CalPhotos photographer and reviewer profile for Jacqueline Rose:
I currently live in San Luis Obispo County and work in Big Sur in the summer. During the school year I teach NR 208 (Dendrology) at Cal Poly. |
Affiliation: Cal Poly SLO |
Special interests/expertise: I am far more familiar with trees and shrubs than I am with herbs and forbs, though I can't claim expertise on anything. I have also taken many photos of plant communities throughout California and am eager to share those through CalPhotos. |
Total Photos Contributed: 8 [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos] |
Private |
Email address for Jacqueline Rose: |
Web Page: |
Photos reviewed by Jacqueline Rose: 3 [See photos reviewed] |
Usage information:
This photographer has a default Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license. However, individual photos belonging to Jacqueline Rose may have different licenses, so before using this photographer's photos, please read the licensing information displayed on specific photo pages with photos belonging to Jacqueline Rose. If you use a photo belonging to Jacqueline Rose, you must include the copyright and license that appear with the photo you want to use. If you have questions, contact Jacqueline Rose For more information about usage, see Using the Photos in CalPhotos.