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Leucopaxillus gentianeus Bitter False Funnelcap
Photographer: Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
ID: 0000 0000 1117 0528 (2017-11-09)Copyright © 2017 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
date of photo Oct 10, 2010
latitude 46.33785 longitude 13.49926
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Bovec basin, southeast slopes of Mt. Kanin Mountain group, between the dirt road to station B of Kanin cable car and the forest road toward Mt. Kopa Mountain, East Julian Alps (Posočje, Slovenia)notes Slo.: grenka velepodvihanka - syn.: Leucopaxillus amarus auct., Clitocybe gentianea Quél., Clitocybe amara sensu auct., Lepista amara sensu auct. - Habitat: Mixed forest, Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies dominant trees; moderately inclined mountain slope, southeast aspect; calcareous ground; relatively warm place; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 5-7 deg C, elevation 930 m (3.050 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil. Comment: Leucopaxillus gentianeus is a beautiful mushroom with its nicely brown, felted hut, however, with disgusting taste. Definitely not a candidate for culinary experiences! Three pilei were found; pilei diameter up to 10 cm; gills can be easily separated from trama as a separate layer; not discoloring brownish on handling (as some sources say); smell mild, indistinctive, somewhat mushroomy or mealy; taste much unpleasant, bitter, jerked, or on some chemistry, persistent; SP abundant, white. Spores minutely warty (barely visible with my equipment and in water). Dimensions: (5.2) 5.5 - 6.3 (7) x (4.1) 4.3 - 5.1 (5.6) microns; Q = (1.1) 1.14 - 1.4 (1.5); N = 30; Me = 5.9 x 4.8 microns; Qe = 1.2. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil; in water, fresh material. AmScope MA500 digital camera. Ref.: (1) Personal communication with Mr. Bojan Rot, www.gobenabovskem.si (2) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 206. (3) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.3. Verlag Mykologia (1995), p 218. (4) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Württembergs, Band 3., Ulmer (2001), p 302. (5) M. Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 162. (6) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 96. (7) http://www.mycoquebec.org/bas.php?trie=L&l=l&nom=Leucopaxillus%20gentianeus%20/%20Leucopaxille%20amer&tag=Leucopaxillus%20gentianeus&gro=36 (accessed Nov.8. 2017) (8) http://www.mushroomexpert.com/leucopaxillus_gentianeus.html (accessed Nov.8. 2017)camera Canon G11, 6.1-30mm/f2.8-4.5
contributor's ID # Bot_467/2010_IMG2973 photo category: Fungi - fungi
common names
Bitter False Funnelcap (photographer)
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