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Epipactis helleborine ssp. orbicularis; Short-leaved Helleborine   

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Epipactis helleborine ssp. orbicularis
Epipactis helleborine ssp. orbicularis
Short-leaved Helleborine
Photographer: Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy

ID: 0000 0000 0820 1375 (2020-08-13)

Copyright © 2020 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy

  • date of photo  Jul 31, 2019
  • latitude 46.35826   longitude 13.70393     View on Google Maps.
  • location   Lower Trenta valley, between villages Soča and Trenta, Matevž's gorge; right bank of river Soča, a few meters upstream from hanging bridge; East Julian Alps (Posočje, Slovenia)
  • notes   Slo.: kratkolistna močvirnica - syn.: Epipactis distans Arv.-Touv., Epipactis helleborine ssp. distans (Arv.-Touv.) Engel. & Quentin, Epipactis orbicularis - Habitat: grass, tall herbs and bushes overgrown mountain slope; southeast aspect; near a river; calcareous ground; open, warm, dry place, however, high air humidity; elevation 535 m (1.750 feet); average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 5-7 deg C, alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: soil. - Comment: Epipactis helleborine aggregate is a group of very variable plants. Determination of plants on lower taxonomic ranges requires much experience. In addition, different experts have different opinions on the taxonomy on this species as well as on other similar taxa of the genus. Epipactis helleborine ssp. orbicularis and Epipactis distans, for example, are synonyms for some and completely unrelated species for others. - Epipactis helleborine ssp. orbicularis is a common plant in Trenta valley, where I live. I recognize it predominantly by its habitus: stout, strong plants with upwards growing leaves cone-like attached to the stalk, often yellow green leaves and always growing on sunny, dry, open places. - Protected according to: Uredba o zavarovanih prostoživečih rastlinskih vrstah, poglavje A, Uradni list RS, št. 46/2004 (Regulation of protected wild plants, chapter A, Official Gazette of Republic Slovenia, no. 46/2004), (2004). - Ref.: (1) Personal communication and conf. Mr. Branko Dolinar, (2) A. Martinči et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnična Založba Slovenije (2007) (in Slovene), p 766. (3) H.Kretzschmar, Die Orchideen Deutschlands und angrenzenden Lander, Quelle Meyer (2008), p 127. (4) H.Baumann, S. Kuenkele, R.Lorenz, Orchideen Europas, Ulmer (2006), p 83. (5) B.Dolinar, Kukavičevke v Sloveniji (Orchidaceae of Slovenia) (in Slovenian), Pipinova Knjiga (2015), p 63. (6) D. Aeschimann, K. Lauber, D.M. Moser, J.P. Theurillat, Flora Alpina, Vol. 2., Haupt (2004), p 1100. (7) (accessed Aug. 9. 2020)
  • camera   Sony ILCE6000 / Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar E 16-70 mm/f4
  • contributor's ID #  Bot_1236/2019_DSC09311
  • photo category: Plant - annual/perennial

  • common names   Short-leaved Helleborine (photographer)
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  • The photographer's identification Epipactis helleborine ssp. orbicularis has not been reviewed. Sign in to review or comment on this photo

    Using this photo   The thumbnail photo (128x192 pixels) on this page may be freely used for personal or academic purposes without prior permission under the Fair Use provisions of US copyright law as long as the photo is clearly credited with © 2020 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy. For other uses, or if you have questions, contact Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy amadej.trnkoczy[AT] (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.)


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