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Photo ID: 0000 0000 0510 0803
Current Taxon: Gilia jacens
Photographer: Aaron Schusteff
Date of photo: 2010-05-01
Location: United States, CA, San Benito County, Summit of Laguna Mountain
Photographer's ID: Gilia sp. 'Laguna Mnt' (undescribed)
Photo Submitted: 2010-05-09
Annotations: 2 annotations

Photo ©2010 Aaron Schusteff

Annotation History

Date Name Action Plant Name Before Changes Plant Name Changed to
Annotation Notes
01/11/2022 Ryan O'Dell  comment Gilia sp. 'Laguna Mnt' (undescribed)
Gilia jacens "subsp. benitensis" O'Dell. In southern San Benito County, Gilia jacens occurs on marine shale, sandstone, greywacke, chert, serpentinite, and mixed alluvium (mostly serpentinite). Generally all on rock outcrops/barrens. Those on sandstone (sandy soil) are quite tall statured (erect) with bracts much reduced in size, and large, light blue corolla - tentatively placed as Gilia jacens "subsp. joaquinana" O'Dell. Those on bedrock serpentinite (Laguna Mtn, Hepsedam Peak) are very short statured with a low, ascending to decumbent infloresence, with large purple-blue corolla having yellow corolla tube streaks - tentatively placed as Gilia jacens "subsp. benitensis" O'Dell. Overall, there appears to be some isolation and speciation in Gilia jacens of southern San Benito County, western Fresno County, and eastern Monterey County. The morphological divergence patterns are consistent for sandstone ("subsp. joaquinana") and serpentinite of Laguna Mtn ("subsp. benitensis"), but generally not for other substrate types (typical "subsp. jacens") - marine shale, greywacke, chert, and mixed alluvium (mostly serpentinite). These typical "subsp. jacens" appear nearly identical to those from the Transverse Range (core species range). It is not entirely clear how many subspecies should possibly be recognized. Under study. 
01/11/2022 Ryan O'Dell  taxon changed Gilia sp. 'Laguna Mnt' (undescribed) Gilia jacens
Gilia jacens "subsp. benitensis" O'Dell 

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  • Symphoricarpos acutus
  • Bebbia juncea var. aspera
  • Gilia cana ssp. triceps
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