date of photo Sep 16, 2015
latitude 46.36091 longitude 13.70124
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Lower Trenta valley, between villages Soča and Trenta, right bank of river Soča, 'Na Melu' place, East Julian Alps (Posočje, Slovenia)notes Slo.: labirintasta tramovka - Habitat: grassland, pasture, moderately southeast inclined foot of a mountain, shallow skeletal calcareous soil, old overgrown colluvial slope; dry and sunny place, exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 630 m (2.070 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: transversally cut surface of a Picea abies log; log lying on ground; in its late initial decaying stage. Comments: Growing in two groups of about ten pilei; pilei up to 9 x 3 cm large about 1 cm thick (6 mm trama and 4 mm pore layer); 2 - 3 lamellae/mm at the edge of the pilei; smell mild, lightly mushroomy; taste distinctly mushroomy, slightly unpleasant; 5% KOH on trama instantly black with slightly deep violet-red tint; fresh pilei tough but somewhat pliant, too firm to be broken in two pieces by hand; 5% KOH on pore surface black, slower than on trama; SP faint apparently whitish-ocher-brown, oac858 (?). Gloeophyllum trabeum is more common on broadleaved wood, but is not infrequent also on conifers. Spores smooth. Dimensions: 7,2 [8,7 ; 9,3] 10,7 x 2,7 [3,2 ; 3,5] 4 microns; Q = 2,2 [2,6 ; 2,8] 3,2; N = 35; C = 95%; Me = 9 x 3,3 microns; Qe = 2,7. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water, Congo red. AmScope MA500 digital camera. Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Večna pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF Ref.: (1) A. Bernicchia, Polyporaceaes.l., Fungi Europaei, Vol. 10., Edizioni Candusso (2005), p 249. (2) L. Ryvarden, R.L. Gilbertson, European Polypores, part 1., Synopsis Fungorum 7., Fungiflora A/S (1993), p 292. (3) J. Breitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.2. Verlag Mykologia (1986), p 310. (4) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Württembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 528. (5) W.Rothmaler, Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Vol.1, Niedere Pflanzen, Elsevier, 3.Auflage, (1994), p Nikon D700/Nikkor Micro 105mm/f2.8
contributor's ID # Bot_833/2014_DSC3720 photo category: Fungi - fungi