Nathan Taylor   
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I'm a passionate undergrad at SDSU involved in biology, ecology, and plant collections for the SDSU herbarium, overseen by Michael G Simpson. Most of my botanical knowledge stems from my own ambition to learn as much as I can about Southern California's floral biodiversity through heavy use of iNaturalist as well as absorbing material from books and online publications, such as Wildflowers of Orange County and the Santa Ana Mountains by Fred M. Roberts and Robert L. Allen. I'm from Western Riverside county where I do most of my exploring and photography with my Olympus TG6 camera, but I also live in San Diego while school is in session. I'm currently enrolled in a Field Botany Course at SDSU where I'm gaining extensive knowledge from renowned botanical experts like Michael G. Simpson, Dr. Lluvia Flores-rentaria, Dr. Jon Rebman, and others.
Special interests: I'm interested in rare, threatened and endangered species; particularly, discovering new locations of occurrence as well as documenting population size and health. I photograph several sensitive species from SD and Riverside counties, such as Arctostaphylos rainbowensis, Brodiaea filifolia, Quercus dumosa, and Brodiaea santarosae. I'm hoping to pursue a career that allows me to contribute to the conservation and protection of these species and more.
Total Photos Contributed: 161  [View all photos] or [See a list of all photos] or [View most recent photos]
Collection:  Private
Email address for Nathan Taylor:   (Remove "_NO_SPAM" from this email address before sending an email.)
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