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Artemisia spiciformis
Photographer: Steve Matson
ID: 0000 0000 1015 1328 (2015-10-10)Copyright © 2015 Steve Matson
date of photo Sep 5, 2015
cSNH; Mammoth Lakes Basin; Valentine Reserve off Old Mammoth Road (Mono County, California, US)notes Ann Howald brought this taxon to my attention. After studying this region for decades, Ann started paying attention to what looks a lot like Artemisia tridentata, and hence easily passed over. In the TJM2 key, this taxon keys out next to A. tridentate at the end of the Artemisia key. Ostensibly the key break is 'Leaves entire to irregularly 3–6-toothed, partly deciduous; plant sprouting from roots; moist slopes, rocky meadows, High Sierra Nevada, White and Inyo Mountains > 2000 m.'contributor's ID # AsteraceaeArtemisiaspiciformis2-PZ2A2257.jpg photo category: Plant - shrub
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For other uses, or if you have questions, contact Steve Matson ssmat[AT]sbcglobal.net. (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.) |