notes Some things to note here: 1) The corolla is sympetalous...i.e. the lobes can be seen to be narrowly fused into a ring at their bases, forming the rim of the shallow corolla tube.
2) The form of the filaments is quite interesting. Basally they are widely dilated and ciliate-margined, but they gradually taper to a thread-like apical portion...and in-between they are doubled over into an 'S'-shape in lateral profile. The wide bases of the filaments bend inward at a low angle from the hypanthium-edge (on the inner-periphery of the corolla-base) towards the base of the style...and virtually cover and obscure the top of the ovary underlying the interior of the corolla tube.
3) The densely ciliate, 3-lobed stigma appears to be covered with pollen. (Perhaps from the adjacent anthers? Perhaps the flowers are self-pollinated? It's often quite foggy and windy at this locale, and no pollinators were seen visiting the flowers even on sunny days).
4) The filaments are positioned opposite the sepals and alternate to the petals. .
For more info on this plant and its ID, see the detailed remarks under this companion post.