Reviewer |
Total |
Affiliation / Expertise |
Jeff Abbas
3 | CalPhotos / Gourmet cooking, archaeology of ancient America, flintknapping, macro photography, geology of the Driftless Area, invertebrate paleontology, the life and music of Antonin Dvorak and pre-cancels of the United States.
Zack Abbey
1 | Padre Associates Inc / Preservation and enhancement of riparian and coastal sage scrub habitats and the associated wildlife species. Frequent work with sensitive wildlife species of Southern California, including but not limited to least Bell's vireo, tidewater goby, California least tern, western snowy plover, California red-legged frog and coastal California gnatcatcher.
Alice Abela
44 | ManTech SRS Technologies / Experienced in plant and animal identification of species occurring on the central coast of California
Sam Abercrombie
1 | California Native Plant Society / California plants, native and invasive.
Andres Acosta
3 | Laboratory of Herpetology Pontifici Universidad Javeriana-Bogotá / Neotropical Amphibians, Taxonomy, Conservation and systematics.
Victor Acosta Chaves
1 | Universidad de Costa Rica / Herpetology,Ornithology,Natural history of Costa Rica
Dr. James D. Adams
2 | USC School of Pharmacy / Medicinal plants
Zoya Akulova
1 | LSA Associates, Inc. / Flora of California, worldwide flora, plant development and morphology (seedlings,basal rosettes,plant skeletons), polymorphism, mutants.
Patrick Alexander
32 | New Mexico State University / Ferns, mustards, some grasses.
Bob Allen
27 | California State University, Fullerton / Native arthropods & plants of southwest, also birds, reptiles, & amphibians.
Douglas Allshouse
5 | California Native Plant Society / Vascular plants of the San Bruno Mountains
Carlos Alvarado
1 | University of California, Davis |
E. Wynn Anderson
8 | University of Texas at El Paso, NM Native Plant Society, Texas Native Plant Society / North American desert plant ecology, flora of the Chihuahuan Desert region & Sierra Madre Occidental of western Mexico, native plant horticulture
Barry Anderson
4 | Stachys, flora of Placer County.
Christopher V Anderson
0 | Brown University / Chamaeleonidae
James M. Andre
51 | University of California Riverside, Granite Mtns Desert Research Center (GMDRC) / Research Interests: Rare plant conservation, demographics of desert shrubs, restoration ecology.
Franco Andreone
3 | MRSN / Amphibians of Europe and Madagascar.
Matheus M. Andreozzi
15 | MMA - Ministry of Environment of Brazil |
Early Annotation
0 | UC Berkeley Digital Library Project |
Daniel Ariano
1 | Universidad del Valle de Guatemala / Amphibians and Reptiles
Medardo Arreortua
2 | Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Oaxaca / Amphibian and reptiles
John S. Ascher
22 | AMNH / Apoidea Systematics, birds
Thisis Atest
0 | UCB / My expertise is in testing.
Sam Bacchini
121 | EIP Associates / Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, and Plants
James Bailey
16 | |
Gary I. Baird
7 | Brigham Young University - Idaho / Asteraceae, desert flora of western US.
Jane and John Balaban
196 | |
Frank Barnwell
7 | Dept. Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities / Terrestrial and semi-terrestrial crabs, primarily Ocypode and Uca.
Jeffery Barrett
3 | California State Parks / I have a B.S. degree in botany from Humboldt State University and have 7 years of experience conducting rare plant surveys and monitoring in Plumas, Humboldt, Mendocino, and Sonoma counties.
William D. Barrick
1 | Colorado State University |
Cesar L. Barrio Amoros
2 | Fundación AndígenA / Venezuelan amphibians, amphibian declines
Sean Barry
8 | University of California, Davis / California amphibians and reptiles and their habitats, natural history, and conservation biology
David Beamer
6 | East Carolina University / coastal plain plethodontids (especially Desmognathus)
Eric Beard
4 | Specialized in Woody ID, propagation and plant soil/nutrient needs. Honestly, my herbaceous knowledge is limited.
Paul M. Beardsley
19 | University of Washington / Scrophulariaceae (Mimulus)
Michael Benard
1 | University of Michigan / North American reptiles and amphibians, and aquatic insects
Leah Bendlin
2 | Oregon Mycological Society / Fungi
Kathleen Bengel
1 | California State University, Fresno |
Daniel Bennett
Lacey Benson
1 | San Jose State University (SJSU) / Dryopteridaceae (esp. Polystichum and Dryopteris)
Michal Berec
6 | University of South Bohemia / herpetology
Wouter Beukema
15 | |
Cathy Bevier
1 | Colby College |
Brian Bielfelt
9 | Southern California Edison / plants and birds
David Blackburn
5 | Museum of Comparative Zoology / Amphibians, Africa, evolution, biogeography, systematics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, trait evolution
Larry Blakely
3 | Eastern Sierra flora
Orland J. Blanchard
2 | Long Island University / Malvaceae (esp. Hibisceae)
Mario Blanco
1 | University of Florida, Department of Biology / Central American flora, neotropical Orchidaceae, Aristolochiaceae
Wolfgang Blum
2 | Study Group Echinocereus / Echinocereus
Dr. Janos Bodor
1 | insects, wild and garden plants
Johan Bogaert
3 | Coccinula (Belgian Ladybug Society) / Coccinellidae
Brian Bollman
1 | California Native Plant Society / "Conifers of California"
Steve Boyd
7 | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden / Flora of southern California, especially cismontane regions (e.g., Santa Ana Mountains, Liebre Mountains, San Gabriel Mountains); flora of Death Valley region; Brassicaceae; Ceanothus.
Heron Brae
3 | Columbines School of Botanical Studies, Oregon Native Plant Society / Apiaceae, especially Lomatium, and Geophytes in general.
João Marcelo Alvarenga Braga
2 | Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ) / Zingiberales (especially Marantaceae and Heliconiaceae) and Menispermaceae
Barry Breckling
135 | |
Juergen H. J. F. W. Bredow
5 | Yucca IG / Asparagaceae, particularly Agavaceae, especially Yuccaeae
Joshua M. Brokaw
4 | Washington State University / Plant genus Mentzelia
Christopher Bronny
4 | Chris' botanical and ecological restoration interests include California's oak, chaparral, and grassland ecosystems.
Andrew V. Z. Brower
39 | Middle Tennessee State University / butterflies, especially Nymphalidae
Tracey K. Brown
1 | Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species / California Herps Phrynosomatid lizards
John T. Brugaletta
1 | HSU Greenhouse Club, AOS, Humboldt Orchid Society / Of special interest are orchids/Pleurothallids and lower vascular plants (esp. Psilotales - Gnetales)
Dr. Mark S. Brunell
13 | University of the Pacific / Monardella
Rachel Buchwalter
1 | National Park Service / plants of Santa Monica Mountains, Simi Hills
Jennifer Buck
9 | California Native Plant Society / Experienced in grassland and vernal pool vegetation;
Roy Buck
1 | Californian Environmental Services, Inc / Caulanthus, Streptanthus, California flora.
Scott Burgess
1 | Humboldt State University / Lepidoptera and their food plants; flower photography
Rick Burgess
1 | Ventura County Flora Project / Vascular Plants of Ventura County
Daniel Burmester
1 | DFG, US Forest Service |
Carrie Burroughs
6 | California Academy of Sciences |
N. Ivalu Cacho
1 | UC Davis |
CalFlora Staff
391 | The CalFlora Database |
Frank Callahan
1 | Oregon Native Plant Society / Calochortus - monocots
Staff CalPhotos
0 | Berkeley Natural History Museums |
David Cannatella
2 | UT Austin / Amphibians.
