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Smyrnium olusatrum Alexanders
Photographer: Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
ID: 0000 0000 0223 0082 (2023-02-02)Copyright © 2023 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
date of photo Apr 24, 2006
latitude 44.37980 longitude 14.78353
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Adriatic Sea region, island Olib, northeast outskirts of village Olib, next to the path to Slatenica beach, Zadar archipelago (Dalmatia, Croatia)family
notes CR: zelenkasta lesandra, lesandra češljast - Habitat: roadside, next to a dry stone wall, warm and dry place; calcareous ground, flat and sunny place; elevation 24 m (80 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 13 -14 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. - Substratum: soil. - Comment (pertains to pictures in the Flickr album Smyrnium olusatrum): Smyrnium olusatrum is an old edible plant. In West Mediterranean its young sprouts were eaten as a common vegetable. Smell and taste resemble celery. Today it is completely forgotten and almost 'rare'. One can find the plant mostly near human settlements, often on ruderal ground, but sometimes also in the wild. On island Olib one can find it mostly on long time ago abandoned fields near the sea shore. - The species grows scattered almost in all Mediterranean countries in Europe and Africa. However, it hasn't been found yet in Slovenia. In Croatia it is most frequent on east shores of Adriatic Sea and the pertaining islands. - Ref.: (1) T. Nikolić, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 2., Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 184, (2) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 155. (3) I. Schӧnfelder, P. Schӧnfelder, Kosmos Atlas Mittelmeer- und Kanarenflora, Kosmos, (2002), p 136. (4) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske (Flora of Croatia) (in Croatian), Školska Knjiga, Zagreb (1994), p 246.camera Nikon D70 /Nikkor Micro 105mm/f2.8
contributor's ID # Bot_0115/2006_DSC_0122 and Bot_0117/2006_ DSC_0265 photo category: Plant - annual/perennial
common names
Alexanders (photographer)
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