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Last updated: Dec 02 2024

Click on one of the links below to display a representative photo for each name in the range shown. Each link brings up 32 thumbnail photos.

scientific names common names
Abavorana - Adenomera
Adenomus - Agalychnis
Agalychnis - Allobates
Allobates - Alytes
Alytes - Ambystoma
Ambystoma - Ameerega
Ameerega - Amolops
Amolops - Anaxyrus
Anaxyrus - Andinobates
Andinobates - Anomaloglossus
Anomaloglossus - Aplastodiscus
Aplastodiscus - Arthroleptis
Arthroleptis - Astylosternus
Astylosternus - Atelopus
Atelopus - Barbarophryne
Barbourula - Batrachyla
Batrachyla - Boana
Boana - Boana
Boana - Bokermannohyla
Bokermannohyla - Bolitoglossa
Bolitoglossa - Bolitoglossa
Bolitoglossa - Bolitoglossa
Bolitoglossa - Bolitoglossa
Bolitoglossa - Boophis
Boophis - Boophis
Boophis - Boulenophrys
Boulenophrys - Breviceps
Breviceps - Bufotes
Bufotes - Callulina
Callulina - Centrolene
Centrolene - Charadrahyla
Charadrahyla - Chioglossa
Chioglossa - Chiropterotriton
Chiropterotriton - Cophixalus
Cophixalus - Craugastor
Craugastor - Craugastor
Craugastor - Craugastor
Craugastor - Cryptotriton
Ctenophryne - Dendrobates
Dendrobates - Dendropsophus
Dendropsophus - Dendropsophus
Dendropsophus - Dendrotriton
Dendrotriton - Desmognathus
Desmognathus - Didynamipus
Discoglossus - Dyscophus
Echinotriton - Eleutherodactylus
Eleutherodactylus - Eleutherodactylus
Eleutherodactylus - Eleutherodactylus
Eleutherodactylus - Engystomops
Engystomops - Eupsophus
Eupsophus - Eurycea
Eurycea - Fritziana
Fritziana - Gastrotheca
Gastrotheca - Gephyromantis
Gephyromantis - Gephyromantis
Gephyromantis - Guibemantis
Guibemantis - Heleioporus
Heleioporus - Hoplobatrachus
Hoplobatrachus - Hyalinobatrachium
Hydrolaetare - Hyla
Hyla - Hylarana
Hylodes - Hyloscirtus
Hyloscirtus - Hyloxalus
Hyloxalus - Hyperolius
Hyperolius - Hyperolius
Hyperolius - Hyperolius
Hyperolius - Hyperolius
Hyperolius - Hyperolius
Hypopachus - Incilius
Incilius - Indirana
Indirana - Ischnocnema
Ischnocnema - Kalophrynus
Kalophrynus - Kurixalus
Kurixalus - Leptobrachella
Leptobrachella - Leptobrachium
Leptobrachium - Leptodactylus
Leptodactylus - Leptodactylus
Leptodactylus - Leptopelis
Leptopelis - Leptopelis
Leptopelis - Limnonectes
Limnonectes - Limnonectes
Limnonectes - Litoria
Litoria - Litoria
Litoria - Liuixalus
Liuixalus - Mantella
Mantella - Mantidactylus
Mantidactylus - Melanophryniscus
Melanophryniscus - Microcaecilia
Microcaecilia - Microhyla
Microhyla - Mini
Minyobates - Nectophrynoides
Nectophrynoides - Nidirana
Noblella - Nototriton
Nototriton - Nymphargus
Nymphargus - Odorrana
Odorrana - Oedipina
Oedipina - Oophaga
Oophaga - Oreophryne
Oreophryne - Osteocephalus
Osteocephalus - Paracassina
Paradactylodon - Pelobatrachus
Pelobatrachus - Peltophryne
Peltophryne - Philautus
Philautus - Phrynobatrachus
Phrynobatrachus - Phrynoglossus
Phrynoidis - Phyllomedusa
Phyllomedusa - Physalaemus
Physalaemus - Pipa
Pipa - Plectrohyla
Plectrohyla - Plethodon
Plethodon - Plethodon
Plethodon - Polypedates
Polypedates - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Pristimantis
Pristimantis - Proceratophrys
Proceratophrys - Pseudacris
Pseudacris - Pseudoeurycea
Pseudoeurycea - Pseudopaludicola
Pseudopaludicola - Pseudophilautus
Pseudophilautus - Pseudophryne
Pseudophryne - Ptychadena
Ptychadena - Pyxicephalus
Pyxicephalus - Rana
Rana - Rana
Rana - Ranitomeya
Ranitomeya - Raorchestes
Raorchestes - Rhacophorus
Rhacophorus - Rhinella
Rhinella - Rhinella
Rhinella - Sachatamia
Salamandra - Salamandrella
Salamandrina - Schismaderma
Schistometopum - Scinax
Scinax - Scinax
Scinax - Sclerophrys
Sclerophrys - Siphonops
Siphonops - Sphaerotheca
Sphaerotheca - Strabomantis
Strabomantis - Stumpffia
Stumpffia - Taricha
Taricha - Tepuihyla
Teratohyla - Thorius
Thorius - Tomopterna
Tomopterna - Tylototriton