Michael Cardwell
0 | CSU Sacramento, Biological Sciences Dept. / Crotalus sp. (especially C. scutulatus); identification, evolution, behavior, and ecology of desert reptiles; emidemiology of venomous bites and stings, plus effects and first aid; toxicology of reptile and arthropod venoms.
Sydney Carothers
2 | CNPS, HSU / plants of Six Rivers National Forest and NW coastal Calif.
Gerald D. Carr
15 | Oregon State University / Calycadenia, Asteraceae, Pedicularis, Hawaiian Plants, NW US Plants
Claudio Carrai
1 | A.R.S.I.A. - Regione Toscana / Diagnosing disorders in ornamentals, including microscopy, some knowledge about australian flora, skills in technical photographs (macro and micro about flowers, diseases and pests)
Eric Carso
1 | County of Santa Barbara / Cacti
Thiago R. Carvalho
2 | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia / Field experience with Neotropical anuranas from the Cerrado savanna, especially hylids and leptodactylids.
Bob Case
9 | CNPS and California Invasive Plant Concil / Invasive plant species, Calochortus, general Sierra Nevada flora, Lewis and Clark collections, general western U.S. flora
Santiago Castroviejo-Fisher
2 | Uppsala University |
Alessandro Catenazzi
3 | Amphibian and reptiles of the Amazon, Peruvian coastal desert
Elizabeth Cavers
3 | City of Kelowna, Environment Division / plant pathology, horticulture, and photography
staff CDFA
1816 | California Department of Food and Agriculture / Identification, biology, and management of plants defined as noxious weeds by California law [3 CCR 4500].
Ann Chang
0 | |
Michael Charters
13 | Southern California native plants
Katy Chayka
1 | Minnesota Wildflowers Information |
John Chesnut
5 | CNPS / San Luis Obispo County rare plants
Tom Chester
42 | I concentrated on plants of the Santa Rosa Plateau from 2001 to 2005, and since then the plants of the San Jacinto Mountains and the Borrego Desert.
Filippo Chierici
3 | Agriculture, University of Bologna / Cultivated species, trees,shrubs and erbs of N. Italy, landscapes.
Anthony M. Childs
2 | Bio-Ken Snake Farm, Watamu / specialise in reptile photography, and identification of reptiles in Kenya
Richard V. Chilton
1 | Bird-keeping inAustralia / Australia bird species.
Jerry Chmielewski
5 | Slippery Rock University / Conduct research on Antennaria, Aster, and Solidago
Anita Cholewa
6 | University of Minnesota / Sisyrinchium
Christopher Christie
10 | You can guage that for yourself!
Wesley Chun
4 | Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution, University of California, Los Angeles / Phylogenetic relationships, diversification, and biogeography of the polychrotid lizards (Iguania: Polychrotidae) of western and Andean Ecuador
Jane Cipra
1 | Joshua Tree National Park / Mojave Desert plants
John Clare
4 | / Pollution, particularly of Water; Environmental Impact; Freshwater Ecology and Aquatic Environmental Chemistry; Amphibian Decline; Anura/Frogs; Caudata/Salamanders.
Curtis Clark
3 | Cal Poly Pomona / Papaveraceae, Asteraceae, southern California plants
Rohan Clarke
9 | Deakin University, Melbourne Australia / Australian mammals Australian birds Australian reptiles Australian amphibians
Peter Clarkson
1 | As above. Also temperate water Australian marine shells in general.
Howard Clase
1 | Wildflower Society of Newfoundland & Labrador / Alpines and Newfoundland Flora
Rupert Clayton
9 | CNPS member / Brodiaeoideae
Joanna Clines
4 | USDA Forest Service / My photos are primarily of Sierra Nevada plants, but I enjoy botanizing and photographing in other regions as well.
Michelle Cloud-Hughes
30 | San Diego State Foundation Soil Ecology and Restoration Group / Cactaceae, particularly Cylindropuntia; flora of the southwestern U.S. deserts; southern California chaparral/coastal sage scrub
Turner Collins
1 | Flora North America Project/MGB / Parasitic flowering plants, concentrationg on Orobanchaceae
Jordan Collins
2 | California Native Plant Society / Floristics, Specimen Vouchering, Specimen curating, Rare plant surveys, general plant identification
Alison Colwell
8 | UC Berkeley Jepson Herbaria / Orobanchaceae
Daniel Cooper
1 | Birds, Los Angeles area natural history
Jerry Copeland
2 | Orchid Digest / Lycoposida with emphasis on habitat of Selaginella bigelovii, cultivation of mosses and various orchids in addition to Selaginella and Lycopodium species
Beth Corbin
1 | BLM |
Mihai Costea
56 | Wilfrid Laurier University / Amaranthaceae; Polygonaceae; Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae
Kyle Craig
3 | Walla Walla College / Australasian possums (esp. of the family Petauridae), mustelids of North America.
Andrew J. Crawford
3 | Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute / Neotropical batrachology.
Peter M.C. Croeser
3 | previously Natal Museum, South Africa / Arachnida: Sparassidae: Palystes and Parapalystes
robert cummings
1 | santa barbara city college / Mushrooms, Algae
Michael Cunningham
4 | University of the Free State / Afrotemperate biodiversity, African Bufonidae, frogs of the Australian Wet Tropics
Joslyn Curtis
5 | CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Ellen Cypher
5 | Endangered Species Recovery Program / rare plants and animals of the San Joaquin Valley
Christopher Davis
34 | Arizona State University (ASU) / Malvaceae; Passiflora
Charles A. Davis
7 | Natural History Society of Maryland / retired field ecologist specializing in rare plant surveys.
Fabio de Sa
1 | Universidade Estadual Paulista |
Maximilian Dehling
1 | Southeast Asian, Central and South American, Central and East African, and European amphibians and reptiles
Reviewer Account Deleted
27 | UC Berkeley |
Clay DeLong
3 | ECORP Consulting / My primary areas of expertise are the flora of the Sacramento Valley, and the central and northern Sierra Nevada foothills. I am interested in improving CalPhotos' photographic records for rare, uncommon, and difficult to identify plants.
Ann Dennis
5 | Calflora Database / Poaceae, plants of the Sierra Nevada and central California coast range
Julie DePue
Darvin DeShazer
38 | Sonoma Co. Mycological Association / Agarics in Northern CA
Tom Devitt
17 | Museum of Vertebrate Zoology / reptiles and amphibians, southwestern U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica.
Norman Dignard
1 | Herbier du Quebec / Arctic and boreal vascular flora, bryophytes, Eastern North America
John Dittes
1 | Dittes & Guardino Consulting / California Floristics, Cultural and Natural History of California, Asteraceae, Poaceae
Lee Dittmann
126 | Vascular plant identification, especially in the southwestern US.
Joseph Dougherty
127 | Society for Environmental Education |
Stephen Dowlan
1 | Bureau of Land Management, Salem, Oregon / Birds, terrestrial mollusks, terrestrial amphibians, and native plants.
Trent M. Draper
28 | Utah Botanist / Most of my interests are with the Poaceae and Polygonaceae (subfamily Eriogonoideae)families.
