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Last updated: Jan 25 2025

Click on one of the links below to display a representative photo for each name in the range shown. Each link brings up 32 thumbnail photos.

scientific names common names
Abarema - Abies
Abies - Abronia
Abronia - Abutilon
Abutilon - Acacia
Acacia - Acacia
Acacia - Acalypha
Acalypha - Acanthus
Acaulon - Acer
Acer - Acer
Acer - Achillea
Achillea - Acleisanthes
Acleisanthes - Acmispon
Acmispon - Aconitum
Aconitum - Actaea
Actaea - Adenium
Adenocalymma - Adiantum
Adiantum - Adoxa
Adromischus - Aeonium
Aeonium - Aesculus
Aethionema - Agastache
Agastache - Agave
Agave - Agave
Agave - Agave
Agave - Ageratina
Ageratina - Aglaia
Aglaia - Agoseris
Agoseris - Agrostis
Agrostocrinum - Albizia
Albizia - Aldama
Aldama - Allamanda
Allamanda - Allium
Allium - Allium
Allium - Allium
Allium - Allium
Allium - Alnus
Alnus - Aloe
Aloe - Aloe
Aloe - Aloe
Aloe - Aloe
Aloe - Alopecurus
Alopecurus - Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria - Amaranthus
Amaranthus - Ambrosia
Ambrosia - Amelanchier
Amelanchier - Amorphophallus
Amorphophallus - Amsinckia
Amsinckia - Anacamptis
Anacamptis - Anchusa
Anchusa - Androsace
Androsace - Andryala
Aneilema - Anemone
Anemone - Anemopaegma
Anemopaegma - Angraecum
Angraecum - Anoectochilus
Anogramma - Antennaria
Antennaria - Anthurium
Anthurium - Antirrhinum
Antirrhinum - Anulocaulis
Apera - Aphyllon
Aphyllon - Aquilegia
Aquilegia - Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis - Arabis
Arabis - Arbutus
Arbutus - Arctostaphylos
Arctostaphylos - Arctostaphylos
Arctostaphylos - Arctostaphylos
Arctostaphylos - Arctostaphylos
Arctostaphylos - Ardisia
Ardisia - Argemone
Argemone - Argythamnia
Argythamnia - Arisaema
Arisaema - Aristolochia
Aristolochia - Armeria
Armeria - Aronia
Arpophyllum - Artemisia
Artemisia - Artemisia
Artemisia - Arum
Arum - Asclepias
Asclepias - Asclepias
Asclepias - Asimina
Aspalathus - Asphodelus
Asphodelus - Asplenium
Asplenium - Asplenium
Asplenium - Aster
Aster - Asteromenia
Asteronema - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astragalus
Astragalus - Astrophytum
Astrophytum - Athyrium
Athyrium - Atriplex
Atriplex - Atriplex
Atriplex - Aureuthobium
Aurinia - Axonopus
Ayenia - Baccharis
Baccharis - Bacopa
Bacopa - Balduina
Ballota - Banksia
Banksia - Baptisia
Baptisia - Bassia
Batis - Beesia
Beesia - Begonia
Begonia - Berberis
Berberis - Berberis
Berberis - Berzelia
Berzelia - Betula
Betula - Bidens
Bidens - Bistorta
Bituminaria - Blechnum
Blennosperma - Bocconia
Bocconia - Boechera
Boechera - Boehmeria
Boehmeria - Bomarea
Bomarea - Boschniakia
Boscia - Botrychium
Botrychium - Bouteloua
Bouteloua - Brachylaena
Brachylaena - Brassavola
Brassavola - Brassica
Brassica - Brickellia
Brickellia - Brodiaea
Brodiaea - Bromus
Bromus - Bromus
Bromus - Brunfelsia
Brunfelsia - Buchnera
Buckiella - Bulbinella
Bulbophyllum - Bursera
Bursera - Caesalpinia
Caesalpinia - Caladenia
Caladenia - Calamovilfa
Calandrinia - Calceolaria
Calceolaria - California
Calla - Callisia
Callisia - Calluna
Calocasia - Calochortus
Calochortus - Calochortus
Calochortus - Calochortus
Calochortus - Calycadenia
Calycadenia - Calypso
Calyptocarpus - Calystegia
Calystegia - Calystegia
Calystegia - Camellia
Camellia - Camissonia
Camissonia - Campanula
Campanula - Campanula
Campanula - Campanula
Campanula - Canna
Canna - Capsicum
Capsicum - Cardamine
Cardamine - Carduus
Carduus - Carex
Carex - Carex
Carex - Carex
Carex - Carex
Carex - Carex
Carex - Carex
Carex - Carex
Carex - Carphephorus
Carphephorus - Carum
Carya - Cassia
Cassia - Castillega
Castilleja - Castilleja
Castilleja - Castilleja
Castilleja - Castilleja
Castilleja - Castilleja
Castilleja - Catasetum
Catha - Caulanthus
Caulanthus - Caulerpa
Caulophyllum - Ceanothus
Ceanothus - Ceanothus
Ceanothus - Ceanothus
Ceanothus - Ceiba
Ceiba - Cenchrus
Cenchrus - Centaurea
Centaurea - Centaurea
Centaurea - Centromedia
Centropogon - Ceradenia
Ceradenia - Ceratophyllum
Ceratostigma - Cercocarpus
Cercocarpus - Ceropegia
Ceroxylon - Chaenactis
Chaenactis - Chaetadelpha
Chaetanthera - Chamaecyparis
Chamaecyparis - Chamaesyce
Chamaesyce - Chamerion
Chamerion - Cheilanthes
Cheilanthes - Chelonanthus
Chelone - Chenopodium
Chenopodium - Chloracantha
Chloracantha - Chlorophytum
Chlorophytum - Chondrophycus
Chondrophycus - Chorizanthe
Chorizanthe - Chorizanthe
Chorizanthe - Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum - Chrysothamnus
Chrysothamnus - Chylismia
Chylismia - Cicuta
Cicuta - Cirsium
Cirsium - Cirsium
Cirsium - Cirsium
Cirsium - Cirsium
Cirsium - Cistanthe
Cistus - Citrus
Citrus - Cladophora
Cladophora - Clarkia
Clarkia - Clarkia
Clarkia - Claytonia
Claytonia - Claytonia
Clebionus - Clematis
Clematis - Clematis
Clematis - Clermontia
Clermontia - Climacium
Clinopodium - Cnidoscolus
Cnidoscolus - Codiaeum
Codium - Colchicum
Colchicum - Collinsia
Collinsia - Collomia
Collomia - Comandra
Comandra - Commelina
Commelina - Condalia
Condalia - Conophytum
Conophytum - Convolvulus
Convolvulus - Coprosma
Coprosma - Cordia
Cordia - Cordylanthus
Cordylanthus - Coreopsis
Coreopsis - Cornus
Cornus - Coronilla
Coronilla - Corydalis
Corydalis - Corymbia
Corymbia - Coryphantha
Coryphantha - Costus
Costus - Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster - Craspedia
Crassocephalum - Crassula
Crassula - Crassula
Crassula - Cremnophila
Crepidium - Crepis
Crepis - Crocanthemum
Crocanthemum - Crocus
Crocus - Croton
Croton - Crumia
Crupina - Cryptantha
Cryptantha - Cryptantha
Cryptantha - Cryptantha
Cryptantha - Crysophila
Ctenanthe - Cucurbita
Cucurbita - Cuphea
Cupressocyparis - Curtisia
Cuscuta - Cuscuta
Cuscuta - Cyathea
Cyathea - Cyathea