Tylototriton - Uperodon
Uperodon - Wolterstorffina
Wolterstorffina - Yunganastes
Yunganastes - Zhangixalus
ơ - Alberch's
Albino - Alpensalamander
Alpensalamander - Alpine
Alpine - Amazon
Amazon - Anaimalai
Anaimalai - Anji
Ankaratra - Arcuate-spotted
Argentine - Asian
Asian - Atzalan
Aura's - Bamboo
Bamboo - Barred
Barred - Berdmore’s
Bereis - Bird
Bird-voiced - Black
Black - Blackchin
Blackchin - Blue
Blue - Bocage's
Bocaina - Boreal
Boreal - Bourret's
Bourret's - Broken
Broken - Brown
Brown - Burmese
Burrowes’ - California
California - Cape
Cape - Castle
Catahoula - Central
Central - Cherokee
Cherokee - Chiriqui
Chiriqui - Cloud
Cloud-dwelling - Cobra
Coc - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Common
Common - Cope's
Cope's - Corsicaanse
Corsican - Crawfish
Crawfish - Crucifix
Crump - Cuvier's
Cuyaba - de
Dead - Discoglosse
Discoglosso - Draadstaartsa
Draadstaartsa - Dunn's
Dusky - Dybovsky's
Dyeing - Eastern
Eastern - Eastern
Eastern - Edible
Edible - Emerald-spotted
Emperor - Ensatina
Ensatina - Euprocte
Euprocte - Expected
Exquisite - Fern
Fernandez's - Fire
Fire - Florida
Florida - Fourche
Fowler's - Fuding
Fujian - Geburtshelferkroete
Geburtshelferkroete - Geotritone
Ghat - Giant
Giant - Glass
Glass - Golden
Golden - Gopher
Gordon's - Grass
Grass - Greek
Greek - Green
Green - Grenouille
Grenouille - Guajón
Guangxi - Günther's
Günther’s - Harlequin
Harlequin - Highland
Hill - Hongkong
Hoogmoed - Humboldt's
Humboldt�s - Iberische
Iberischer - Indus
Indus - Italian
Italian - Jamaican
Jambato - Jerdon's
Jerdon's - Kanawha
Kanawha - Kihansi
Kiki - Knuckles
Knudsen's - Korsika
Korsika - Kutuku
Kutukú - Langbian
Langbian - Las
Las - Lendu
Leopard - Liken
Lily - Long-legged
Long-legged - Lovely
Lovely - Lycian
Lykischer - Madrean
Magdalena - Malayan
Malayan - Maranon
Marbeled - Marmorsalamander
Marmorvesilik - Mazatlan
Mccoy's - Mexican
Mexican - Mimic
Mimic - Moltrechtis
Mombacho - Moor
Moor - Mountain
Mountain - Mudpuppy
Mudpuppy - Narrow-footed
Narrow-headed - New
New - None
None - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Northern
Northern - Ofegabous
Oita - Oregon
Oregon - Ornate
Ornate - Pacific
Pacific - Painted
Painted - Palmated
Palmer's - Paramesotriton
Parker's - Pepper
Pepper - Perereca-flautinha
Perereca-invernal - Pewzow's
Phantasmal - Pinchorra
Pine - Pleurodele
Plimpton's - Power's
Power's - Puerto
Puerto - Pyrinnean
Quacking - Rã-vitelo
Rabb's - Rana
Rana - Rana
Rana - Rana
Rana - Rana
Rana - Rana
Rana - Rana
Rana - Ranita
Ranita - Ranita
Ranita - Red
Red - Red-backed
Red-banded - Red-legged
Red-Spotted - Reticulate
Reticulate - Rio
Rio - Rockhole
Rockhole - Rough
Rough - Rusty
Rusty - Salamander
Salamander - Salamandra
Salamandra - Salamandra
Salamandra - Salamandra
Salamandra - Salamandre
Salamandre - San
San - Santeetlah
Santeetlah - Sapito
Sapito - Sapo
Sapo - Sapo-ferreiro
Sapo-folha - Savanna
Savanna - Sequoia
Sequoyah - Short
Short-flapped - Sierra
Sierra - Sinaloan
Sinaloan - Sloane's
Small - Smooth-fingered
Smooth-sided - South
South - Southern
Southern - Southern
Southern - Southwestern
Southwestern - Spélerpes
Spélerpes - Splendid
Splendid - Spotted
Spotted - Sri
Sri - Strawberry
Strawberry - Stuart's
Stuarti - Swamp
Swamp - Tanah
Tandayapa - Terai
Terai - Thorny
Thorny - Tlapacoyan
Toad - Townsend's
Trådvandsalamander - Tritão-de-patas-espalmadas
Tritão-de-patas-espalmadas - Tritón
Triton - Tubercled
Tucuman - Uakari
Ubatuba - Valley
Vampire - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - Warty
Warty - Western
Western - Western
Western - White
White - Wide-spread
Wife - Wrinkled
Wrinkled/ - Yellow
Yellow - Yellow-eyed
Yellow-eyed - Yucatan
Yucatan - “catahoula”
“cóc - “catahoula”

CalPhotos is a project of BNHM   University of California, Berkeley

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this page last updated: Dec 2, 2024