Sebastian Duarte-Marin
1 | University of Quindio / Colombia amphibians species
Nancy Duncan
2 | Bureau of Land Management / Terrestrial mollusks listed as Survey and Manage species in Northwest Forest Plan
Andrew M Durso
1 | Eastern Illinois University / Reptiles and amphibians, fleshy fungi
Brian Eagar
1 | Reptiles and amphibians of the western US.
Jeremiah Easter
5 | herpetology student / Reptiles and Amphibians of the United States
Devin Edmonds
11 | University of Wisconsin-Madison / Herpetofauna
Ashley N. Egan
1 | Cornell University / Leguminosae, phylogenetic systematics and population genetics of tribes Psoraleeae and Phaseoleae (Fabaceae)
Mark Egger
67 | WTU Herbarium, Seattle, WA / Castillejinae genera of the Orobanchaceae
Thomas Eimermacher
8 | Southeastern Louisiana University / Phylogenetic systematics, Herpetofauna of Africa
Ulf Eliasson
174 | Ornamentals for Sweden / Cactaceae, Swedish native plants and world wide plants of horticultural value.
Kathi Ellsworth
1 | California Native Plant Society / Birds of North America and plants of southern California, especially the East Mojave Desert region.
Willem-Jan Emsens
1 | Mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds of Europe and the Neotropics.
Diane M. Erwin
2 | University of California Museum of Paleontology / fossil plants
Christopher J. Evelyn
1 | University of California Santa Barbara / "salamanders of California" "salamanders of Oaxaca" "California amphibians" "salamanders of North America"
Paul Excoffier
16 | California Polytechnic State University / Arctostaphylos of the Central Coast
Danté B Fenolio
5 | University of Miami / Amphibian ecology, canopy dwelling amphibians, subterranean biology and ecology, phytotelmic ecology
Lucy Ferneyhough
1 | UCSC / Rare species, & pretty flowers
Daiana Paola Ferraro
1 | Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Anura, Leptodactylidae, genus Pleurodema
Molly Ferrell
1 | Cache Creek Conservancy / Restoration/revegetation of degraded habitats.
Pierre Fidenci
1 | Endangered Species International / Turtles, amphibians, wildlife international conservation
Christina Fidler
2 | California Academy of Sciences |
Donald Filipiak
1 | Costa Rican reptiles and amphibians, Florida Everglades herpetofauna
Doug Fischer
5 | UC Santa Barbara / Channel Island plants and southern California shrubs
Allen Fish
34 | Golden Gate Raptor Observatory / Birds of Prey, orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes
Theo Fitanides
13 | California Native Plant Society, East Bay |
William Flaxington
10 | Wildlife Image / Distribution and natural history of California's amphibians and reptiles.
Robert Flogaus-Faust
9 | mostly introduced species from Europe
Jennifer Forman
12 | Biology Dept., University of Massachusetts Boston / I photograph many non-native plants, as well as some native ones. My photos are all taken in New England.
Antoine Fouquet
9 | CNRS / Amphibian species
Jim Fowler
1 | South Carolina Native Plant Society / Orchidaceae
Naomi Fraga
27 | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden / Flowering plants of southern California.
Rainbow Francom
1 | Royal Horticultural Society Lily Group, CNPS / Lilium species esp. North American species and hybrids. Member of: CNPS, North American Lily Society, Royal Horticultural Society Lily Group, Scottish Rock Garden Club
Michael Frankis
2953 | - / Conifers (including private conifer cone herbarium of 350 species).
Tony Frates
2 | Utah Native Plant Society |
Peter Fritsch
6 | California Academy of Sciences / Styracaceae
Paul Furman
3 | Landscape Architect / Grasses, Lilies, Wildflowers, upland coast ranges
Katie Gallagher
2 | All California plants
John Game
40 | UC Herbarium / Fern identification
LariAnn Garner
3 | Aroidia Research, International Aroid Society, Florida Nurserymen, Growers and Landscapers Assoc. / Aroid culture and hybridization Biocontrol of pathogenic infections Systemic acquired resistance in plants
Richard Gassaway
20 | n/a / Although I like to photo all reptiles and amphibians (and anything in nature for that matter), I take a special interest in photographing rattlesnakes "in situ". I like to capture/record their behaviors in the wild without disturbing them, and like to use reference photos for identification of individual snakes. I believe a much more accurate study of wild behavior can be accomplished when snakes behavior is not altered by the "mechanics" of a hands on type study.
F. Gauna
6 | Modoc National Forest / Special status plant, lichen, and fungal species of southwestern Oregon; flora of the Modoc Plateau.
Tamara Gedik
3 | Mad River Biologists |
Ariovaldo Giaretta
2 | Laborató de Taxonomia, Ecologia e Comportamento de Anfíos Neotropicais / Frogs from Atlantic forest and Cerrado Biomes.
Varad Giri
1 | Curator, Bombay Natural History Society / Caecilians of the northern Western Ghats.
Andreas Gminder
16 | Mollisia s.l (inoperculate ascomycetes), Boletaceae and Lepiotaceae.
Asanka Ravinatha Godakanda
1 | Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka / Trees in the Island "Sri lanka"
Terry Gosliner
2 | California Academy of Sciences / marine invertebrates and vascular plants
David Gowen
75 | Some Polemoniaceae
David Graber
1 | National Park Service (retired) / Plant ecology; Sierra Nevada ecosystems
Lucas Grandinetti
1 | Brazilian Ecologist / Brazilian amphibian (Anura) species.
Jan Grathwohl
3 | Herpetology
Andrew Gray
1 | Oregon State University |
Michael Graziano
9 | Ohio State University / I am particularly familiar with eastern amphibians and have considerable experience in Ohio, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Nebraska herpetofauna.
Jeff Greenhouse
26 | Jepson Herbarium / General knowledge of all CA vascular plants.
Liese Greensfelder
1 | freelance science writer / Nevada County, Calif.
Brenda J. Grewell
2 | USDA-ARS Exotic & Invasive Weeds Research, UC Davis / Common native, rare native, and exotic/invasive wetland plants; especially native and exotic Ludwigia sp.and salt marsh hemiparasites (esp. Cordylanthus).
Joyce Gross
35 | UC Berkeley Natural History Museums |
George Grozev
2 | Cactaceae
Erwin Gruber
11 | Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Austria / Polypodiales, esp. Dryopteridaceae, Equistum spp., various holarctic families of Magnoliophyta, some "microfungi" esp. parasitic Stamnaria spp.
Christopher Guilliams
3 | California Botanist |
Aren Gunderson
1 | University of Alaska Museum of the North / Mammals.
Gregory Gust
1 | Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition / Great Basin-Mojave Transition Zone flora, eastern Mojave Desert flora,
Diane Haas
1 | CA Department of Fish and Game / Rajidae (esp. of Alaska), California marine fishes
Denis Hamel
1 | bird surveys, sound technician for bird song records
Aaron Hamel
59 | Phacelia of southern CA, Salvia of CA, Encelia of CA
Jennifer Hammock
1 | NMNH / Marine mammals
Philip Hammond
18 | S.F. & Marin County Flora Projects -- Pteridophytes / Pteridaceae of North America and pteridophytes of the Western States.
George S. Hammond
2 | University of Michigan Animal Diversity Web / insects, esp. grasshoppers, mites, herps of North America
Emma Hampton
1 | Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center / Native plants of Texas
Paul Hankamp
2 | College of San Mateo / California floristics, plant systematics, biology instructor, botany instructor
Debra Hansen
1 | San Francisco State University / California Phacelia, Sierran birds
Tim Hanson
3 | Northern California Botanists / Northern California Flora
James Harding
4 | Michigan State University / Amphibians and reptiles.