Cyathea - Cyclamen
Cyclamen - Cylindropuntia
Cylindropuntia - Cylindropuntia
Cylindropuntia - Cymopterus
Cymopterus - Cynanchum
Cynanchum - Cyperus
Cyperus - Cypripedium
Cypripedium - Cyrtomium
Cyrtonium - Dactylis
Dactylis - Dactylorhiza
Dactylorhiza - Dalea
Dalea - Dalechampia
Dalechampia - Daphne
Daphne - Dasyphyllum
Dasyphyllum - Davallia
Davallia - Deinandra
Deinandra - Delphinium
Delphinium - Delphinium
Delphinium - Delphinium
Delphinium - Dendrobium
Dendrobium - Dendrobium
Dendrobium - Derbesia
Derbesia - Desmarestia
Desmarestia - Dianella
Dianella - Dianthus
Dianthus - Dichaea
Dichaea - Dichondra
Dichondra - Dictamnus
Dictamnus - Dieffenbachia
Dierama - Digitalis
Digitalus - Dioon
Dioon - Diospyros
Diospyros - Diplacus
Diplacus - Diplarrena
Diplazium - Dipsacus
Dipsacus - Dissanthelium
Dissotis - Dodecatheon
Dodecatheon - Doellingeria
Doellingeria - Doryopteris
Doryopteris - Downingia
Draba - Draba
Draba - Dracaena
Dracaena - Drosera
Drosera - Drosera
Drosera - Drosera
Drosera - Drosera
Drosera - Drymaria
Drymaria - Dryopteris
Dryopteris - Dryopteris
Dryopteris - Dudleya
Dudleya - Dudleya
Dudleya - Dulichium
Dumasia - Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste - Echeveria
Echeveria - Echeveria
Echeveria - Echinocactus
Echinocactus - Echinocereus
Echinocereus - Echinocereus
Echinocereus - Echinocereus
Echinochloa - Echinops
Echinops - Echinopsis
Echinopsis - Echium
Echium - Eisenia
Eisenia - Elaphoglossum
Elaphoglossum - Eleocharis
Eleocharis - Eleusine
Elleanthus - Elymus
Elymus - Emilia
Emilia - Enceliopsis
Enceliopsis - Encyclia
Encyclia - Ephedera
Ephedra - Epidendrum
Epidendrum - Epilobium
Epilobium - Epimedium
Epimedium - Epiphyllum
Epipogium - Equisetum
Equisetum - Eremogone
Eremogone - Eremothera
Eremothera - Eriastrum
Eriastrum - Erica
Erica - Ericameria
Ericameria - Ericameria
Ericameria - Erigeron
Erigeron - Erigeron
Erigeron - Erigeron
Erigeron - Erigeron
Erigeron - Erigeron
Erigeron - Eriocoma
Eriocoma - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriogonum
Eriogonum - Eriophyllum
Eriophyllum - Eriosyce
Eriosyce - Erophila
Errazurizia - Eryngium
Eryngium - Erysimum
Erysimum - Erythranthe
Erythranthe - Erythranthe
Erythranthe - Erythrina
Erythrina - Erythronium
Erythronium - Escallonia
Escallonia - Escobaria
Escobaria - Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus - Eucnide
Eucnide - Euonymus
Euonymus - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euphorbia
Euphorbia - Euploca
Euptelea - Eutrochium
Eutrochium - Facheiroa
Fagonia - Fauchea
Faurea - Ferocactus
Ferocactus - Festuca
Festuca - Festuca
Fibigia - Ficus
Ficus - Filago
Filicium - Flexitrichum
Floerkea - Fouquieria
Fouquieria - Frangula
Frangula - Frasera
Frasera - Fremontodendron
Fremontodendron - Fritillaria
Fritillaria - Froelichia
Froelichia - Fumaria
Fumaria - Gaillardia
Gaillardia - Galinsoga
Galium - Galium
Galium - Galium
Galium - Galvezia
Gambelia - Garrya
Garrya - Gaultheria
Gaultheria - Gazania
Gazania - Gemmabryum
Genipa - Gentiana
Gentiana - Gentiana
Gentiana - Gentianella
Gentianella - Geranium
Geranium - Geranium
Geranium - Geranium
Geranium - Geum
Geum - Gilia
Gilia - Gilia
Gilia - Gilia
Gilia - Githopsis
Githopsis - Glandularia
Glandularia - Globularia
Globularia - Glycine
Glycyrrhiza - Gongora
Gonioma - Govenia
Gracilaria - Graptoveria
Graptoveria - Grevillea
Grevillea - Grindelia
Grindelia - Grusonia
Grusonia - Gunnera
Gunnera - Gymnadenia
Gymnadenia - Gymnocalycium
Gymnocalycium - Habenaria
Habenaria - Hackelia
Hackelia - Halimeda
Halimeda - Hamelia
Hamelia - Hastingsia
Hastingsia - Haworthia
Haworthia - Hazardia
Hazardia - Hedeoma
Hedeoma - Hedysarum
Hedysarum - Heliamphora
Helianthella - Helianthus
Helianthus - Helianthus
Helianthus - Heliconia
Heliconia - Heliotropium
Heliotropium - Heloniopsis
Helwingia - Hennediella
Henrya - Herniaria
Herniaria - Hesperocnide
Hesperocyparis - Hesperostipa
Hesperostipa - Heterosperma
Heterospermum - Heterotheca
Heterotheca - Heuchera
Heuchera - Hibiscus
Hibiscus - Hieracium
Hieracium - Hieracium
Hieracium - Histiopteris
Histrionicus - Holocarpha
Holocarpha - Homalothecium
Homalothecium - Hordeum
Hordeum - Horkelia
Horkelia - Hosackia
Hosackia - Howittia
Hoya - Humata
Humata - Hybanthus
Hydnophytum - Hydrolithon
Hydrolithon - Hylotelephium
Hymemoxys - Hymenophyllum
Hymenophyllum - Hyoscyamus
Hyoseris - Hypericum
Hypericum - Hypocalymma
Hypochaeris - Iberis
Iberis - Ilex
Ilex - Impatiens
Impatiens - Inula
Inula - Ipomoea
Ipomoea - Ipomoea
Ipomoea - Ipomoea
Ipomoea - Ipomopsis
Ipomopsis - Iris
Iris - Iris
Iris - Isocoma
Isocoma - Isopyrum
Isothecium - Ivesia
Ivesia - Jacobaea
Jacobaea - Jasminum
Jasminum - Jepsonia
Jepsonia - Juncus
Juncus - Juncus
Juncus - Juncus
Juncus - Juniperus
Juniperus - Justicia
Justicia - Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe - Keckiella
Keckiella - Kigelia
Kiggelaria - Kochia
Kochia - Krameria
Krameria - Lachenalia
Lachenalia - Lactuca
Lactuca - Laetiporus
Lagarostrobos - Laminaria
Laminaria - Lantana
Lantana - Larix
Larix - Lasthenia
Lasthenia - Lathyrus
Lathyrus - Lathyrus
Lathyrus - Lavatera
Lavatera - Lebeckia
Lebeckia - Lemna
Lemna - Lepechinia
Lepechinia - Lepidium
Lepidium - Leptecophylla
Leptinella - Leptosiphon
Leptosiphon - Leptospermum
Leptospermum - Lessingia
Lessingia - Leucadendron
Leucaena - Leucophyllum
Leucophyllum - Levisticum
Lewisia - Lewisia
Lewisia - Liatris
Liatris - Ligusticum
Ligusticum - Lilium
Lilium - Lilium
Lilium - Limnanthes
Limnanthes - Linanthus
Linanthus - Linanthus
Linanthus - Lindernia
Lindernia_dubia - Linum
Linum - Liparis
Lipocarpha - Lithodora
Lithodora - Lithops
Lithops - Lithospermum
Lithospermum - Lobelia
Lobelia - Lobelia
Lobelia - Logfia
