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Last updated: Feb 09 2025

Click on one of the links below to display a representative photo for each name in the range shown. Each link brings up 32 thumbnail photos.

scientific names common names
Abacoleptus - Acerra
Acharia - Acneus
Acneus - Acropteris
Acrosternum - Aedes
Aedia - Aetole
Aetole - Agonopterix
Agonopterix - Agrius
Agrochola - Aleuroplatus
Aleurothrixus - Amblonoxia
Amblyptilia - Amphipyra
Amphipyra - Anastrangalia
Anatis - Andrena
Andrena - Andricus
Andricus - Anoncia
Anoncia - Anthia
Anthia - Apamea
Apamea - Apion
Apion - Apteroloma
Apterona - Argia
Argia - Argyresthia
Argyresthia - Aristotelia
Arla - Asphondylia
Asphondylia - Atta
Atta - Bactra
Bactra - Belenois
Belenois - Bledius
Boisea - Bombus
Bombus - Bourletiella
Bovicola - Bryptropha
Bucculatrix - Cacoecimorpha
Caconeura - Calisto
Callhistia - Callistege
Callisthenes - Calopteryx
Calopteryx - Campaea
Campaea - Caripeta
Carmenta - Catocala
Catocala - Cauchas
Caudatella - Ceratina
Ceratina - Chalcoela
Chalcolepidius - Cheilomenes
Cheilomenes - Chionodes
Chionodes - Chlorochroa
Chloroclysta - Choroterpes
Chorthippus - Chrysops
Chrysops - Cimex
Cinacanthus - Clostera
Closterocoris - Coenagrion
Coenagrion - Colias
Colias - Comadia
Cometaster - Cordulia
Coreus - Crambus
Crambus - Cryptophlebia
Cryptorhopalum - Cyclocephala
Cyclochila - Cyme
Cymothales - Danaus
Danaus - Decticus
Decticus - Deraeocoris
Dermestes - Diastictis
Diastictis - Dicyphus
Diedra - Diplacodes
Diplacodes - Dissosteira
Distoleon - Drasteria
Drasteria - Dyotopasta
Dysaphis - Ectinogonia
Ectobius - Elachista
Elachista - Embola
Embola - ennomos
Ennomos - Epibembex
Epiblema - Epinotia
Epinotia - Eremochrysa
Eremochrysa - Erynnis
Erynnis - Ethmia
Ethmia - Eucopina
Eucopina - Eudryas
Eudryas - Euphaedra
Euphaedra - Eupithecia
Eupithecia - Euschmidtia
Euscobipalpa - Exyra
Exyra - Filatima
Flatida - Gelechia
Gelechia - Glyphipterix
Glyphodes - Gonometa
Gorgythion - Greya
Griposia - Hadena
Hadraule - Harmandiola
Harmonia - Heliolonche
Heliolonche - Hemijana
Hemileuca - Herpetogramma
Hesperagrion - Heteropsis
Heteropteryx - Homaemus
Homalodisca - Hyalophora
Hyaloscotes - Hyles
Hymenocoris - Hypsopygia
Hystrichophora - Idiostatus
Imma - Isonychia
Isoperla - Junonia
Junonia - Kuwania
Labarrus - Laphria
Laphria - Lepidosaphes
Lepidostoma - Lestes
Lestes - Leucospis
Leucozona - Limenitis
Limenitis - Lixus
Lixus - Lucanus
Luceria - Lyssa
Lythria - Macrostemum
Macrotermes - Marpesia
Marpesia - Megarhyssa
Megarhyssa - Melissodes
Melitaea - Messor
Messor - Micromartinia
Micropterix - Monarthrum
Monarthrum - Morpho
Morpho - Mylabris
Mylothris - Nealyda
Neanura - Nemoria
Nemoria - Neoscythris
Neospondylis - Nezara
Nicrophorus - Notiophilus
Notocelia - Ochraethes
Ochropacha - Oeneis
Oeneis - Omus
Oncideres - Orchesia
Ordobrevia - Orthetrum
Orthetrum - Osmia
Osmia - Pachydiplax
Pachylia - Pandemis
Panoquina - Papilio
Papilio - Paracloeodes
Paracotalpa - Pararhagadochir
Parasemidalis - Pediasia
Pediculus - Pemphigus
Pennisetia - Perizoma
Pero - Pheosia
Phereoeca - Phryganidia
Phrygionis - Phyllomacromia
Phyllonorycter - Phymatopus
Physiphora - Plagiodera
Plagiohammus - Platyptila
Platyptilia - Plodia
Plutella - Polistes
Polistes - Polyommatus
Polyommatus - Prenolepis
Prepona - Progomphus
Progomphus - Protogoniomorpha
Protolithocolletis - Pseudochironomus
Pseudocotalpa - Psyllopsis
Ptenothrix - Pyrausta
Pyrausta - Pyrrhopyge
Pyrrhopyge - Rhagio