Dr. Vincent B. Hargreaves
7 | Cal Berkeley / Marine life of the tropical west Atlantic, South China Sea and the eastern Pacific, especially Chaetodontidae and Discosomatidae.
Arthur H. Harris
2 | Centennial Museum, Univ. Texas at El Paso / Southwestern vertebrates, particularly mammals.
Leslie Harris
50 | Natural History Museum Los Angeles County / Marine invertebrates, especially Polychaeta (Annelida)
Tanya Harvey
6 | Native Plant Society of Oregon / Western Cascades of Oregon
RT Hawke
1 | western U.S.
Richard Hayes
4 | California Native Plant Society / Expertise in Genus Calochortus.
Grey Hayes
1 | Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve |
Joe Hennen
1 | BRIT / taxonomy of Uredinales rust fungi
Angelique Herman
2 | Encelia Biological Consulting / botany
Steven Herman
1 | The Evergreen State College / Vertebrates, mainly birds
Rebecca Hernandez
1 | University of California, Davis / aridland ecosystems
Andreas Herrmann
1 | European botanist |
Steven R. Hill
10 | Illinois Natural History survey / Malvaceae; limited expertise with most other vascular plant groups including weeds and rare plants
Hans Hillewaert
2 | ILVO, Belgium / macro, micro, "marine organisms", orchids,
Brian Hinds
4 | N. A.H.F.A / Snakes of California. 30 years experience in the field.
Kristine Hoffmann
1 | University of Florida / Treefrogs, Toads, Turtles, Lizards, Ambystomatids, and wildlife in general.
Gerrit Hofstra
3 | European studbook Foundation |
James Hogue
1 | California State Univ. Northridge / Aquatic insects, flies (esp. Tipulidae), beetles.
Robert Hole, Jr.
7 | Lindsay Wildlife Museum / general zoology, birds, North American Wildlife
David S. Hollombe
1 | CNPS / Santa Monica Mountains Flora
Patricia Holroyd
0 | |
Sune Holt
1 | General Systematic Botany, Central America, Scandinavia, Arctic, The Mediteranian
Marinus Hoogmoed
1 | Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belem, Brazil / Herpetology of Guianas and Amazon basin, all reptile and amphibian groups. Especially taxonomy and zoogeography
David Horner
1 | |
Frank T. Hovore
14 | Essig Museum of Entomology, Res. Assoc. / Entomology: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Pleocomidae; Southern California geneal natural history; fire ecology.
Mandy Howe
24 | Araneae (spiders) taxonomy/identification.
G. F. Hrusa
77 | Calif. Dept. Food & Agriculture / Calif. Flora, weeds, invasives
Adam Huttenlocker
2 | University of Colorado, Boulder / Mammal-like reptiles and other Permo-Triassic tetrapods
Jake M Hutton
1 | Freshwater Ecology
Kate Huxster
4 | U.S. Geological Survey / Mojave Desert ecoregion, San Joaquin Valley and surrounding foothills in California, and San Francisco Bay Area
Angela Hyder
1 | Western Riverside County MSHCP Monitoring Program / Quino Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino), plants and animals of southern California
David Imper
2 | USFWS / North Coast rare plants
Melissa Islam
1 | Denver Botanic Gardens |
Timothy D. Ives
24 | CalFlora contributing photographer / Studying,identifying, locating, and photographing/collecting specimens of native CA trees and shrubs. I especially enjoy locating and photographing rare, and rare to CA ,trees that may grow more commonly in other locations.
Dora Jakobsdottir
3650 | Curator Reykjavik Botanic Garden, now retired / Various temperate plant families, especially plants cultivated in gardens
Lawrence Janeway
2 | The Chico State Herbarium / Flora of northern California; Cyperaceae, especially Carex; Clarkia section Myxocarpa.
Dr. Girish Janney
6 | Amphibian Research Laboratory,Kuvempu University,Shimoga,Karnataka,INDIA / Western Ghats Amphibians
Dr. Peter Janzen
6 | DGHT / Frogfauna from Sri Lanka and Central America, Ex-situ breeding of Amphibians.
Andres Felipe Jaramillo
1 | |
Nicholas Jensen
1 | California Native Plant Society / Sierra Nevada Foothills, alpine Sierra flora
Leigh Johnson
69 | Brigham Young University / Plant diversity, Polemoniaceae especially Navarretia, Collomia, etc.
Paul Johnson
11 | NPS, Pinnacles National Monument |
Laurel Johnston
2 | California Polytechnic State University / senior project restoring the rare native species Calystegia subacaulis ssp.episcopalis
Diana Jolles
8 | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden / Monotropoideae, Ericaceae
Michael Jones
9 | Chico Hiking Association, UCSF DDS 1989 / I photograph showy wildflowers along hiking trails of interior Northern California
Hugh Jones
1 | Natural History Museum, London / Land planarians
Andy Jones
343 | |
Hannah Kang
2 | ECORP Consulting Inc, CNPS. |
Sanjaya Kanishka
1 | Asian Snake Species, Birds of Sri Lanka
David J. Keil
72 | California Polytechnic State University / California Vascular Plants
Dean Kelch
3 | Jepson Herbarium, UC Berkeley / Dean enjoys photographing plants all over the world.
Ron Kelley
3 | Eastern Oregon University / N. Am. Boraginaceae, especially Amsinckia, Cryptantha, Hackelia, Lithospermum, and Plagiobothrys, and student of old world Boraginaceae
Tass Kelso
3 | Colorado College / Primulaceae, Flora of Alaska and Colorado
Ed Kentner
8 | Independent consultant / Population and evolutionary genetics, vegetation ecology. Avid student of the California flora, with special interest in the Poaceae.
Al Keuter
46 | Independent / Quail Hollow Ranch County Park vascular plant list; Wrights Lake vascular plant list; currently studying the morphology of and relationships among the native California red oaks (genus Quercus section Lobatae, subsection Agrifoliae).
Julie Kierstead
74 | US Forest Service, California Native Plant Society / Vascular plants of the Klamath Ranges, including Shasta, Trinity, and Siskiyou Counties in California and Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon; especially rare plants.
Joern Koehler
14 | Amphibians, Squamates, South America, Madagascar, East Africa
Oliver Komar
2 | SalvaNATURA, El Salvador |
Michelle S. Koo
29 | Museum of Vertebrate Zoology / amphibians and reptiles, especially of California
Neal Kramer
6 | Kramer Botanical |
Herman Kremer
3 | |
Hari Krishnan S
1 | Wildlife Institute of India / Herpetology
Brian Kubicki
6 | Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center |
Ronald Kushner
18 | Morning Glory Forum Group at Cubits and Facebook ,Vines at Gardenweb, Morning Glory Forum at Davesgarden(formerly) / Convolvulaceae
Tony LaBanca
7 | California Department of Fish & Game |
Jennifer Lamb
1 | University of Southern Mississippi / Southeastern USA amphibian species.
Anne Lancaster
2 | Director, TortoiseAid International / Animals and plants of the Mojave Desert.
Urs Landergott
5 | Flora of the European Alps; nature conservation
Lovell and Libby Langstroth
1 | Invertebrates of Monterey Bay
Ronald Lanner
67 | Institute of Forest Genetics / Morphology, genetics, ecology, physiology of western U.S. conifers, mainly Pinus.