Logfia - Lomatium
Lomatium - Lomatium
Lomatium - Lomatium
Lomatium - Lonicera
Lonicera - Lophophora
Lophophora - Lotus
Lotus - Lucanthemum
Luculia - Lundia
Lunularia - Lupinus
Lupinus - Lupinus
Lupinus - Lupinus
Lupinus - Lupinus
Lupinus - Lupinus
Lupinus - Luzula
Luzula - Lycianthes
Lycianthes - Lycopodiella
Lycopodiella - Lygodesmia
Lygodesmia - Lysimachia
Lysimachia - Mabea
Mabea - Macroptilium
Macroptilium - Maesa
Maesa - Magnolia
Magnolia - Maida
Maihuenia - Malacothamnus
Malacothamnus - Malacothrix
Malacothrix - Malus
Malus - Malvaviscus
Malvaviscus - Mammillaria
Mammillaria - Mammillaria
Mammillaria - Mammillaria
Mammillaria - Mammillaria
Mammillaria - Manfreda
Manfreda - Marah
Marah - Marsdenia
Marselia - Masdevallia
Massonia - Matucana
Matudaea - Mazus
Mazus - Medicago
Medicago - Melaleuca
Melaleuca - Melampyrum
Melampyrum - Melica
Melica - Melosperma
Melothria - Mentzelia
Mentzelia - Mentzelia
Mentzelia - Mertensia
Mertensia - Metalasia
Metaneckera - Miconia
Miconia - Microcladia
Microdictyon - Microseris
Microseris - Millingtonia
Miltassia - Mimulus
Mimulus - Mimulus
Mimulus - Mimulus
Mimulus - Minuartia
Minuartia - Mirabilis
Mirabilis - Mitella
Mitella - Molinia
Mollugo - Monarda
Monardella - Monardella
Monardella - Monolopia
Monolopia - Montiopsis
Monttea - Mortonia
Mortonia - Muhlenbergia
Muhlenbergia - Musa
Musa - Myoporum
Myosotis - Myrica
Myricaria - Myrsine
Myrtillocactus - Nama
Nama - Narcissus
Narcissus - Navarretia
Navarretia - Navarretia
Navarretia - Nemacaulis
Nemacaulis - Nemacldus
Nemastylis - Nemophilia
Neobakeria - Neoporteria
Neoporteria - Nepenthes
Nepenthes - Nepenthes
Nepeta - Nerium
Nertera - Nicotiana
Nidema - Nolana
Nolana - Nothofagus
Nothofagus - Notocactus
Notocactus - Nymphaea
Nymphaea - Ocimum
Ocimum - Oenothera
Oenothera - Oenothera
Oenothera - Oenothera
Oenothera - Olea
Olea - Oncdium
Oncidium - Ononis
Ononis - Ophiorrhiza
Ophiorrhiza - Ophrys
Ophrys - Opuntia
Opuntia - Opuntia
Opuntia - Opuntia
Opuntia - Opuntia
Opuntia - Opuntia
Orbea - Orchis
Orchis - Oreocarya
Oreocereus - Origanum
Origanum - Orobanche
Orobanche - Orobanche
Orobanche - Orthophytum
Orthosiphon - Orthotrichum
Orthotrichum - Osmorhiza
Osmorhiza - Ouratea
Owenia - Oxalis
Oxalis - Oxalis
Oxalis - Oxytropis
Oxytropis - Pachycereus
Pachycereus - Pachystima
Pachyveria - Packera
Packera - Paeonia
Paeonia - Pandanus
Pandanus - Papaver
Papaver - Paphiopedilum
Paphiopedilum - Paris
Parkinsonia - Parodia
Parodia - Parthenium
Parthenium - Passiflora
Passiflora - Passiflora
Pastinaca - Pectis
Pectis - Pedicularis
Pedicularis - Pedicularis
Pedilanthus - Pelargonium
Pelargonium - Pelargonium
Pelargonium - Pellaea
Pellaea - Peniocereus
Peniocereus - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Penstemon
Penstemon - Pentagramma
Pentagramma - Peperomia
Peperomia - Perideridia
Perideridia - Perityle
Perityle - Persea
Persicaria - Petalostemum
Petasites - Petrosedum
Petrosedum - Phacelia
Phacelia - Phacelia
Phacelia - Phacelia
Phacelia - Phacelia
Phacelia - Phacelia
Phacelia - Phacelia
Phacelia - Phalaris
Phascum - Philadelphus
Philadelphus - Phleum
Phleum - Phlox
Phlox - Phlox
Phlox - Phoradendron
Phoradendron - Phragmites
Phragmites - Phyllobolus
Phyllobolus - Physalis
Physalis - Physaria
Physaria - Physostegia
Physostegia - Picea
Picea - Pilocereus
Pilocereus - Pinguicula
Pinguicula - Pinguicula
Pinguicula - Pinus
Pinus - Pinus
Pinus - Pinus
Pinus - Pinus
Pinus - Pisonia
Pisonia - Pittosporum
Pittosporum - Plagiobothrys
Plagiobothrys - Plagiobothrys
Plagiobothrys - Plagiomnium
Plagiomnium - Plantago
Plantago - Platanthera
Platanthera - Platanus
Platanus - Plectranthus
Plectranthus - Plectritis
Plectritis - Pleopeltis
Pleopeltis - Pleurothallis
Pleurothallis - Plumeria
Plumeria - Poa
Poa - Podocarpus
Podocarpus - Pohlia
Pohlia - Polemonium
Polemonium - Polygala
Polygala - Polygonatum
Polygonatum - Polygonum
Polygonum - Polymnia
Polymnia - Polypodium
Polypodium - Polystichum
Polystichum - Ponthieva
Popogyne - Porophyllum
Porophyllum - Potamogeton
Potamogeton - Potentilla
Potentilla - Potentilla
Potentilla - Potentilla
Potentilla - Pratia
Pratia - Primula
Primula - Primula
Primula - Primula
Primula - Pritchardia
Pritchardia - Prosartes
Prosartes - Protea
Protea - Prunus
Prunus - Prunus
Prunus - Prunus
Prunus - Pseudobahia
Pseudobahia - Pseudolithos
Pseudolobivia - Psilactis
Psilocarphus - Psorothamnus
Psorothamnus - Pterigynandrum
Pteris - Pterosiphonia
Pterospermum - Pulmonaria
Pulmonaria - Purshia
Purshia - Pyrethropsis
Pyrethrum - Pyrrocoma
Pyrrocoma - Quercus
Quercus - Quercus
Quercus - Quercus
Quercus - Quercus
Quercus - Quercus
Quercus - Quercus
Quercus - Raffenaldia
Rafinesquia - Ranunculus
Ranunculus - Ranunculus
Ranunculus - Ranunculus
Ranunculus - Ranunculus
Ranunculus - Ravenea
Ravenella - Rebutia
Rebutia - Retrophyllum
Reverchonia - Rhamnus
Rhamnus - Rhinotropsis
Rhipidosiphon - Rhodococcum
Rhododendren - Rhododendron
Rhododendron - Rhododendron
Rhododendron - Rhododendron
Rhododendron - Rhododendron
Rhodohypoxis - Rhus
Rhus - Rhynchostylis
Rhytidiadelphus - Ribes
Ribes - Ribes
Ribes - Rigeron
Rigiopappus - Romanzoffia
Romneya - Rorippa
Rorippa - Rosa
Rosa - Roscoea
Roscoea - Rubus
Rubus - Rubus
Rubus - Rudbeckia
Rudbeckia - Ruellia
Ruellia - Rumex
Rumex - Ruta
Ruta - Saccharum
Sacciolepis - Sagittaria
Sagittaria - Salix
Salix - Salix
Salix - Salix
Salix - Salvia
Salvia - Salvia
Salvia - Salvia
Salvia - Salvia
Salvia - Salvia
Salvia - Salvia
Salvia - Salvia
Salvia - Sambucus
Sambucus - Sanicula
Sanicula - Saponaria
Saponaria - Sargassum
Sargassum - Sarracenia
Sarracenia - Saurauia
Saurauia - Saxifraga
Saxifraga - Saxifraga
Saxifraga - Saxifraga
Saxifraga - Scaevola
