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Neoantrodia serialis Serried Porecrust
Photographer: Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
ID: 0000 0000 1218 1956 (2018-12-20)Copyright © 2018 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
date of photo Nov 28, 2018
latitude 46.36633 longitude 13.72305
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Lower Trenta valley, next to Soča trail, left bank of river Soča, between farm house Fačar and Maselc, East Julian Alps (Posočje, Slovenia)notes Slo.: vrstna trhlica - syn.: Antrodia serialis (Fr.) Donk, Coriolellus callosus (Fr.) M.P. Christ., Trametes serialis (Fr.) Fr., Daedalea serialis (Fr.) Aoshima - Habitat: light, mixed predominantly conifer wood, Picea abies dominant with intermixed Fagus sylvatica; slightly inclined mountain slope, northwest aspect; near river bed; humid and mostly shady place; exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-8 deg C, elevation 575 m (1.900 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: heavily rotten stump of a larger Picea abies. - Comments: Neoantrodia serialis is a quite common and conspicuous polypore, sometimes forming large basidiocarps, which can extend up to 2 m in length (Ref.: 1). It is quite variable in habit, sometimes forming large groups of small crowded pilei, sometimes it is almost without them. When growing resupinate it can be very similar to Heterobasidion annosum and only microscopy of spores can separate both with confidence. - Two largely effused-reflexed fruit bodies were present; larger basidiocarp's dimension 20 x 7 cm, trama leathery up to 3 mm thick, tubes on vertical parts up to 4-5 mm long; pilei up to 22 x 7 mm and up to 6 mm off the substratum, often confluent; taste mild, mushroomy, slightly unpleasant, long lasting; smell mild, pleasant; SP none (no spores found – too young basidiocarps?). - Herbarium: Index Herbariorum LJF @ Mycotheca and lichen herbarium of Slovenian Forestry Institute. - Ref.: (1) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Württembergs, Band 1., Ulmer (2000), p 480. (2) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Morphological-and-geographic-ecological-characters-in-the-Antrodia-serialis-group_tbl1_316143013 (Accessed Nov. 28.2018) (3) https://www.mycoquebec.org/bas.php?l=r&nom=Antrodia%20serialis%20/%20Polypore%20en%20rang%C3%A9es&post=Antrodia&gro=6&tag=Antrodia%20serialis (Accessed Nov. 28.2018) (4) L. Ryvarden, I. Melo, Poroid fungi of Europe, Synopsis Fungorum 31., Fungiflora (2014), p 86. (5) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceaes l., Fungi Europaei, Vol. 10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 116camera Sony ILCE6000 / Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar E 16-70 mm/f4
contributor's ID # Bot_1167/2018_DSC05248 photo category: Fungi - fungi
common names
Serried Porecrust (photographer)
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