Jonathan Lee
6 | Flora of the North Coast and redwood forest ecology.
Twan Leenders
6 | Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History / Central American amphibians and reptiles, Connecticut wildlife, birds, orchids, rainforest canopy
William Leonard
2 | Amphibians, terrestrial mollusks, and diplopods of the Pacific Northwest
Justy Leppert
1 | |
Kale Levin McNeill
54 | California Native Plant Society / Violets of Western North America
Larry Levine
3 | California Native Plant Society / (generalist, plants of northern CA)
Stephen Lew
8 | UC Berkeley / Mostly California, mostly spiders and lichens
1 | Botanic Garden Uppsala University / Fumariaceae (all genera); Dionysia (Primulaceae)
Phil Liff-Grieff
1 | Pacific Conchological Club & LA County Natural History Museum, Dept. of Malacology (volunteer research associate) / shelled mollusks- primarily terrestrial but also marine (mostly gastropods)- emphasis on West Coast of US
Thomas E. Linkous
1 | Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves / I phiotograph plants, animals and scenic landscapes where- ever I travel, but I have primarily concentrated on midwestern wildflowerss in Ohio and several nearby states.
Leslie Lipton
1 | Theodore Payne Foundation / flora and fauna of Central Oak Woodland (Tehachapi mtn. foothills)
John Little
5 | Violaceae of North America including Viola and Hybanthus. Floristics of CA, OR, NV, AZ, ID, CO, UT.
Alfonso Llamas Saíz
2 | Gestión Ambiental Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra / Rana pyrenaica: Llamas A, Martínez-Gil O, Arribas O (1998). Rana pyrenaica, a new species for the French herpetofauna. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 9, 12-13. A. Llamas Saíz and O.R. Martínez Gil (2005) Distribución de Rana pirenaica (Rana pyrenaica) en Navarra, nuevos límites occidentales y cota mínima para la especie. Bol Asoc Herpetol Esp 15(2):66-68
Belinda Lo
44 | U.S. Forest Service |
Scott Loarie
1 | California Academy of Sicences |
Michael Long
3 | California Native Plant Soc., Pasadena Audubon Soc. / San Gabriel Valley and Mountains. Antelope Valley deserts. Compiling local flora's.
Eric LoPresti
22 | UC-Davis |
Kay Loughman
151 | Flora and fauna of Claremont Canyon in the hills on the Berkeley-Oakland border.
Benjamin Lowe
1 | University of Minnesota / Evolutionary zoologist, with special interest in herps, but also North American tetrapods and angiosperms.
Stephen Lowens
20 | California Native Plant Society / calochortus
Mario Lutz
19 | Reptile Conservation Society of the Philippines / herpetofauna of the philippines
Catherine H. MacGregor
9 | |
Thomas Madsen
2 | Graduate student in the Mishler Lab, Jepson Herbarium and the University Herbarium, UC Berkeley |
Louis Emmet Mahoney
11 | Southern California and desert areas
Meredith Mahoney
4 | Amphibians and reptiles.
Stephen Mahony
2 | University College Dublin and University of Delhi |
Joey Malone
1 | Cupressus Conservation Project / Conifers of California, Conifers of Cupressaceae, California Native Cypresses, Arctostaphylos.
Dave Mangham
16 | U.K. Nature Photographer / Herptiles (reptiles & Amphibians)
Tim Manolis
1 | Salamanders.
Guilhem Mansion
49 | University of Zurich / Gentianaceae Mediterranean flora
Staci Markos
47 | Jepson Herbarium, UC Berkeley |
Philip Marshall
3 | Poaceae
Penn Martin II
4 | private photographer / wildflowers located on Mt. Shasta and in the immediately surrounding bioregion.
Steve Matson
34 | CNPS / Plants in eastern California
Stephen Ward McCabe
11 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum / Dudleya
Patrick McConnell
2 | CNPS / Botany, plant ecology
Gary McDonald
32 | Long Marine Lab (retired) / Systematics, taxonomy, nomenclature, & food preferences of nudibranchs. Photomacrography in general.
Kipp McMichael
18 | CNPS / Manroot (Marah sp), Calochortus, natural history of plants
Mark Melton
8 | Aquatic insects
Mark Mendelsohn
3 | National Park Service / flora of southern California, specifically the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills
Joseph Mendelson
3 | Zoo Atlanta / Specialty: Systematics of Neotropical anurans.
Dr. Jürgen Menzel
1 | San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society / Cacti and other succulents
Kevin Merk
1 | Rincon Consultants, Inc.; CNPS; CBS; SERCAL / plants and plant communities throughout California with special focus on the Central Coast region.
Michael Mesler
4 | Humboldt State University / Asarum, Ribes, pollination ecology
Tim Messick
10 | Vascular plants of the Bodie Hills, Mono County, Central Sierra Nevada, and western Great Basin.
Valerie Metscher
2 | Southern Great Basin Shrubs.
Brent Miller
6 | UCSB / plant photos
Jesse E. D. Miller
2 | U.C. Davis botany tech / Klamath-Siskiyou region, serpentine plants, terricolous lichens, and rare plants
Timothy Milliken
10 | California Ecologist / Native Plants, including lichens and moss. Work with mitigation and reference sites for Grassland, Oak Woodland, Serpentine, Riparian, Vernal Pool, and Seasonal Wetlands.
Donald Mitchell
2 | Birds, particularly hummingbirds, and ornithophilous plants
Gary A. Monroe
1 | California Native Plant Society |
Randy Moore
1 | Oregon State University / Ornithology, Cons. Bio.
Virginia Moran
5 | See website: field biology, botany, vegetation classification, grasses, rare plants, birds, conservation and preservation planning.
James Morefield
367 | Nevada Natural Heritage Program / Flora of the White Mountains of CA-NV and adjacent areas, Nevada rare plants, flora of the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts and surrounding mountains, and Asteraceae (sunflower family). Author for the genera Ancistrocarphus, Chaenactis, Chamaechaenactis, Diaperia, Filago, Hesperevax, Logfia, Micropus, Micropsis, Psilocarphus, and Stylocline for Flora of North America North of Mexico, The Jepson Manual, and other projects.
Randall Morgan
1002 | CNPS / plant systematics and field botany: specialized 10+ years in Piperia, 18 years to date in Trifolium
Nancy Morin
245 | Flora of North America / Campanulaceae.
Joseph Morlan
2 | City College of San Francisco / Ornithology
Tony Morosco
56 | CalFlora Database / California floristics, herbaceous dicots
Keir Morse
456 | Expert in the genus Malacothamnus
Bill Moses
2 | Woody plants, Ontario
Daniel Mosquin
2 | UBC Botanical Garden |
Greta Murdoff
1 | The only time I focus on individual plants is for rare plant surveys, of which I've done numerous.
James murphy
3 | Long Beach City College/SC Botanists / Desert Natural History
Jerry Murray
1 | Seed Connoiseur - private native plant grower / Focus on growing terrestrial floral species using various growth enhancers to promote flowering maturity, particularly Liliaceae - Lilium. CalPhotos contributor.
Nathan Nazdrowicz
9 | Herpetology, University of Delaware |
John B. Nelson
2 | Univ of SC Herbarium / Stachys (Lamiaceae); plants of southeastern USA
Andrew Nelson
2 | New York Flora Association / Flora of Central New York State.