Scaevola - Schinus
Schinus - Schoenocrambe
Schoenolirion - Scindapsus
Scirpus - Sclerocactus
Sclerocactus - Scouleria
Scouleria - Scutellaria
Scutellaria - Securigera
Sedella - Sedum
Sedum - Sedum
Sedum - Sedum
Sedum - Sedum
Sedum - Selaginella
Selaginella - Selliguea
Semele - Senecio
Senecio - Senecio
Senecio - Senecio
Senecio - Senecio
Senecio - Senecio
Senecio - Senegalia
Senegalia - Senna
Senna - Sericodes
Seringia - Setaria
Setaria - Sibthorpia
Sibthorpia - Sidalcea
Sidalcea - Sidalcea
Sidalcea - Sidotheca
Sieversia - Silene
Silene - Silene
Silene - Silphium
Silphium - Sisyrinchium
Sisyrinchium - Sixalix
Skimmia - Solandra
Solandra - Solanum
Solanum - Solanum
Solanum - Solidago
Solidago - Solidago
Solidago - Sonchus
Sonchus - Sorbus
Sorbus - Sparaxis
Sparaxis - Spathiphyllum
Spathodea - Sphacelaria
Sphaeralcea - Sphaeralcea
Sphaeralcea - Sphedamnocarpus
Sphenopholis - Spiraea
Spiraea - Sporobolus
Sporobolus - Stachys
Stachys - Stackhousia
Stackhousia - Stegnosperma
Stelis - Stenanthera
Stenanthium - Stenotus
Stenotus - Sterculia
Sterculia - Stipa
Stipa - Stipa
Stipa - Streptanthus
Streptanthus - Streptanthus
Streptanthus - Streptopelia
Streptopus - Strychnos
Strychnos - Styphnolobium
Styrax - Sutera
Sutherlandia - Symphorycarpos
Symphyotrichum - Symphyotrichum
Symphyotrichum - Symphytum
Symphytum - Synthyris
Syntrichia - Syzygium
Syzygium - Tagetes
Tagetes - Tanacetum
Tanacetum - Tauschia
Tauschia - Tectaria
Tectaria - Tephroseris
Tephroseris - Tetracoccus
Tetracoccus - Tetraneuris
Tetraneuris - Teucrium
Teucrium - Thalictrum
Thalictrum - Thelocactus
Thelocactus - Thelypteris
Thelypteris - Thermopsis
Thermopsis - Thlaspi
Thlaspi - Thymbra
Thymelaea - Thysanocarpus
Thysanocarpus - Tilia
Tilia - Tillandsia
Tillandsia - Tithymalus
Tmesipteris - Torenia
Torenia - Townsendia
Townsendia - Toxicoscordium
Toxiscordion - Tradescantia
Tragia - Triantha
Triantha - Trichosanthes
Trichostema - Trientalis
Trientalis - Trifolium
Trifolium - Trifolium
Trifolium - Trifolium
Trifolium - Trifolium
Trifolium - Trigonella
Trigonella - Trillium
Trillium - Tripleurospermum
Tripoganda - Triteleia
Triteleia - Triumfetta
Triumfetta - Tsuga
Tsuga - Turbinicarpus
Turbinicarpus - Ugni
Ugni - Uncarina
Uncarina - Utahia
Utricularia - Utricularia
Utricularia - Vaccinium
Vaccinium - Vaccinium
Vaccinium - Valeriana
Valeriana - Vancouveria
Vancouveria - Veratrum
Veratrum - Verbena
Verbena - Verbesina
Verbesina - Veronica
Veronica - Veronica
Veronica - Viburnum
Viburnum - Vicia
Vicia - Victoria
Vida - Viola
Viola - Viola
Viola - Viola
Viola - Viola
Viola - Vitaliana
Vitex - Vulpia
Vulpia - Watsonia
Watsonia - Wibelia
Widdringtonia - Woodwardia
Woodwardia - Xanthisma
Xanthisma - Xerochrysum
Xeroderris - Yavia
Yermo - Yucca
Yucca - Zanardinula
Zannichellia - Zeltnera
Zeltnera - Zinnia
Zinnia - Zygotritonia
'ae - 2-stigma
2.7 - Abrams'
Abrams' - Acai
Acanthus-leaved - Adams'
Adam’s - African
African - African
African - Agárkosbor
Agassiz - Ajamete
Ajania - Alaska
Alaska - Alderleaf
Alderleaf - Algerian
Algerian - Alkali
Alkali - Alkali
Alkali - Allegany
Allegheny - Almez
Almond - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alpine
Alpine - Alvin
Alvord - Amazon
Ambiguous - American
American - American
American - American
American - American
American - American
American - Amur
Amur - Anderson
Anderson's - Anemone
Anemone - Anglefruit
Anglestem - Annual
Annual - Annual
Annual - Annual
Annual - Annual
Annual - Antioch
Antioch - Apple
Apple - Aquatic
Arabian - Arctic
Arctic - Argentine
Argentine - Arizona
Arizona - Arizona
Arizona - Arizona
Arizona - Aromatic
Aromatic - Arrow-leaf
Arrow-leaf - Arrowleaf
Arrowleaf - Artichoke
Artichoke - Ash-gray
Ash-gray - Ashy
Ashy - Aspen
Aspen - Atherton
Athysanus - Australian
Australian - Austrian
Austrian - Avens
Avocado - Azami
Azolla - Baby
Baby - Baccton
Bach's - Baiguo
Baiguo - Baja
Baja - Baker's
Baker's - Baldwin
Baldwin - Ballhead
Ballhead - Balsam
Balsam - Bamboo
Bamboo - Baneberry
Baneberry - Barberry
Barberton - Barrel
Barrel - Basil
Basil - Bastard
Bastard - Bay
Bay - Beach
Beach - Beach
Beach - Beach
Beach - Beaked
Beaked - Bear's
Bear's - Bearded
Bearded - Beardtongue
Beardtongue - Beautiful
Beautiful - Beavertail
Beavertail - Bee
Bee - Beehive
Beehive - Bell-shape
Bella - Bengal
Beni - Berlandier's
Berlandier's - Bicknell
Bicknell - Big
Big - Big
Big - Big
Big - Big-cone
Big-fruited - Big-toothed
Bigberry - Bigelow's
Bigelow's - Bigelow's
Bigelows - Bigleaf
Bigleaf - Bindweed
Bindweed - Bird
Bird - Bird's-beak
Bird's-beak - Bird-foot
Bird-in-a-bush - Birdnest
Birdnest - Bishop
Bishop's - Bitter
Bitter - Bitter-cress
Bitter-cress - Biznaga
Biznaga - Black
Black - Black
Black - Black
Black - Black
Black - Black
Black - Black-tipped
Black/common - Blackhaw
Blackheaded - Bladder
Bladder - Blagay's
Blair - Blazing
Blazing - Blessed
Blind - Blood-flower
Blooddrops - Blue
Blue - blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue
Blue - Blue-eyed
Blue-eyed - Bluebell
Bluebell - Bluedicks
Bluefield - Blueweed
Blueweed - Bluntleaf
Bluntlobe - Bog
Bog - Bog
Bog - Bolander
Bolander - Bolander's
Bolander's - Bolanders
Bolbonac - Bonny
Bonny - Bootlace
Bopis - Botta's
Botta's - Bouncingbet
Bouncingbet - Box-leaved
Box-leaved - Bracted
Bracted - Branched
Branched - Brandegee's
Brandegee's - Brazilian
Brazilian - Brewer's
Brewer's - Brewer's
Brewer's - Brewer's
Brewer's - Bridge's
Bridge's - Brisbane
Brisbane - Bristly
Bristly - Bristly
Bristly - Brittle
Brittle - Broad
Broad - Broad-leafed
Broad-leafed - Broad-leaved
Broad-Leaved - Broad-tooth
Broad-toothed - Broadleaf
Broadleaf - Bromegrass
Bromeliad - Broom
Broom - Broomcorn
Broomleaf - Brown
Brown - Brown-eyed
Brown-eyed - Browneyes