Rhagio - Rhogogaster
Rhopalomyia - Roscius
Rostrolaetilia - Saturnia
Satyrium - Scathophaga
Scatophila - Scoparia
Scoparia - Semiardistomis
Semioscopis - Sitona
Sitona - Sparganothis
Sparganothoides - Sphecius
Sphecodes - Spilosoma
Spilosoma - Stenopelmatus
Stenopelmatus - Strymon
Strymon - Sympetrum
Sympetrum - Synoeca
Synstrophus - Tanaecia
Tanaocerus - Teleonemia
Teleorhinus - Tetramorium
Tetraopes - Thaumatomyia
Thaumatopsis - Thyris
Thyrocopa - Tipula
Tirumala - Toxoptera
Toxorhynchites - Trichodesma
Trichogomphus - Triodoclytus
Triorophus - Tropidomantis
Tropinota - Uracis
Urania - Vespina
Vespula - Wyeomyia
Xanthippus - Xyleborinus
Xylocopa - Ypsolopha
Ypsolopha - Zelus
Zelus - Zygaena
Zygaena - Zygogramma
'Gourd - Addo
Adonis - Algodones
Alkalai - Angularwinged
Anise - Arid
Aridland - Assassin
Assassin - Backswimmer
Bagworm - Bark
Bark - Bear
Bear-bodied - Bee
Bee - Besuqueiro
Beyer's - Black
Black - Black-tailed
Black-tailed - Blow
Blowfly - Blue
Blue - Bordered
Bordered - Bronze
Broom - Brown-spotted
Brown-tail - Bumble
Bumble - Butterfly
Butterfly - Cactus
Cactus - California
California - Callippe
Callippe - Castniid
Cat - Chalk
Chalk-hill - Chinese
Chinese - Citrus
Citrus - Clouded
Clouded - Columbia
Columbine - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Conehead
Coneheaded - Cottonwood
Cottonwood - Creosote
Creosote - Cucumber
Cuneate - Dark
Dark - Desert
Desert - Dirce
Dirty - Dragonfly
Dragonfly - Dustywing
Dwarf - Eastern
Eastern - Elegant
Elegant - Eufala
Eurasian - Eye-spotted
Eyed - Field
Field - Flatid
Flatid - Forked
Four-eyed - Fungus
Fungus - Geometrid
Geranium - Giant
Giant - Gold-hunter's
Gold-plated - Goldspotted
Goliath - Gray
Gray - Great
Great - Green
Green - Green-striped
Green-striped - Ground
Ground-moss - Harbison
Harford's - Heath
Heather - Hissing
Hister - Horse
Horse - Hover
Hover - Hyaline
Hydaspe - Io
Iphidamas - Jezebel
Jezebel - Keeled
Kenyan - Lady
Lady - Lappet
Lappet - Leaf
Leaf - Leaf-mimic
Leaf-rolling - Leanira
Least - Lightening
Lightening - Little
Live - Long-waisted
Longhorn - Lupine
Lupine - Magpie
Malachite - Marginated
Margined - Meadow
Meadow - Mexican
Mexican - Minute
Mission - Morpho
Morpho - Mountain
Mountain - Narrow-bordered
Narrow-necked - No
No - Northern
Northern - Oak
Oak - Opler's
Orange - Oregon
Oregon - Pacific
Pacific - Pale
Pale - Passionflower
Passionflower - Perplexing
Perplexing - Pioneer
Pioneer - Plume-winged
Point - Potter
Potter - Puget
Pumpkin - Quino
Quino - Red
Red - Red-legged
Red-necked - Resin
Rhamburs - Robin's
Rocky - Rove
Rove - Sacred
Saddled - Sara
Satin - Scarce
Scarce - Serpent
Seven-spotted - Sierra
Sierra - Silver-ground
Silver-spotted - Sky-blue
Slate - Small
Small - Small-eyed
small-headed - Soft-winged
Soft-winged - Southern
Southern - Spiked
Spindle - Spotted
Spotted - Square-legged
Square-spot - Stink
Stone - Sulphur
Sulphur - Swallowtail
Swallowtail - Syrphid
Syrphid - Tea
Ten-lined - The
The - Three-striped
Three-striped - Togarna
Toktokkie - Tricolored
Tropical - Twice
Twicestabbed - Umber
Umber - Vagrant
Vagrant - Velvet
Velvet - Volupial
Volupial - Water
Water - Western
Western - Western
Western - Western
Western - White
White - White-shouldered
White-speck - Wing-tapping
Winged - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow-headed
Yellow-legged - Yellow-headed

CalPhotos is a project of BNHM   University of California, Berkeley

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this page last updated: Feb 9, 2025