Joe Newsome
5 | San Diego State University / Southern California Herpetofauna, Lizards, Geckos (especially those of the Pacific)
Nhu Nguyen
1 | UC Berkeley / My main photography interest is in plants, particularly those with herbaceous habits.
Roy Nielsen
1 | Biologist |
Robert Nixon
3 | GSRC / I am particularly interested in the herpetofauna and vegetation of the southwestern US and Mexico.
Bradford Norman
10 | Aquatic Resource Specialists / Alaska, Washington, California, Oregon Herpetology, fisheries, malacology, & entomology; some botany, natural sciences.
Robert F Norris
3 | UC Davis / Weedy plant species in the Western USA and England, also the genus Carex and the Orchidaceae.
Jessica O'Brien
11 | California Botanist / Northern California Flora and rare plants of N. CA.
Ryan O'Dell
418 | Bureau of Land Management / Serpentine ecology - all of CA, Inner Coast Ranges, San Joaquin Desert. Extreme edaphic and climatic habitats. Annual plants. Camissonia, Layia, Deinandra, Streptanthus, Caulanthus, Gilia.
Renan Oliveira
1 | |
Richard Olmstead
7 | University of Washington / Flora of western North America with emphasis on families in Asteridae; Ph.D. on Scutellaria (Lamiaceae)
Ross Padilla
2 | private / Reptiles of southern California
Jade Paget-Seekins
1 | Humboldt State University |
Kai Palenscar
2 | University of California, Riverside / The ecology of invasive species of southern California, specifically giant reed (Arundo donax).
Michael Park
11 | Jepson and University Herbaria, University of CA / Eryngium (Apiaceae), Collinsia (Plantaginaceae), flora of California, esp. the Coast Ranges.
Bob Patterson
23 | San Francisco State University / Polemoniaceae; Hydrophyllaceae
Lorah Patterson
2 | Great Basin Institute / Mojave and Great Basin Deserts
James L. Patton
1 | Museum of Vertebrate Zoology |
Jean Pawek
13 | California flora
Ruth Percino Daniel
2 | I've worked on studies of the diversity of amphibians and reptiles in cloud forests in Chiapas, Mexico.
Bill Peterman
2 | University of Missouri / Salamanders, Amphibians
Michael Peters
2 | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service / Reptiles and Amphibians
Casey B. Peters
7 | California plants
Jean Petitbon
1 | Poaceae and common tropical plants
Martin Pickersgill
30 | None, particularly / Any natural history subjects, but especially amphibians.
Kurt Pickett
1 | University of Vermont / Hymenoptera, especially Vespidae; vespid taxonomy
Todd Pierson
22 | Amphibians, especially plethodontid salamanders
Paulo Pinheiro
1 | |
J. Mark Porter
6 | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden / Polemoniaceae, Cactaceae, Astragalus, Eriogonum.
Daniel Portik
3 | University of Texas at Arlington / African reptiles and amphibians
Robert Preston
151 | Jones & Stokes / Brassicaceae; Asteraceae (tarweeds and spikeweeds); Eryngium; vernal pool flora; Central Valley flora; rare and endangered species
Robert A. Price
2 | California Department of Food and Agriculture / Brassicaceae, conifers
Niels Proctor
2 | University of California at Davis / native plants of Oregon, landscaping plants of Oregon and California
Donald Prothero
3 | Occidental College, Caltech / Published expertise in fossil rhinos (definitive monograph, 2005), camels, horses, oreodonts and many other ungulates
Diogo B. Provete
198 | Universidade Estadual Paulista (S.J. Rio Preto) / I take photos from adult and larval anurans in Southeastern Brazil.
Martin Purdy
1 | California Botanic Garden / Sierra Nevada and eastern Sierra Nevada vascular plants with a particular focus and interest in alpine species.
Stephen Rae
3 | MUSCI Natural Resource Assessment / E/T/R CA native vascular plants and mosses, especially in north Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada
Jacques Ranger
1 | FloraQuebeca |
Richard Reaves
1 | Georgia Botanical Society, Wyoming Native Plant Society, Southern Appalachian Botanical Society / generally Dicots with focus on herbaceous plants of forested regions.
Jon Rebman
59 | San Diego Natural History Museum / Baja California flora, southern California flora, Cactaceae
Davis Redmond
1 | Bureau of Land Management |
Wende Rehlaender
7 | National Park Service |
Ryan L. Rehmeier
11 | Division of Biology, Kansas State University / mammals of Great Plains
Ksas Rémi
2 | Latoxan / Snakes from south america, especially the genus Philodryas
Maralyn Renner
4 | California Native Plant Society; The Pacific Lumber Company / Rare plants of northern California, plants of serpentine soils (especially the Josephine formation), Trillium, woody plants.
Gretchen Renshaw
1 | UCLA Extension Horticulture |
James L. Reveal
10 | Plant systematics, taxonomy of Polygonaceae subfam. Eriogonoideae, botanical nomenclature, and history of botanical explorations and discovery.
Tom Reyes
6 | NPS/GGNPC / Flora of Yosemite National Park and Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Barry Rice
4 | International Carnivorous Plant Society / Invasive species, carnivorous plants, cactaceae, astronomy.
Casey Richart
4 | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife / Terrestrial slugs and snails of western Washington
Eric N Rittmeyer
12 | Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science / Herpetology
Mauricio Rivera Correa
2 | Asociación Colombiana de Herpetología / I have interest in making photographies of herpetofauna and his generally habitats
Claudia Rocha-Campos
19 | Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, RS - Brazil / Pinnipedia - Phocidae (Southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, from Elephant Seal Isl., Antarctica).
Ariel Rodriguez
1 | Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática / Amphibians and Reptiles from Cuba
Luis Alejandro Rodriguez J.
3 | Serpientes de Venezuela / Reptiles and Amphibians of Venezuela
Michele Roman
1 | I am presently documenting the flora of Crestridge Ecological Reserve near Crest in San Diego County.
Santiago Ron
2 | Museo de Zoología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador / Neotropical amphibians
Jacqueline Rose
3 | Cal Poly SLO / I am far more familiar with trees and shrubs than I am with herbs and forbs, though I can't claim expertise on anything. I have also taken many photos of plant communities throughout California and am eager to share those through CalPhotos.
Lars Rosengreen
6 | San Jose State University / Polemoniaceae (Leptosiphon)
Phillip Roullard
3 | Tijuana River Natl. Estuarine Research Reserve / I photograph many salt marsh plants specifically as well as the plants in the Colorado desert, San Diego's mountains and chaparral habitat.
Sean Rovito
28 | Museum of Vertebrate Zoology / I have worked primarily with salamanders in the Sierra Nevada, California (Hydromantes) and Neotropical plethodontid salamanders, especially in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica.
Dr. Paddy Ryan
1 | Johnson & Wales University / Underwater photography, frogs, snakes, lizards, Pacific region, rainforest, coral reefs, deserts. Essentially if it moves or grows I'll photograph it.
Amelia Ryan
66 | Point Reyes National Seashore / Central/Northern California wetland species
Kathleen Sayce
2 | ShoreBank Pacific / Pacific Northwest coastal ecology
Daniel Scantlebury
2 | University of Texas at Austin / geckos
Hanno Schaefer
1 | Systematic Botany, University of Munich, Germany / Cucurbitaceae
Vince Scheidt
60 | San Diego County flora and fauna
H. Jochen Schenk
2 | California State University Fullerton / plants of southern California, Chemopodiaceae (esp. Suaeda)
John Schenk
3 | Washington State University |
Mark D. Scherz
3 | Zoologische Staatssammlung München / Madagascan amphibians, Madagascan reptiles, Madagascar, Microhylidae,
Andreas S. Schillert
9 | South-Africa
Wulf Schleip
4 | Leiopython
Steve Schoenig
79 | California Department of Fish & Game / Mimulus
Sean Schoville
2 | UC Berkeley / Amphibians and reptiles.