Browneyes - Brussels
Bryce - Buckhorn
Buckhorn - Budsage
Buff - Bugle
Bugle - Bull
Bull - Bullrush
Bullthistle - Bur
Bur - Burning
Burnt - Bursage
Burscale - Bush
Bush - Bush
Bush - Bushrue
Bushveld - Butte
Butte - Butter-and-eggs
Butter-and-eggs - Butterfly
Butterfly - Butterweed
Butterweed - Buttonsage
Buttonweed - Cabeza
Cacao - Cailfornia
Cainito - Calfornia
Calfornia - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California
California - California-flannelbush
California-nutmeg - Caltha-leaved
Calthaleaf - Camomile
Camomilla - Campion
Campion - Canada
Canada - Canadian
Canadian - Canary
Canary - Canby's
Canby's - Candlestick
Candlesticks - Canna
Canna - Canyon
Canyon - Canyon
Canyon - Cape
Cape - Caper
Caper - Caraway-leaved
Carawayleaf - Cardón
Cardon - Carmel
Carmel - Carolina
Carolina - Carpet
Carpet - Caryophyllaceae
Casa - Cascade
Cascade - Castlegar
Castor - Catalina
Catalina - Catclaw
Catclaw - Catsclaw
Catseye - Cedar
Cedar - Cenizo
Cenizo - Chaffweed
Chagual - Chalk-ledge
Chamaesyce - Changeable
Changeable - Chaparral
Chaparral - Chaparral
Chaparral - Chaparral
Chaparral - Charleston
Charleston - Checker
Checker - Checkered
Checkered - Chenopodiaceae
Chequen - Chicalote
Chicalote. - Chicory
Chicory - Chihuahuan
Chihuahuan - Chilean
Chilean - Chilicothe
Chillean - Chinchweed
Chinese - Chinese
Chinese - Chinese
Chinese - Chinese
Chinese - Chirahui
Chirajo - Chocolate
Chocolate - Chollas
Chomonque - Chuckawallabush
Chuckwalla - Cigar
Cigar - Cinquefoil
Cinquefoil - Clammy
Clammy - Clark
Clark's - Claspleaf
Clausen - Clay
Clay - Cleome
Cleveland - Cliff
Cliff - Cliff
Cliff - Cliffrose
Clift - Climbing
Climbing - Close-flowered
Close-throated - Club
Club - Clusi's
Clusius - Clustered
Clustered - Coarse-flowered
Coarsegold - Coast
Coast - Coast
Coast - Coast
Coast - Coast
Coast - Coast
Coast - Coast
Coast - Coastal
Coastal - Coastal
Coastal - Coastal
Coastal - Coastal
Coastal - Coastal
Coastal - Cobwebb
Cobwebby - Cockspur
Cockspur - Coffee
Coffee - Coleman's
Coleman's - Colorado
Colorado - Coltsfoot
Colubrina - Columbine
Columbine - Commelina
Commelina - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Concha
Conchocelis - Congdon's
Congdon's - Contorted
Contorted - Cooper
Cooper - Cooper's
Coopers - Copper-lily
Copperbush - Coralbean
Coralbells - Corkey
Corkseed - Corn-lily
Corn-lily - Corsican
Corsican - Cotton
Cotton - Cottontop
Cottontop - Coulter's
Coulter's - Coves'
Coves' - Cow
Cow - Cowpen
Cowpen - Coyote
Coyote - Crag-lily
Craig - Crassula
Crassulaceae - Cream
Cream - Creeping
Creeping - Creeping
Creeping - Creeping
Creeping - Creosotebush
Crepe - Crestrib
Cretan - Crimson
Crimson - Crispate-leaved
Crisped - Crowberry
Crowberry - Crows-foot
Crowsfoot - Cub
Cuban - Cuesta
Culantrillo - Cup
Cup - Curl-leaf
Curl-leaf - Curly-leaved
Curly-top - Curvenut
Curvenut - Cushion
Cushion - Cusi
Cusick - Cut-leaf
Cut-leaf - Cut-leaved
Cut-leaved - Cutleaf
Cutleaf - Cuyama
Cuyamaca - Cypress
Cypress - Daikon
Dainty - Dames
Damianita - Dark-eyed
Dark-eyed - Darwin
Darwin - Davidson's
Davidson's - Davy's
Davy's - Deane's
Deane's - Death
Death - Deer
Deer - Deerhorn
Deerhorn - Delta
Delta - Dense
Dense - Dense-fruited
Dense-leaved - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert
Desert - Desert-rose
Desert-sunflower - Detling's
Deu - Devil's
Devil's - Devils
Devils - Diamond-petaled
Diamondflowers - Diffuseflower
Digby's - Dissected
Dissected - Dobiepod
Doca - Dog-tooth
Dogbane - Dolomitian
Dolores - Dot-seed
Dotleaf - Doubleclaw
Doubleclaw - Douglas
Douglas - Douglas'
Douglas' - Douglas'
Douglas' - Douglas'
Douglas' - DouglasÕ
Douglas’ - Downy
Downy - downy
Downy - Drooping
Drooping - Drummond's
Drummond's - Dudley's
Dudley's - Dune
Dune - dune
Dune-broom - Dusky
Dusky - Dutchman's
Dutchman's-breeches - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dwarf
Dwarf - Dyers
Dynamic - Early
Early - Earth
earth - Eastern
Eastern - Eastern
Eastern - Eastern
Eastwood - Eaton
Eaton's - Edwards
Edwards' - Eisen's
Eisen's - Elegant
Elegant - Elegant
Elegant - Elephant's
Elephant's - Ellington
Elliott - Emory's
Emory's - Encino
Encino - Engelmann's
Engelmann's - English
English - Epine-vinette
Epiphyllum - Erman's
Erodium - Estrellita
Estrellita - Eurasian
Eureka - European
European - European
European - Even
Evening - Eveningsnow
Everblooming - Everlasting
Everlasting - Fabaceae
Faber's - Fairy
Fairy - Fall
Falling - False
False - False
False - False
False - False
False - False-flowering
False-lily-of-the-valley - Fanleaf
Fanleaf - Fascicled
Fashine - Feather
Featherflower - Fee's
Fehér - Fendler
Fendler - Fendler's
Fendler's - Fern
Fern - Fernleaf
Fernleaf - Few
Few - Few-flowered
Few-flowered - Fewleaf
Fewleaf - Field
Field - Field
Field - Field
Field - Fiftycmwide
Fig - Fine-leaf
Fine-leaved - Fire
Fire - Firecrackerbush
Firecraker - Fish
Fish - Fitch's
Fitweed - Fivefinger
Fivehook - Flame
Flame - Flat-leaf
Flat-leaved - Flatcrown
Flatcrown - Flax-leaf
Flax-leaf - Fleabane
Fleabane - Flex
Flint - Flor
Flor - Florida
Florida - Flowering
Flowering - Fly
Fly - Fools
Foolx92s - Foothill
Foothill - Footstool
Foreland - Forest
Forest - Forked
Forked - Fountain
Fountain - Four-petaled
Four-petaled - Fox-Tail
Fox-tail - Foxtail
Foxtail - Fragrant
Fragrant - fragrant-snow
Frailejon - Freckled
freckled - Fremont
Fremont - Fremont's
Fremont's - Fremont's
Fremont's - Fresno
Fresno - Fringed
Fringed - Fringed
Fringed - Fringed
Fringed - Frost
Frost - Fuchsia-flower
Fuchsia-flowered - Furnete
Furrowed - Galapagos
Galápagos - Gamble
Gamble - Garber's
Garber's - Garden
Garden - Garland
Garland - Genipa
Genoa - German
German - Ghost
Ghost - Giant
Giant - Giant
Giant - Giant
