CalPhotos photographer and reviewer profile for Alison Sheehey:
| A photographer and naturalist, Alison has researched includes the Rose-ringed Parakeets of Bakersfield, and the fauna and flora of Kern County, California. She holds an AA in Anthropology and is a Certified California Master Naturalist through the UC Davis Master Naturalist program. And she has extensive Biology and Geology coursework completed at CSUB. She has published stories and photos to local and national magazines and periodicals. She is the author of Wildflowers of the Southern Sierra Nevada. She is currently working on a travel book about her explorations of natural places in North America and leads natural history and birding tours around California. | Affiliation: Nature Ali | Special interests/expertise: birds, mammals, butterflies, dragonflies, reptile, amphibians, lithology, plants, and landscapes of Kern, California and North America-Hawaii. | Total Photos Contributed: 41 [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos] |
Private |
Email address for Alison Sheehey:
natureali[AT]gmail.com (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.) |
Web Page:
http://www.natureali.org/ |
Photos reviewed by Alison Sheehey: 2 [See photos reviewed] |
Usage information:
To obtain permission to use photos taken by Alison Sheehey, or to inquire about reprints, fees, and licensing, follow the notification instructions that appear with the photos. Also please request permission before using or storing text from photos taken by Alison Sheehey, such as scientific and common names, locations, dates, and notes. If you obtain permission for using a photo, you must include the copyright that appears with the photo you want to use. For more information about usage, see Using the Photos in CalPhotos.