Michael A. Schroeder
1 | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife / Birds
Franz Schuhwerk
2 | Botanische Staatssammlung München / Hieracium
Lisa Schultheis
4 | UC Berkeley |
Aaron Schusteff
110 | Member of California Native Plant Society / California native plants and landscapes
Adam Searcy
12 | California Native Plant Society / Much of my past work involved birds but I slowly transitioned to more botanical work including rare plant surveys, weed mapping, vegetation classification, vegetation surveys, etc. I have 20 years of experience in field biology, including both herbarium and field work involving plant identification. I am most familiar with the flora of the Channel Islands, Western Transverse Ranges, western Mojave Desert, and the central and southern Coast Ranges.
Christopher Sears
12 | University of British Columbia / North American Crepis agamic complex, Platanthera, and Polystichum.
Jose M. Serrano
1 | UNAM / frogs and salamanders
Arthur M. Shapiro
1 | U.C.Davis / Butterflies; Brassicaceae
Alison Sheehey
2 | Nature Ali / birds, mammals, butterflies, dragonflies, reptile, amphibians, lithology, plants, and landscapes of Kern, California and North America-Hawaii.
Lynn Sherman
1 | California Native Plant Society, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Los Angeles Mycological Society / experienced at vascular plant and mycological identification, east coast and southern California
Chintan Sheth
1 | Indian - Reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, insects
Nicole Shorey
2 | AMEC Earth & Environmental / surveys for birds, reptiles, and terrestrial arthropods
Mary Ann Showers
224 | California Native Plant Society; California Department of Fish and Game / Alpine species,including Silene suksdorfii; arid land revegetation.
Noah Siegel
16 | Macro fungi, mostly coastal northern and central California.
Dave Silverman
10 | desert plants
Adrienne Simmons
4 | Mrs. / The flora of the North Coast of California, the flora of the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California, and Northern Minnesota.
Scott Simono
5 | UC Jepson Herbarium / California Flora
Nicholas Simpson
1 | Kansas State University / Cephalopod, Philippines.
Michael G. Simpson
3 | San Diego State University / Plants of San Diego County, California. Boraginaceae, especially Cryptantha.
Cristian J. Singer
1 | Capable of the accurate identification of the flora of California. Particulary interested in grasses and sedges. Work experience: Mojave Vegetation Mapping Project (1997-1998,USGS); Yosemite Vegetation Mapping Project (1999, The Nature Conservancy in coordination with the National Park Service); state-wide meadow sampling requiring accurate identification of grasses, sedges, rushes, etc. (USFS, 2000-2001); Rare Plant Botanist (seasonal) Lassen National Forest (2002). Extensive experience (2003-2005) as botanist in private industry. Currently working throughout California and contiguous regions conducting rare plant surveys, vegetation mapping, etc.
Robert Sivinski
1 | NM Forestry Division / Special interests are the flora of New Mexico and the southwest.
Mark K. Skinner
11 | USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center / Invasive plant species and rare plants.
Doreen L. Smith
223 | Calif. Native. Plant Society / Marin County, Ca. plants, especially the rare taxa.
Sean B. Smith
1 | National Park Service; Southern Oregon University / The Mythical State of Jefferson.
Darren Smy
3 | Vancouver Aquarium |
Daria Snider
2 | Gibson & Skordal / Most experienced with the flora of the Sacramento Valley and foothills of the northern Sierra Nevada, but have also spent quite a bit of time in the Mojave, Coastal Sage Scrub in the LA Basin (Chino Hills, etc), San Francisco Bay Area, and the higher Sierra.
Sheri Sohlstrom (Etchemendy)
11 | Oregon State University, Zoology Dept. / marine invertebrates
Mirco Sole
8 | University of Tübingen / Brazilian amphibian species
Becca Sonday
2 | Yosemite National Park, University of Michigan / Woody plants of the Northeastern United States and Midwest, Vines of the United States
John Sorenson
17 | Lamiaceae (Monardella, Stachys)
Richard Spellenberg
2 | New Mexico State University / I have studied regional Nyctaginaceae, Quercus, and Astragalus. I mostly photograph Southwestern plants and US genera of the Asteraceae.
Stanley Spencer
1 | American Society of Plant Taxonomists / Southern California plants; Navarretia.
Richard Spjut
5 | World Botanical Associates / Trees and shrubs of Kern County, Taxus, Niebla, Vermilacinia, fruit types.
Forest & Kim Starr
1 | United States Geological Survey - Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii / Plants of Hawaii
John Stebbins
4 | California Native Plant Society / Extensive experience with central valley and Sierran flora.
Dale Steele
2 | Calif. Dept Transportation / As described on web site, I am a researcher of mt. beaver ecology and distribution. I am a wildlife ecologist with many years of experience in California.
Robert Steers
10 | UC Riverside / Most comfortable with southern Coast Range, southern California Mountains, and desert regions around JTNP.
Ray Stephenson
66 | Sedum Society / Sedum and closely related
Thomas Stoughton
132 | US Forest Service / San Bernardino Mtns flora, Big Bear Lake Area flora, Southern California weeds and native plants, Rare endemics of Bear Valley and San Bernardino Mountains, Alpine plants of southern California, species of the genus Claytonia (Montiaceae) and southern California mountain and desert species of Boechera (Brassicaceae)
Jeffrey Streicher
1 | Natural History Museum, London / Amphibians and Reptiles
Chris Stumpf
1 | Geographic Resource Solutions / macro photography of plants in northern California
Prem Subrahmanyam
1 | Florida Native Plant Society / Florida native orchids, other botanical members of the same community.
Javier Sunyer
2 | Senckenber Museum / Diversity, biogeography and conservation status of Central and South American herpetofauna (particularly Nicaragua)
Amber Swanson
2 | CNPS / My particular interest is in rare plants of the Mojave desert.
Theresa S. Talley
1 | University of California / wetland and riparian ecology
Adonis (Don) Tate
63 | Reptiles and amphibians of west-central California from sea to subdeserts, with several brief forays into the deserts, including a seven-week herpetological survey in the East Mojave.
Dean Wm. Taylor
89 | UC/JEPS / Dean's research interests center in the realm of floristics of California.
John M. Taylor
36 | US Fish & Wildlife Service / With a focus on Threatened & Endangered species (both plants and animals), I also try to take a photo of anything that catches my eye.
Joyce Test
6 | Berkeley Natural History Museums (BNHM) - CalPhotos / test
Tim Thomas
24 | California Native Plant Society / Rare plant surveys and conservation. CNPS Rare Plant Program Committee and Mojave Desert Chapter CNPS president.
Robert Thurston
1 | Zoological Society of San Diego / Temperate palms; Scrophulariaceae (Penstemon); Flora of Rock Creek (Eastern Sierra)
Boris I. Timofeev
1 | Russian Caudata Group / Salamandridae, Hynobiidae.
David Todd
1 | Most of my photographs are taken on mineral collecting field trips in western Washington.
Peggy Tolleson
1 | French Mycological Society / strictly very experiened amateur mycologist
Simon Tonge
10884 | Reptiles, birds
Pepper W. Trail
1 | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service / Birds, especially North America and the Neotropics.