Giant - Giant
Giant - Giant
Giant - Giant
Giant - Gilman's
Gilman's - Glade
Glades - Glandular
Glandular - Glaucus
Glittering - Globeflower
Globemallow - Glume's
Glumeless - Goji
Goji - Gold-cup
Gold-eye - Golden
Golden - Golden
Golden - Golden
Golden - Golden
Golden - Golden
Golden - Golden
Golden - Golden
Golden - Golden-rayed
Golden-spined - Goldenchinquapin
Goldenclub - Goldenthread
Goldenthread - Goni
Good-king-henry - Goose-foot
Goose-foot - Goosegrass
Goosegrass - Graceful
Graceful - Grama-seda
Gramillia - Granite
Granite - Grape
Grape - Grass
Grass - Grassleaf
Grassleaf - Gray
Gray - Gray
Gray - Gray
Gray - Gray's
Gray's - Great
Great - Great
Great - Great
Great - Great
Great - Greater
Greater - Green
Green - Green
Green - Green
Green - Green
Green - Greenband
Greenbark - Greene's
Greene's - Gregg's
Gregg's - Grimes
Grinell's - Groovestem
Grosskoepfige - Ground
Ground - Guadalupe
Guadalupe - Guerigo
Guernsey - Gum
Gumbo - Gunsight
Gunsight - Gypsum
Gypsum - Hairless
Hairpin - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairy
Hairy - Hairypod
Hairyprairie - Hall's
Hall's - Hall's
Hall's - Hansen's
Hansen's - Hardheads
Harding - Harkness's
Harlequin - Hartweg's
Hartweg's - Hartweg's
Hartweg's - Havard's
Havard's - Hawksbeard
Hawksbeard - Hayfiled
Haymaids - Heart
Heart - Heart-leaved
Heart-leaved - Heartleaf
Heartleaf - Heat
Heated - Heckard's
Heckner's - Hedgehog
Hedgehog - Heermann's
Heermann's - Heller's
Heller's - Henderson's
Henderson's - Herb
Herb - Hesperostipa
Hesperostipa - Hierba
Hierba - Hierba
Hierba - Higuerilla
Hiker's - Hillside
Hillside - Himalayaberry
Himalayan - Hinckley's
Hind's - Hoary
Hoary - Hoary
Hoary - Hoary
Hoary - Hoffman
Hoffman's - Holcoglossum
Hole - Holly
Holly-grape - Hollyleaf
Hollyleaf - Honey
Honey - Hongkong
Honohono - Hook
Hooked - Hooker's
Hooker's - Hooker's
Hooker's - Hoover's
Hoover's - Hopseed
Hoptree - Horned
Horned - Horsebean
Horsebrush - Hoskett
Hosokola - Hound's-tongue
Hound's-tongue - Howell's
Howell's - Howell's
Howell's - Hucklberry
Huckleberry - Humboldt
Humboldt - Hummingbird
Hummingbird - Hyalineherb
Hybrid - Hybrid
Hybrid - Ice
Ice - Idahoe
Idria - Imbricate
Immortelle - Indian
Indian - Indian
Indian - Indian
Indian - Indian
Indian - Indian-pipe
Indian-plum - Inhaiba
Ink - Interior
Interior - Interwoven
Interwoven - Inyo
Inyo - Iris
Iris - Isalo
Isalo - Island
Island - Island
Island - Italian
Italian - Ivy
Ivy - Jaca
Jacaranda - Jacob's
Jacob's - James
James - Japanese
Japanese - Japanese
Japanese - Japanese
Japanese - Java
Java - Jepson
Jepson's - Jepsons
Jersey - Jewel
Jeweled - Jimson
Jimson - Johnny-jump-up
Johnny-Nip - Jointed
Jointed - Jones'
Jones' - Júbare
Jubata - Junegrass
Jungle - Kahila
Kahili - Kangaroo
Kangaroo - Karoo
Karoo - Kechesowi
Keck's - Kellogg's
Kellogg's - Kennedy's
Kennedy's - Kern
Kern - Kidneyleaf
Kidneyleaf - King's
King's - Kingcup
Kingcup - Klamath
Klamath - Klammath
Klein - Knotted
Knotted - Koki'o
Koki'o - Korean
Korean - Kuhi'aikamo'owahie
Kuhur - Lablab
Lablab - Lacepod
Lacepod - Lady
Lady - Lady's
Lady's - Lahontan
Lahontan - Lambert
Lambert - Lance-leaf
Lance-leaf - Lance-leaved
Lance-leaved - Lanceleafed
Lanceleaved - Larchleaf
Large - Large
Large - Large
Large - Large-flowered
Large-flowered - Large-flowered
Large-flowered - Large-leaved
Large-Leaved - Largeflower
Largeflower - Larger
Larger - Lassen
Lassen - Laurel-leaf
Laurestine - Lavenderleaf
Lavenderleaf - Leachlobe
Lead - Leafy
Leafy - Leafy
Leafy - Leather
Leather - Leathery
Leavenworth's - Leichtlin
Leichtlin's - Lemmon's
Lemmon's - Lemmon's
Lemmon's - Lemon-colored
Lemon-flowered - Lentisco
Leonard - Lesser
Lesser - Lesser
Lesser - Leverbloempje
Leverkruid - Lewis's
Lewisia - Lilac
Lilac - Lily
Lily - Limestone
Limestone - Lindhemier's
Lindley - Linearleaf
Linearleaf - Little
Little - Little
Little - Little
Little - Little
Little - Little
Little - Little-leaved
Little-leaved - Littleleaf
Littleleaf - Live
Live - Lizardtail
Llalante - Lobed
Lobed-leaf - Loesel's
Loiusiana - Long
Long - Long-beaked
Long-beaked - Long-headed
Long-headed - Long-petaled
Long-rayed - Long-stem
Long-stem - Longhorn
Longhorn - Longspike
Longspine - Look-zonder-look
Loomis - Lotebush
Lotebush - Lovage
Love - Low
Low - Lowland
Lowland - Lupine
Lupine - Lycopodium
Lyngbye' - Macdougal
MacDougal - Madagascan
Madagascan - Madroño
Madroño - Maguey
Maguey - Maiden
Maiden - Mala
Mala - Maltese
Maltese - Manchurian
Manchurian - Manioc
Manitoba - Many-bristle
Many-colored - Many-flowered
Many-fruited - Manyflower
Manyflower - Manystems
Manzanailla - Maple-leaf
Maple-leaf - Marcescent
Marcescent - Marin
Marin - Mariposa
Mariposa - Maroonspot
Marram - Marsh
Marsh - Marsh
Marsh - Marsh
Marsh - Mary
Maryland - Mat
Mat - Matt
Matt-forming - Maul
maul - Mayweed
Mccabe - Meadow
Meadow - meadow
Meadow - Meadow-foam
Meadow-lupine - Medinilla
Mediterranean - Medusa-head
Medusahead - Mendocino
Mendocino - Menzies's
Menzies's - Mescal
Mescal - Mexicam
Mexican - Mexican
Mexican - Mexican
Mexican - Mexican
Mexican - Mexican
Mexican - Mexican
Mexican - Michael's
Michael's - Mile-a-minute-vine
Miles' - Milkweed
Milkweed - Mindanao
Miner - Miners'
Minerslettuce - Mint-leaf
Mint-leaved - Missouri
Missouri - Mkuze
Mnt. - Modest
Modest - Mohave
Mohave - Mojave
Mojave - Mojave
Mojave - Mojave
Mojave - Mojave
Mojave - Money
Money - Monkey's
Monkey-flower - Monkshood
Monkshood - Montara
Montara - Montery
Montery - Moose-horn
Moose-horn - Mormodes
Mormon - Morning-glory
Morning-glory - Moss
Moss - Moth
Moth - Mount
Mount - Mount
Mount - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountain
Mountain - Mountaingrape
Mountainmahogany - Mouse-ear
Mouse-eared - Mt.
Mt. - Mt.
Mt. - Mt.
