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Family Thripidae   

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Family Thripidae
Photographer: Meralina Morales
Collection: UCMP
Project: Berkeley Fossil Insect PEN

ID: 0000 2222 9825 0134 (2016-08-03)

Copyright © 2016 UCMP

  • date of photo  Sep 30, 2015
  • location   Chiapas, Mexico
  • family Thripidae
  • order Thysanoptera
  • class Insecta
  • camera   Nikon D80
  • From the collection of the UC Museum of Paleontology   Specimen No. 401643  
  • View all photos for this specimen
  • photo category: Fossil - Invertebrate
  • batch id: batchid_2016-08-03_22:50:45_7546

  • Genus and species were not provided for this photo. Sign in to review the identification or add a comment.

    Using this photo   The thumbnail photo (128x192 pixels) on this page may be freely used for personal or academic purposes without prior permission under the Fair Use provisions of US copyright law as long as the photo is clearly credited with © 2016 UCMP. For other uses, or if you have questions, contact Diane Erwin


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