Cynthia Trowbridge
34 | Oregon State University / sacoglossan opisthobranchs
Thayne Tuason
10 | Native plants of the inland NW
Kathryn Turner
3 | Colorado State University / Annual plants introduced to/invasive in North America
Evan Twomey
2 | East Carolina University / Behavioral ecology, community ecology, neotropical herpetology, biogeography, amphibian biodiversity, systematics and taxonomy of poison frogs.
Ken-ichi Ueda
1 | / Moderate experience with vascular plants, herpetofauna, birds, and opisthobranchs of the SF Bay Area and New England. Eagerly learning about fungi, bryophytes, and arthropods of the SF Bay Area.
Jean-Pierre Vacher
1 | Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique / Amphibians.
Alejandro Valencia
5 | |
Debra Valov
24 | flora of Central and Southern Baja California
Bruce Van Deuson
1 | Federation of Fly Fishers / Teach entomology of stream insects at fly fishing schools and seminars.
Judith van Dommelen
5 | European Birds, European terrestrial orchids especially central and southern Europe and Central african birds
Rob W.M. Van Soest
20 | Zoological Museum Amsterdam / all Demospongiae (one of three classes of sponges)
Eric Vanderduys
2 | Herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians)
Pete Veilleux
23 | cnps & east bay wilds / growing unusual and difficult native plants.
Else C. Vellinga
18 | UCBerkeley, Dept Plant and Microbial Biology, Bruns Lab / Agaricales, especially Agaricaceae and Pluteaceae
Miguel Vences
1 | Amphibians, particularly from Madagascar. Most of his photographing work in Madagascar has been carried out in close cooperation with Dr. Frank Glaw (curator of herpetology, Zoologische Staatssammlung, Muenchen, Germany)
Debbie Viess
36 | Bay Area Mycological Society / Amanitas, mushrooms of California, California birds, Natural History of Huckleberry Botanical Preserve.
Michael A. Vincent
4 | Miami University, Oxford, OH / New Owlrd flora, esp. Fabaceae
Chris Wagner
2 | US Forest Service / Non-vascular Specialist, though I am a professional Botanist, I love mosses, liverworts, hornworts and lichens as well!
David Wagner
23 | Herbaria of Oregon State University and University of California, Berkeley / General botany of the Pacific Northwest; liverworts; ferns; mosses; hornworts. Natural History education and appreciation.
Warren Wagner
27 | Smithsonian Institution / Onagraceae and Pacific Island angiosperms
Philipp Wagner
5 | Museum A. Koenig |
David Wake
10 | Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley / Amphibians
Genevieve K. Walden
9 | San Francisco State University / invasive and weeds, Namaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Hydrophylloideae, Boraginaceae, Boraginales, Draperia, Ellisia, Emmenanthe, Eriodictyon, Eucrypta, Hesperochiron, Howellanthus, Hydrophyllum, Nama, Nemophila, Phacelia, Pholistoma, Romanzoffia, Tricardia, Turricula, Wigandia
Floyd Waller
3 | retired / Poaceae, Cactceae
Peyton Walton
1 | Succulent Euphorbiaceae, Liliaceae, Crassulaceae, Asphodelaceae, etc.
N. Misa Ward
2 | California Native Plant Society |
Aaron Ware
3 | Rainforestflora Inc. / Exotic Succulents
Dee E. Warenycia
8 | Birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.
Karen Warkentin
3 | Boston University / Amphibians, early life stages. Neotropics, North America.
Peter J. Warner
1 | Most of my photographs are plant-centered, focused on some morphological character, overall plant structure, or habitats, but I have a few good ones of critters, fungi, and clouds.
Nick D Waters
4 | Ecology and evolutionary history of herpetofauna and terrestrial mollusks of the Southwest, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska.
D. Robert A. Watson
4 | independent / Expertise in Datura taxonomy: Published new species Datura arenicola in Madrono 60(3): 217-228, 2013.
Kjirsten Wayman
8 | Humboldt State University / Plants of Northwest California
Rachel Werling
2 | Oregon State University / Southern Oregon vascular botany and general natural history, riparian ecology.
Rick Westcott
1 | Oregon Department of Agriculture / Coleoptera: Buprestidae. Primary research interest in Mexico and the U.S.
Margriet Wetherwax
49 | Jepson Herbarium / Scrophulariaceae, Plantaginaceae, and Orobanchaceae. Responsible for revision of several families for 2nd edition Jepson Manual.
John White
13 | amphibians and reptiles
Raymond R. White
1 | Euphydryas biology
Scott White
5 | Scott White Biological Consulting / southern California, esp. Riverside and San Bernardino Cos.
Kellie Whittaker
41 | UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology / Amphibians.
Corey Wickliffe
7 | Members of the family dendrobatidate, members of the genus Atelopus, and members of the genus Mantella.
Mary Wicksten
1 | Texas A&M University / Decapod crustaceans
Dieter Wilken
12 | Santa Barbara Botanic Garden / rare plants of California's central coast region
Kipling Will
2 | UC, Berkeley / Insect Systematics
Andrea Williams
42 | Plants of Del Norte and Humboldt counties, especially rare plants.
Linda Willis
3 | Calif. Native Plant Society / Santa Cruz county vascular plants. Cultivated California natives.
Margaret Willits
1 | Stanislaus NF retired / plants of the Mi-Wok and Summit Ranger Districts
Jeffrey Wilson
3 | USDA-ARS / Pearl millet breeding, genetics, pathology.
Nathan Wilson
1 | Marine Biological Laboratory / Macrofungi and biodiversity informatics.
Barbara L. Wilson
7 | Carex Working Group / Carex, Festuca, grasses, sedges, Sedum
Chris Winchell
1 | Central/southern Sierra Nevada Mtns., San Joaquin Valley
Hartmut Wisch
7 | CNPS,San Gabriel Mountains Ch. / I use digital photography as a way of documenting what I observe: plants, as well as their insect customers.Special interests: pollinators, especially bees and pollen wasps (Masarinae).
Carl Wishner
2 | Carl Wishner Biologist / Botany (vascular plants, bryology, mycology), Biology (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals).
Carol W. Witham
23 | Central Valley vernal pools and east slope Great Basin.
Kai-Erik Witte
1 | |
Ron Wolf
2 | Birds, wildflowers and fungi of Northern California; creatures of the Pacific intertidal zone; minerals; geology of California and the West.
Keith Wolfe
11 | Caterpillars of Papilionidae, Pieridae, and Nymphalidae (s.l.) worldwide and their hostplant utilization.
David Wolfson
1 | I am interested primarily in the flora and fauna of San Luis Obispo County.
Eric Wrubel
10 | National Park Service, San Francisco State University / Central California floristics and ecology.
Wolfgang Wuster
16 | University of Wales Bangor / Mostly reptiles, especially snakes
Dana York
31 | California Native Plant Society / Sierran & Mojave Desert plants. Starting to acquire photos from the Klamath Mountains.
Elizabeth Zacharias
100 | Harvard University Herbaria / Atriplex
Djibo Zanzot
1 | Plant Pathology- U C Davis / Forest Pathology, Mycology
Scott Zona
6 | Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden / Palms; tropical ornamentals
Domingo Zungri
4 | Pacific Coast Entomological Society / Bumble bees of California's Central Valley.
Jordan Zylstra
4 | Southern California mountains and deserts.