Mt. - Mudflat
Mudflat - Mule
Mule - Muller's
Multiflora - Murdock's
Murray - Mustang
Mustang - Mysore
Mysore - Naked
Naked - Naked-stemmed
Naked-stemmed - Napa
Napa - Narrow
Narrow - Narrow
Narrow - Narrow-leaf
Narrow-leaf - Narrow-leaved
Narrow-leaved - Narrow-leaved
Narrow-leaved - Narrow-leaved
Narrow-leaved - Narrow-petaled
Narrow-pod - Narrowleaf
Narrowleaf - Narrowleaf
Narrowleaf - Narrowleaf
Narrowleaf - Nasturtium
Natal - Navarretia
Navarretia - Needle
Needle - Nelson's
Nelson's - Nettle-leaved
Nettle-leaved - Nevada
Nevada - Nevada
Nevada - Nevin's
Nevin's - New
New - New
New - Newberry's
Newberry's - Night
Night - Nine
Nine - No
No - Nodding
Nodding - Nolina
Nome - Nopal
Nopal - North
North - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Norway
Norway - Notch-petaledbush
Notched - Nuttall
Nuttall - Nuttall's
Nuttall's - Nuttall's
Nuttall's - Oakland
Oakland - Obtuse
Obtuse - Ocotillo
Ocotillo - Ohlone
Oil - Old
Old - Oldfashioned
Oldfield - Olympic
Olympic - One-flowered
One-flowered - One-sided
One-sided - Onion
Onion - Oppositeleaf
Oppositeleaf - Orange
Orange - Orange
Orange - Orchid
Orchid - Orchid
Orchid - Orchid
Orchid - Orchid
Orchid - Orchid
Orchid - Orcutt's
Orcutt's - Oregon
Oregon - Oregon
Oregon - Oregon
Oregon - Oregon
Oregon - Organ
Organ - Ornamental
Ornamental - Osoberry
Osterhout's - Our
Ouse - Ovalleaf
Ovalleaf - Owl's
Owl's - Oxford
Oxlip - Pacific
Pacific - Pacific
Pacific - Pacific
Pacific - Pacific
Pacific - Packer's
Packera - Paintbrush
Paintbrush - Pale
Pale - pale
Pale - Pale
Pale - pale
Pale - Palillo
Pallid - Palmate
Palmate-bracted - Palmer's
Palmer's - Palmer's
Palmer's - Palmilla
Palmilla - Palo
Palo - Pampass
Panakenake - Panamint
Panamint - Panicled
Panicled - Papaya
Papaya - Paperbark
Paperbark - Paramela
Paramo - Parish's
Parish's - Parish's
Parish's - Parlor
Parney's - Parry
Parry - Parry's
Parry's - Parry's
Parry's - Parry's
Parry's - Parsely
Parsley - Passion
Passion - Pattipan
Patton - Peachleaf
Peacock - Pearlwort
Pearly - Pedunculate
Peeble - Pellitory
Pellitory - Pendleton
Pendulous - Penny
Penny-cress - Pepper
Pepper - Peral
Peraly - Perennial
Perennial - Perfume
Perfume - Persian
Persian - Petiver's
Petrocelis - Phlox
Phlox - Pickerel-weed
Pickerelweed - Pigeonwood
Piggy-back - Pilo
Pilo - Pincushion
Pincushion - Pine
Pine - Pine
Pine - Pineapple
Pineapple - Pinemat
Pinemat - Pink
Pink - Pink
Pink - Pink
Pink - Pink
Pink - Pink
Pink - Pinkava
Pinkbracted - Pinnated
Pinnateleaf - Pino
Pinoche - Pinto
Piñuela - Piper's
Piper's - Pismo
Pismo - Pitcher
Pitcher - Piute
Piute - Plains
Plains - Plane
Planetree - Plateilema
Platinum - Plumas
Plumas - Plummer's
Plummer's - Point
Point - Poison
poison - Pokeweed
Pokeweed - Pomegranate
Pomegranate - Pool
Pool - Poppy
Poppy - Portland
Portugese - Poverty
Poverty - Prairie
Prairie - Prairie
Prairie - Prairie
Prairie - Prayer
Prealpine - Prickle-grass
Prickle-leaf - Prickly
Prickly - Prickly
Prickly - Pride
Pride - Primrose
Primrose - Princessflower
Princesstree - Procumbent
Procumbent - Prostrate
Prostrate - Pt.
Pt. - Puffcalyx
Puget - Pumpwood
Puna - PurdyÕs
Puriri - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple
Purple - Purple-flowered
Purple-flowered - Purpledisk
Purpleflower - Pursh
Pursh's - Pussy
Pussy - Pygmy
Pygmy - pygmy
Pygmy - Q
Q - Queen
Queen - Quilembay
Quilete - Rabbit's
Rabbit's - Racemed
Racemed - Ragwort
Ragwort - Rainier
Rainier - Rampion
Rampion - Ranunculaceae
Ranunculaceae - Rata
Ratany - Rattlesnake
Rattlesnake - Ray's
Rayed - Rayless
Rayless - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red
Red - Red-leaved
Red-milkwood - Red-stem
Red-stemmed - Redflower
Redflower - Redsepal
Redshank - Redwood
Redwood - Refugio
Refugio - Resurrection
Resurrection - Ribbed
Ribbon - Riddell's
Riddell's - Rincon
Rincon - River
River - Roble
Roble - Rock
Rock - Rock
Rock - Rock
Rock - Rock
Rock - Rock-
Rock-ash - Rockjasmine
rockjasmine - Rocky
Rocky - Rocky
Rocky - Rocky
Rocky - Rollins
Roman - Rosamond
Rosary - Rose
Rose - Rose-colored
Rose-flowered - Roseroot
Roseroot - Rosy
Rosy - Rosy
Rosy - Rough
Rough - Rough
Rough - Rough
Rough - Roughfruit
Roughleaf - Round-headed
Round-headed - Round-leaved
Round-leaved - Roundhead
Roundhooded - Roundleaf
Roundleaf - Royal
Royal - Ruby
Ruby - Rusby's
Rusby's - Russet
Russet-haired - Rusty
Rusty - Rye
Rye - Sacramento
Sacramento - Safflower
Saffron - Sagebrush
Sagebrush - Sailtilla
Sainfoin - Salmon
Salmon - Salt
Salt - Saltmarsh
Saltmarsh - Salvina
Salvinia - San
San - San
San - San
San - San
San - San
San - San
San - San
San - San
San - San
San - Sand
Sand - Sand
Sand - Sand
Sand - Sand
Sand-aster - Sandberg's
Sandberg's - Sandpaper
Sandpaper - Sanicula
Sankeroot - Santa
Santa - Santa
Santa - Santa
Santa - Santa
Santa - Sapphire
Sapphire - Satin
Satin - Saw
Saw-leaf - Sawtootheed
Saxifragaceae - Scaleleaf
Scalet - Scarlet
Scarlet - Scarlet
Scarlet - Scarlet
Scarlet - Scented
Scented - Schott
Schott - Scotch
Scotch - Scouler
Scouler - Scouler`s
Scouring - Scrub
Scrub - Sea
Sea - Sea
Sea - Sea
Sea - Sea
Sea-blite - Seaoats
Seapink - Seaside
Seaside - Seaside
Seaside - Sedum
Seed-box - Sego
Sego - Senna
Sensitiva - Serpentine
Serpentine - Serpentine
Serpentine - Serrated
Serrated - Sessileflower
Setchell's - Shaggy
Shaggy - Sharp
Sharp - Sharptooth
Sharsmith - Shasta
Shasta - Shaw's
Shaw's - Shephards
Shepherd's - Shin
Shin-leaf - Shining
Shining - Shinyleaf
Shinyleaf - Shoeblackplant
Shoestring - Shore
Shore - Short
Short - Short-leaf
Short-leaf - Short-seed
Short-seeded - Shorthorn
Shorthorn - Shortspur
Shortstalk - Showy
Showy - Showy
Showy - Showy
Showy - Shrub
Shrub - Shrubby
Shrubby - Siberian
Siberian - Sickle
Sickle - Side-oats
Side-oats - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierra
Sierra - Sierran
Sierran - Silk-cotton
Silk-cotton - Silky
Silky - Silver
Silver - Silver
Silver - Silver
Silver - Silver
Silver - Silver-weed
Silverback - Silverleaf
Silverleaf - Silvery
Silvery - Sina
Sínala - Singleleaf
Singleleaf - Siskiyou
Siskiyou - Siskiyou
Siskiyou - Sitka
Sitka - Skeletonweed
Skeletonweed - Skunkbush
Skunkbush - Skypilot
Skyrocket - Slender
Slender - Slender
Slender - Slender
Slender - Slender
Slender - Slender
Slender - Slender
Slender - Slender
Slender - Slender-pod
Slender-pod - Slendertube
Slickrock - Slimy
Slink - Small
Small - Small
Small - Small
Small - Small
Small - Small-flower
Small-flower - Small-flowered
Small-flowered - Small-flowered
Small-flowered - Small-flowered
Small-flowered - Small-leaved
Small-leaved - Smallflower
Smallflower - Smallflower
Smallflower - Smallhop
Smallleaf - Smith's
Smoke - Smooth
Smooth - Smooth
Smooth - Smooth
Smooth - Smooth
Smooth - Smoothstem
Smoothstem - Snakehead
Snakeherb - Snow
Snow - Snow
Snow - Snowberry
Snowberry - Snub
Snub - Soda
Sodaville - Soft
Soft - Sombra
Sombrero - Sonoran
Sonoran - Soopolallie
Sophora - Sourwood
South - Southern
Southern - Southern
Southern - Southern
Southern - Southern
Southern - Southtern
Southwest - Sovelo
Sow - Spanish
Spanish - Sparse-flowered
Sparse-flowered - Spearleaf
Spearleaf - Speedwell
Speedwell - Spider
Spider - Spiked
Spiked - Spineflower
Spineflower - Spiny
Spiny - Spiny
Spiny - Spiny
Spiny - Splendid
Splendid - Spotless
Spotless - Spotted
Spotted - Spotted
Spotted - Spotted
Spotted - Spreading
Spreading - Spreading
Spreading - Spring
Spring - Spruce
Spruce-fir - Spurry
Square - Squawcarpet
Squawfeather - St.
