photo of Steve Matson Steve Matson
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CalPhotos photographer and reviewer profile for Steve Matson:

Amateur botanist, Tahoe and Bristlecone Chapters of California Native Plant Society. I have attended over 50 Jepson workshops over the last 20 years which may or may not lend any credibility to the correct identification of my plant images. My goal is to produce and share images here to further the photo documentation of plants in the Western US. I am motivated to provide images to aid in identification and secondarily create images with aesthetic value. Non profit use of my images may occur without asking explicit permission for images downloaded directly from CalPhotos. I would, however, appreciate knowing how they are being used. Original image files can be provided for a fee. Contributor's ID # on the details page of an image is necessary upon such a request.
Affiliation: CNPS
Special interests/expertise: Plants in eastern California
Total Photos Contributed: 25378  [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos]
Collection:  Private
Email address for Steve Matson:  ssmat[AT]   (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.)
Photos reviewed by Steve Matson: 34 [See photos reviewed]
Usage information: This photographer has a default Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 (CC BY-NC 3.0) license. However, individual photos belonging to Steve Matson may have different licenses, so before using this photographer's photos, please read the licensing information displayed on specific photo pages with photos belonging to Steve Matson. If you use a photo belonging to Steve Matson, you must include the copyright and license that appear with the photo you want to use. If you have questions, contact Steve Matson ssmat[AT]

For more information about usage, see Using the Photos in CalPhotos.

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