Using this photo The Regents of the University of California hold all rights, title and interest in materials (photographic images, field notebook pages, maps, correspondence) from the archives of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), Berkeley. The MVZ provides online access to these resources in furtherance of its non-profit and tax-exempt status. These materials may be reprinted and distributed for academic and other uses with express written permission. No materials may be used for financial gain or resale. High resolution copies of photographic images may be provided upon written request to the MVZ. Permission for publication of archival materials must be made in writing to the MVZ. Please credit use of these materials with the following notice: "Archives of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley." For questions, contact the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology mvzarchives@berkeley.edu |
©2013 Daniel Portik