St. - Staircase
Stairstep - Star
Star - Star
Star - Starflower
Starflower - Starvation
Starved - Stebbins's
Stebbins's - Stemless
Stemless - Stemless
Stemless - Sticks
Stickseed - Sticky
Sticky - Sticky
Sticky - Sticky
Sticky - Sticky
Sticky - Stickystem
Stickywilly - Stiffbranch
Stiffleaf - Stink
Stink - Stinkwort
Stinkwort - Stonecrop
Stonecrop - Straightleaf
Straighttube - Strawberry
Strawberry - Streambank
Streambank - Streamside
Streamside - Striped
Striped - Sub-alpine
Sub-alpine - Subarctic
Subcongesta - Sugar
Sugar - Suksdorf's
Suksdorf's - Sulphur
Sulphur - Sulphur-flower
Sulphur-flower - Summer
Summer - Sun
Sun - Sunflowr
Sunnyside - Suurberg
Svalbard - Swamp
Swamp - Swamp
Swamp - Sweet
Sweet - Sweet
Sweet - Sweet
Sweet - Sweetflag
Sweetgum - Sword
Sword - Tabaco
Tabaquillo - Tailcup
Tailcup - Tall
Tall - Tall
Tall - Tall
Tall - Tall
Tall - Talus
Talus - Tammin
Tan - Tanoak
Tanoak - Tansyleaf
Tansyleaf - Tarawera
Tarbush - Tasmanian
Tasmanian - Tauschia
Tavachin - Tecate
Tecate - Tehipite
Tehipite - Tenpetal
Tenpetal - Texas
Texas - Texas
Texas - Texas
Texas - Texas
Texas - Thick
Thick - Thick-root
Thick-rooted - Thicksepal
Thickstem - Thinleaf
Thinleaf - Thompson's
Thompson's - Thorny
Thorny - Thread-stalk
Thread-stem - Threadleaf
Threadstalk - Three-fingered
Three-flower - Three-spine
Three-spine - Threenerve
Threenerve - Thurber's
Thurber's - Thyme-leaf
Thyme-leaf - Tibetan
Tibey - Tidy
tidy - Timber
Timberland - Tiny
Tiny - Toad
Toad - Tobosa
Tobosa - Toloache
Toloache. - Tongue
Tongue - Toothed
Toothed - Tornillo
Tornleaf - Torrey's
Torrey's - Torrey's
Torrey's - Tough-leaved
Toughleaf - Tracy
Tracy's - Trailing
Trailing - Trans-pecos
Trans-pecos - Traunfellner's
Traunsteiner's - Tree
Tree - Tree
Tree - Trelease's
Trelease's - Trieste
Trifid - Triphysaria
Triphysaria - Tropical
Tropical - True
True - Trunkee
Trunking - Tucson
Tucum - Tufted
Tufted - Tulip
Tulip - Tunnel
Tuolumne - Turkey-mullein
Turkey-Pea - Turpentine
Turpentine - Tweedy's
Tweedy's - Twinberry
Twinberry - Twist-spine
Twisted - Two-color
Two-color - Two-petal
Two-petaled - Typical
Tyrol - Umbrella
Umbrella - Uña
Una - Unknown
Unknown - Unspotted
Untchj's - Usambara
Ussuri - Utah
Utah - Valley
Valley - Valley
Valley - Vanilla
Vanilla - Variable
variable - Varied-leaved
Variedleaf - Vasey's
Vasey's - Velvet
Velvet - Velvet-leaved
Velvet-leaved - Venus
Venus - Vernal
Vernal - Vervain
Vervain - Vine
Vine-leaved - Violet
Violet - Virgate
Virgate - Virginia
Virginia - Viscid
Viscid - Vollmer's
Vortriede's - Wall
Wall - Wallflower
Wallflower - Wand
Wand - Warnock's
Warnock's - Wasp
Wasserdost. - Water
Water - Water
Water - Water
Water - Water-leaf
Water-leaf - Waterleaf
Waterlily - Watson's
Watson's - Wavy-leafed
Wavy-leaved - Wavyleaf
Wavyleaf - Waxy
Waxy - Weaverville
Webber - Wedgeleaf
Wedgeleaf - Weeping
Weigela - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - Weston's
Wetland - Where
Wherrey's - Whisker
Whisker - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White
White - White-bracted
White-bracted - White-flowering
White-grain - White-rayed
White-seringa - White-tipped
White-top - Whiteflower
Whiteflower - Whitemargin
Whitemargin - Whitestem
Whitestem - Whitewhorl
Whitewood - Whole-leaved
Wholeleaf - Wickerstem
Wickes - Wiesensalbei
Wieslander's - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wild
Wild - Wildrye
Wilga - Willow
Willow - Willowherb
Willowherb - Windmills
Windowbox - Wing-fruit
Wing-fruit - Winged
Winged-Nut - Winter
Winter - Wire
Wire - Wishbone
Wishbone - Wocomah
Wolf - Wonga
Wonnich - Wood
Wood - Woodcock
Woodcock - Woodland
Woodland - Woodland
Woodland - Woodyfruit
Woolen - Woolly
Woolly - Woolly
Woolly - Woolly
Woolly - Woolly
Woolly - Woolly-head
Woolly-headed - Woollypod
Woollypod - Wooly
Wooly - Wooly
Wooly - Wooton
Wooton's - Wright
Wright - Wright's
Wright's - Wyoming
Wyoming - Yambush
Yampa - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow-beak
Yellow-beak - Yellow-ray
Yellow-ray - Yellowflower
Yellowflower - Yerba
Yerba - Yerba
Yerba-mansa - Yosemite
Yosemite - Yulan
Yuma - Zapotillo
Zarabacoa - Zigzag
Zigzag - Zygadene
  - Zygadene

CalPhotos is a project of BNHM   University of California, Berkeley

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this page last updated: Jan 25, 2025