CalPhotos: Browse Reptile Photos   

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Last updated: Feb 05 2025

Click on one of the links below to display a representative photo for each name in the range shown. Each link brings up 32 thumbnail photos.

scientific names common names
Ablepharus - Acanthodactylus
Acanthodactylus - Actinemys
Actinemys - Agkistrodon
Agkistrodon - Alligator
Alopoglossus - Ameivula
Ameivula - Ancylodactylus
Anelytropsis - Anolis
Anolis - Anolis
Anolis - Anolis
Anolis - Anolis
Anolis - Apathya
Apathya - Asaccus
Aspidelaps - Aspidoscelis
Aspidoscelis - Atractus
Atractus - Bamanophis
Barisia - Blaesodactylus
Blaesodactylus - Boiga
Boiga - Bothrops
Bothrops - Bradypodion
Bradypodion - Bungarus
Bungarus - Callisaurus
Callisaurus - Calumma
Calumma - Carlia
Carlia - Cerastes
Cerastes - Chalcides
Chalcides - Chelonoidis
Chelonoidis - Chironius
Chlamydosaurus - Cnemaspis
Cnemaspis - Coleonyx
Coleonyx - Conolophus
Conophis - Crenadactylus
Crocodylus - Crotalus
Crotalus - Crotalus
Crotalus - Crotaphytus
Crotaphytus - Ctenophorus
Ctenophorus - Ctenotus
Ctenotus - Cyrtodactylus
Cyrtodactylus - Cyrtopodion
Daboia - Dasypeltis
Dasypeltis - Dendroaspis
Dendroaspis - Diplodactylus
Diplodactylus - Dipsas
Dipsas - Dryadosaura
Drymarchon - Echis
Echis - Elaphe
Elaphe - Emoia
Emoia - Enyalius
Enyalius - Eremias
Eremias - Eryx
Eryx - Eutropis
Eutropis - Furcifer
Furcifer - Gehyra
Gehyra - Gerrhonotus
Gerrhopilus - Gonatodes
Gonatodes - Graptemys
Graptemys - Hebius
Hebius - Hemidactylus
Hemidactylus - Hemidactylus
Hemidactylus - Holbrookia
Holbrookia - Hydrophis
Hydrophis - Iguana
Imantodes - Kentropyx
Kentropyx - Lacerta
Lacerta - Lampropeltis
Lampropeltis - Leiocephalus
Leiocephalus - Leposoma
Leposoma - Lerista
Lerista - Liolaemus
Liolaemus - Loxopholis
Loxopholis - Lycodon
Lycodon - Lygodactylus
Lygodactylus - Madatyphlops
Malaclemys - Masticophis
Masticophis - Medopheos
Mehelya - Micrelaps
Micrelaps - Micrurus
Micrurus - Monilesaurus
Monilesaurus - Naja
Naja - Natrix
Natrix - Nerodia
Nerodia - Nucras
Oedura - Opheodrys
Opheodrys - Oreocryptophis
Orraya - Pachydactylus
Pachydactylus - Pangshura
Pangshura - Pareas
Pareas - Petrosaurus
Phalotris - Philodryas
Philodryas - Phrynocephalus
Phrynocephalus - Phyllodactylus
Phyllodactylus - Pituophis
Pituophis - Platysternon
Plectrurus - Podarcis
Podarcis - Polychrus
Polychrus - Prosymna
Prosymna - Psammophis
Psammophis - Pseudoboa
Pseudocalotes - Pseudoxyrhopus
Pseustes - Python
Python - Rhabdops
Rhabdops - Rhinocheilus
Rhinocheilus - Riopa
Rodriguesophis - Saproscincus
Sarada - Sceloporus
Sceloporus - Sceloporus
Sceloporus - Scincus
Scolecophis - Siphlophis
Siphlophis - Sphaerodactylus
Sphaerodactylus - Stenocercus
Stenocercus - Strobilurus
Strophurus - Tantilla
Tantilla - Telescopus
Telescopus - Testudo
Testudo - Thamnophis
Thamnophis - Thelotornis
Thelotornis - Trachemys
Trachemys - Trachylepis
Trachylepis - Trimeresurus
Trimeresurus - Trimorphodon
Trimorphodon - Tropidophis
Tropidophorus - Typhlosaurus
Tytthoscincus - Uroplatus
Uroplatus - Varanus
Varanus - Varanus
Varanus - Vipera
Vipera - Xenodon
Xenodon - Zootoca
"brown - (light
(newport - African
African - Aligator
Allapalli - American
American - Anguilla
Angulate - Argentine
Argentine - Aruban
Ashe's - Asp
Asp - Babilla
Babilla - Ball
