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Suillus bovinus; Jersey Cow Mushroom   

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Suillus bovinus
Suillus bovinus
Jersey Cow Mushroom
Photographer: Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy

ID: 0000 0000 0710 0541 (2010-07-04)

Copyright © 2010 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy

  • date of photo  Oct 2, 2009
  • latitude 46.40337   longitude 13.70669     View on Google Maps.
  • location   Zadnja Trenta valley, near ex Fjori farm house, Triglav National Park, East Julian Alps (Pososèje, Slovenia)
  • notes   Slo.: kravnjaèa, prožna lupljivka - Habitat: Grassland, former pasture overgrown with scattered Picea abies and some Larix decidua, flat sandy calcareous ground, well settled alluvial deposits, fairly sunny, exposed to direct rain, average temperature 6-8 deg C, average precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, elevation 960 m (3.150 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: mossy soil. - Comment 1: Uncertain determination. Surprising, but definitely no Pinus sp. around, but a few young Picea abies at 3-5 m (10 - 16 feet) away and a few large Larix decidua at about 10+ m (30+ feet) away. According to literature it should be mycorrhiza with Pinus sp. Unusually strongly decurent pores, cuticle sticky, 5 - 6 specimens in a loose group. Spore print faint, ocker(?). Spore dimensions: 10.0 (SD=0.7) x 4.3 (SD=0.2) micr, n=20. Motic B1-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Comment 2: Additional information has been gathered through Mr. Gregor Podgornik, NAC (Natural History Center) Tolmin, Slovenia and his colleagues Christopher Hahn, UNI Muenchen, dr. Armin Mesiæ, Institute Rudjer Boškoviæ, Zagreb and dr. Alfredo Vizzini, UNI Torino. The referees agree that this is not a normal S. bovinus, but probably one with deformed hymenophore apparently by a virus, looking like a mix between S. tridentinus and S. bovinus. - Ref.: (1) G. Pace, Vse o gobah (in Slovene), Mladinska Knjiga (1997), p 269. (2) J.Grom, Naše gobe (in Slovene), Žepna Knjiga, (1981), p 25. (3) M.Bon, Pareys Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 48. (4) R.M.Daehncke, 1200 Pilze in Farbfotos, AT Verlag (2009), p 34. (5) R.Lueder, Grundkurs Pilzbestimmung, Quelle & Mayer (2008), p 368.
  • keywords: Nikon D70 / Nikkor Micro 105mm/f2.8
  • contributor's ID #  Bot_387/2009-5517
  • photo category: Fungi - fungi

  • common names   Jersey Cow Mushroom (photographer)
  • View all photos in CalPhotos of Suillus bovinus
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  • The photographer's identification Suillus bovinus has not been reviewed. Sign in to review or comment on this photo

    Using this photo   The thumbnail photo (128x192 pixels) on this page may be freely used for personal or academic purposes without prior permission under the Fair Use provisions of US copyright law as long as the photo is clearly credited with © 2010 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy. For other uses, or if you have questions, contact Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy amadej.trnkoczy[AT] (Replace the [AT] with the @ symbol before sending an email.)


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