| Born in Oakland, CA, I earned my BA in Botany at Berkeley in 1949, then taught high school in Oakland. From 1959-1979 my husband, Bill and I taught sciences at Marymount Girls Secondary School, Mzuzu, Malawi, Central Africa. While there I did extensive collecting for U. Malawi, Kew Herbarium and St. Louis Botanical Garden, with a minimal collection to UC Berkeley at the request of Dr. L. Constance (a total of 14,363 collections in 12 years). google Pawekiae. We returned to the Bay Area and settled in Mountain View for our second professions - myself a commercial seed analyst at Ferry Morse Seed Co, he a technical photographer at United Technologies. (My custom license plate is ICAWEED). I was, thirdly, for 7 years, a library assistant at Alza Pharmaceuticals in Palo Alto, while my husband did tax accounting. Especially after retirement (myself in 1992), we RV camped until 2014 to do photography for our own pleasure. | Special interests/expertise: California flora | Total Photos Contributed: 19869 [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos] |
Private |
Email address for Jean Pawek:
bjpawek[AT]comcast.net (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.) |
Photos reviewed by Jean Pawek: 13 [See photos reviewed] |
Usage information:
This photographer has a default Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) license. However, individual photos belonging to Jean Pawek may have different licenses, so before using this photographer's photos, please read the licensing information displayed on specific photo pages with photos belonging to Jean Pawek. If you use a photo belonging to Jean Pawek, you must include the copyright and license that appear with the photo you want to use. If you have questions, contact Jean Pawek bjpawek[AT]comcast.net. For more information about usage, see Using the Photos in CalPhotos.