Ball - Banded
Banded - Bark
Bark - Beaked
Beaked - Bejuquillo
Belding's - Birilliant
Blach- - Black
Black - Black-masked
Black-necked - Blacktailed
Blacktailed - Blue
Blue - Blunt-headed
Blunt-headed - Böhme's
Böhme's - Boyd's
Boyd's - Broad-banded
Broad-banded - Brown
Brown - Burrowing
Burrowing - California
California - Cameroon
Canberra - Cape
Cape - Caspian
Caspian - Caucasian
Caucasus - Central
Central - Chameleon
Chameleon - Chihuahuan
Children's - Clouded
Clouded - Coastal
Coastal - Collared
Collared - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Coral
Coral - Crocodile
Crocodile - Culebra
Culebra - Cuvier's
Cuvier's - Dekay's
Dekay's - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Dominican
Dominican - Dunmall's
Dunn's - East
East - Eastern
Eastern - Eastern
Eastern - Eastern
Eastern - Elliot's
Elliot's - Euphrates
Euphrates - Eyelash
Eyelash - False
False - Feline
Female - Fish-scaled
Fisk's - Florida
Florida - Forskal
Forsten's - Galapagos
Galapagos - Gharial-skull
Ghost - Gilbert's
Gilbert's - Golden-spotted
Golden-tailed - Grassland
Gravenhorst's - Greater
Greater - Green
Green - Green
Green-bellied - Guatemalan
Guatemalan - Haitian
Haitian - Herald
Herero - Hooded
Hook-nosed - Horsfield’s
Horvath's - Iberian
Iberian - Indian
Indian - Indo-pacific
Indo-Pacific - Isla
Isla - Jameson's
Jan's - John
John's - Kenya
Kenya - Kirman
Klamath - Kukri
Kura - Lagartija-arbolera
Lagartija-cornuda - Lagarto
Lagarto-escorpión - Large-scaled
Large-spotted - Leaf-toed
Leaf-toed - Levant
Levantine - Little
Little - Long-tailed
Long-tailed - Macaurel
Macklot's - Magnetic
Mahabaleshwar - Malaysian
Malaysian - Many
Many - Marcy's
Marcy's - Mcgregor's
Meadow - Mexican
Mexican - Miaodao
Middle - Mohave
Mohave - Mojave
Mojave - Moreltt's
Morning - Mountain
Mountain - Mud
Mud - Namib
Namib - New
New - Nitsche's
No - North
North-western - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Oaxaca
Oaxacan - Orange-naped
Orange-throated - Ornated
Orsini's - Pacific
Pacific - Panama
Panamint - Parrot-beaked
Parson's - Periquitambóia
Perisan - Peruvian
Peruvian - Pinewoods
Pink - Pointed
Pond - Pug
Pug-nosed - Radiated
Rainbow - Red
Red - Red-bellied
Red-bellied - Red-sided
Red-spotted - Reticulated
Reticulated - Ringed
Ringed - Rock
Romeshkan - Rough-tailed
Roughtail - Russian
Russian - Salomon
Salt - San
San - Santa
Santa - Saw-scaled
Saw-scaled - Schott's
Schreiber's - Sharp-tailed
Sharpnose - Short-nosed
Short-nosed - Sidewinder
SIdewinder - Sistan
Six - Slider
Slider - Smith’s
Smooth - Snake
Snake - Solomon
Somali - South
South - Southern
Southern - Southern
Southern - Speckled
Speckled - Spiny
Spiny - Spotted
Spotted - Sri
Sri - Stoliczka's
Storm's - Striped
Striped - Sunbeam
Sunbeam - Tawny
Taylor's - Texas
Texas - Three-toed
Three-toed - Tommy
Tooran - Tree
Tree - True
Tsavo - Twin-barred
Twin-spot - Urokan
Urutu - Variegated
Variegated - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - Wall
Wall - Werner's
Wesafrican - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - White-headed
White-headed - Woma
Woma - Yellow
Yellow-back - Yellow-spotted
Yellow-spotted - Zarudny's
Zauneidechse - Zweifel’s

CalPhotos is a project of BNHM   University of California, Berkeley

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this page last updated: Feb 5, 2025