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Flexitrichum gracile Slender Ditrichum
Photographer: Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
ID: 0000 0000 0123 0026 (2023-01-01)Copyright © 2023 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
date of photo Nov 1, 2021
latitude 46.35819 longitude 13.70461
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Lower Trenta valley, between villages Soča and Trenta, about 100 m upstream from Matevž's (Trenta 1) footbridge, left bank of river Soča, few meters above a river bed, East Julian Alps (Posočje, Slovenia)family
notes Syn.: Ditrichum gracile (Mitt.)Kuntze, Ditrichum crispatissimum (Mill. Hqal.) Par. - Habitat: very steep, rocky mountain slope, northwest aspect; about 10 m above mountain stream; on soil-covered boulders, calcareous, skeletal ground, partly on overgrown scree; open place, mostly in shade; exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 545 m (1.790 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: sandy soil. - Comment (pertains to Flickr album Flexitrichum gracile): Flexitrichum gracile is a widespread and fairly common moss. Since it is quite tall and grows in the typically lax patches of thin, wispy stems, it is not difficult to recognize it. - It is an acrocarpous moss, which means that the stems are erect and in which the archegonia (female sex organs), and hence the capsules, are borne at the tips of stems. This type of mosses shows usually little or no branching and grow in erect tufts. However, in Flexitrichum gracile the capsules are very rare. - Ref.: (1) I. Atherton, S. Bosanquet, M. Lawley, eds., Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, British Bryological Society, (2010), p 349 (2) M. Nebel, G.Philippi, eds., Die Moose Baden-Württembergs, Vol: 1. (2000), p 204. (3) M. Luth, Mosses of Europe – A Photographic Flora., Vol.1., ML Publ., Freiburg, Germany (2019), p 373. (4) https://www.britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk/learning/species-finder/flexitrichum-gracile/ (accessed Dec. 31. 2022)camera Sony ILCE6000 on trinocular Novex RZ, Holland
contributor's ID # Bot_1417/2021_DSC4998 photo category: Plant - mosses/etc
common names
Slender Ditrichum (photographer)
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