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Krameria bicolor; White Ratany   

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Krameria bicolor
Krameria bicolor
White Ratany
Photographer: Aaron Schusteff

ID: 0000 0000 0604 0565 (2004-06-17)

Copyright © 2004 Aaron Schusteff

  • date of photo  Mar 24, 2004
  • location   Mountain Palm Spring, south of town of Canebrake, Anza-Borrego Park (San Diego County, California, US)
  • family Krameriaceae
  • synonyms Krameria grayi
  • plant community   Desert Scrub.
  • notes   Close-up of a single flower of Krameria grayi. There are two species of Krameria in the Jepson Manual: K. erecta and K. grayi. In both species, a novice might mistake the showy purple sepals for petals. But the actual perianth is a bit strange. The five 'petals' consist of three upper petals (above the pistil and stamens) and two distinctly different 'gland-like' petals (lateral to and somewhat below the pistil and stamens). In the flower of K. grayi the purple-tipped, yellow, upper petal blades are thinner, straigher (i.e. more erect!), and almost parallel and touching. Whereas in K. erecta, each upper petal blade is wider (i.e. the petals are clawed), and the three of them are more fanned-out laterally when viewed straight on. Also, the two 'gland-like' lower-lateral petals of K. grayi have the surface texture of a bunch of small balls fused together, whereas the the 'gland-like' lower petals of K. erecta are textured with low, more or less parallel, longitudinal ridges. When not in flower, the two species can be distinguished (using a hand lens) by their fruit. Both have small hairy more or less spheric fruits covered with spreading spines. On K. grayi, the fruit spines are barbed only near the tip, while on K. erecta the barbs are scattered all along the fruit spines (or lacking).
  • camera   Shot at f13, 1/100 sec on Canon D60 with a Canon 50mm Compact Macro lens.
  • photo category: Plant - shrub

  • name change notes   May 21, 2014: TJM1 name Krameria grayi changed to TJM2 name Krameria bicolor . (University & Jepson Herbaria)

  • common names   White Ratany (ITIS )
  • Look for Jepson Manual treatments, maps (University & Jepson Herbaria)
  • View Calflora record for Krameria bicolor
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  • The photographer's identification Krameria bicolor has not been reviewed. Sign in to review or comment on this photo

    Using this photo   The thumbnail photo (128x192 pixels) on this page may be freely used for personal or academic purposes without prior permission under the Fair Use provisions of US copyright law as long as the photo is clearly credited with © 2004 Aaron Schusteff. For other uses, or if you have questions, contact Aaron Schusteff arbonius2[AT] (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.)


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