notes Photographed within an opening in coastal scrub dominated by Bacharris pilularis at about 800' elevation above Devil's Slide. Note the petal limbs are pink and bilobed, having sinus depth 1/3-1/2 the length of the limb; and with each lobe having a conspicuous lateral tooth. The calyces are densely glandular-puberulent. The inflorescence is mildly congested distally...the internodes between paired, sessile flowers becoming quite reduced distally. There are about 4 pairs of opposite, cauline, narrowly ovate-oblanceolate leaves...the uppermost reduced. The stem is solitary and erect, fairly robust, and densely puberulent and glandular distally, less so proximally.
This keys to S. scouleri ssp. scouleri in the Jepson eFlora and FNA treatments. In the 1947 revision of Silene by Hitchcock & Maguire as well as in Abrams it keys to S. scouleri, with the subtaxa less clear.
Links to each of these references appear below (in reverse chronological order):
Jepson eFlora: Silene key; S. scouleri ssp. scouleri treatment; Flora of North America (2005): Silene key; S. scouleri ssp. scouleri treatment; Hitchcock & Maguire Silene Revision (1947): Silene key; S. scouleri treatment + Figure 27; Abrams Flora (1944): Silene key ; S. scouleri treatment + Fig. 1743